Post the castle from your city

Post the castle from your city.

Hardmode: You can't post the castle if it wasn't build by your nation.

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Where is this?


The castle in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City

p comfy desu


>Hardmode: You can't post the castle if it wasn't build by your nation.
So some kangz/emperors imported foreigners just to build castles? That actually was a thing in Europe?

Jesus christ you people are backwards.

nice castle, but i am pretty sure it was build by Germans, like all Polish castles, for that matter

Well than sorry to lessen your epeen mehmed. Btw. Are you that retard who posted that piasts were german? You sound like him.

Border shifts, occupation etc. There are a lot of factors.

idk if your mind can grasp this but it would still be the locals that build, maintain, and man the castles

Oh, nevermind. I'm speaking to someone from a country that literally genocided and dispersed Germans only to claim anything good left behind them as your own.



hey, no worries friend
You are free to post the castles build by us.
Just please dont forget to mention that they are actually ours


thank you for my happy childhood, gaidar

TIL this exists. what a POS. nz has no history and is a shit country.

How did it look like?

Copernicus used to order his soldiers to crossbow the living shit out of germans from the outer walls and towers of this polish castle :^)



You're either baiting or went full leaf mode.

Looks like something from XIX century for protectiom against locals or crazied settlers. Was it a object in which administration resided?

What if the whole city is fortified

Than show it, fortified cities are good fap material. My city had a outer wall as well with more gates that are standing now, so sadly there's only some walls nowdays and just 1 gate (germans demolished the other that was standing).

pretty much, some well-to-do built it in 1882 as a lookout and "estate office" whatever that means

this pdf i found and didnt read most of might have some info

This, apparently. If I remember correctly it was for storing one of our kings wives in the past because she came from around here, Anne Boleyn. It's on one if the only high bits of land around here, I live in a very flat county, essex

Ree forgot pic

Neat, looks like the odd stuff built in the UK at that time


That's a digital picture, not even the real castle.

behold our mighty castle!

I know you silly southerner
Wew, desu you do have some nice star forts dotted around

As bland as the rest of this country.

I think that would be classified as a palace and not a castle but what do i know

Home of Elizabeth Bathory.

Looked good. Shame so many sweet old stuff was left to rot be people of ye old.

Fort monasteries are always nice. Also - rare Greek poster in this kind of threads.

She was the cousin of the Polish King and a complete nut, right?

A shame indeed. it's probably because it was a bit of a backwater, even today the ruins are surrounded by farmland. Generally castles in towns or sites here are in top condition because people actually used them

They are also in pretty good condition because they have been inhabited since they were built most of the time, our other 'homegrown' castles are over 2000 years old and pretty much just a pile of stones now, nothing too cool to see.

Is that some place in Kaliningrad?

Born in Krakow so I guess Wawel reporting in.

I've been in Meteora although it's hard to classify as a castle.

But yeah, the oldest standing/used building in Poland is a keep-monastery founded by Casimir the Great around 1020 or something. It's probably just because monasteries were always used(and still are).

Hey Polish bro, does Poland even have any Aristocracy left? Or were they all wiped out like Nicolas II and company?

What's it called, for research purposes, or pics work too.

Pic is from the walls of the great city, no longer in Greece but it was built by us.

Yes. I knew a girl who's from the family Lubienieccy but they had all their wealth stripped by commies and foreign forces and my friends far away family are Radziwiłłowie and they kept some of their cash.

Fine, what about this one?

It's called(prepare): "Bazylika mniejsza pw. Trójcy Świętej i sanktuarium Relikwii Drzewa Krzyża Świętego", no english translation for it.

Founded in 1006.

Płock, Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław, and some smaller cities have buildings around around 1050 as well but a lot of our history got, you know, wiped out due to happenings.

That's a nice citadel, so I would classify it as castle too.

no. why? it's from sterlitamak. inside this castle was filled with hobo sheet and used drug syringes, I remember

Well it looks desolated and I shit you not kaliningrad has small ruins and part of old buildings between commie blocks that look like bigger versions od this.

Mind you I thought it's a playground but I just wanted to be sure.

Yeah she killed young virgins and bathed in their blood to keep young apperance

There's no castle in my city so here you have a palace.

and we both condemn this savage killing of germans

Sieges tend to end up in killing, especially when it comes to the side that's trying to take the castle/keep/whatever.