I will travel to poo land next month, what should i expect?

I will travel to poo land next month, what should i expect?

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Get your inoculations before you go

He is from central america, he should be fine as he is

Standards of living vastly superior to those you're used to

Short, smelly brown people

Basically just Guatemala with spicier food

Oi fuck you, we might be leading the continent in child malnutrition but at least we don't shit in the streets

post skin and I'll tell you if you even look like a gaijin in india.


Well, a lot of poo...poo in every sauce, aspect and place you'll visit...staying at home in Quetzaltenango would have been a better choice, imho

Can you read this?

not a language I have ever seen.

Here is a picture of the Bhutan / India border. One side is India and the other side is Bhutan - can you figure which is which?



honestly, those are just random marks.

These streets of India look like post-apocalyptic scenarios.

Do not misunderstand me because India is growing very economically and in the future will greatly improve the quality of life. Nothing against the Indians.

People are always calling me pajeet on here
(Me on the left)

As you go out of the airport, you will see people pooing beside the road.

There are pros and cons for looking like a pajeet

* you won't be peddled by hawkers.
* you can get away doing anything that a local does (provided you don't open your mouth)

* you won't get grills.
* you won't get special VIP treatment (a reason for gaijins to visit India)

So, how do I meet a nice girl?


1. be white

la fin.

Good for me

Are indians really racist?
Do they card you for booze and cigs?
Whats the legal age to buy cigarettes?

>nobody posted this video yet

OP you MUST see this.


Expect to get diarrhea, thats unavoidable. Expect your lungs to get clogged from extreme pollution. Expect dirty subhumans surrounding you wherever you go, either begging or trying to sell u something.

Holy shit my dude why do people go here?

Don't drink water that doesn't come from a sealed bottle

You're the one who wants to go there user. So why are you going?

>Expect your lungs to get clogged from extreme pollution.

My parents wanted an "exotic" holiday, i didn't have a say in the matter

he's right though. Getting stuck in a traffic jam in an open vehicle is an all out assault on your health. Physical and mental. The constant honking alone is enough to drive you mad.

The video above gives a nice impression. It is also why I chose to travel India by night train, though that opens up a whole other level of fun. Clapping transvestites waking you up, trains running four hours late, overflown toilets, cockroaches, salesmen constantly parading up and down the carriages while shouting, and great smells all around. Though that was only one in 6 train rides, the rest were OK.

The hassle you get as a white person is also extremely tiring. Imagine the whip salesmen from the video, every day you go out on the street, multiple times. You get really good at saying no, and completely ignoring people becomes a necessity.

Would you believe it, I still had a great time in India and my trip there is one of my most cherished memories. The country is like a living meme that keeps on giving.

Poo in loo

I would like to visit India, it should be interesting.

you'll be fine. We purposely show ourselves 100X worse to British to avoid being colonized again
Also there is an india pro American on trv.he'll answer all your questions

Many thanks pajeet

said china

>dirty subhumans surrounding you wherever you go, either begging or trying to sell u something.

Why not convince them to visit Bhutan instead?

>like 80% of the country is virgin forest
>mountainous, beautiful, clean
>it's right next door to india

Expensive as fuck and very restrictive as to where you can go.

When I went to india all the people in the shops and hotels acted like I was royalty because I was white

Or get the best of both worlds and visit Sikkim, right in between Bhutan and Nepal, but still in India. Beautiful place.

I've never been there so I wouldn't know. But it's a poor central Asian country, surely it can't be THAT expensive.
>very restrictive as to where you can go
Debatable. Recently more of their country had opened up for sightseeing. You know it's a GOOD place because they go to great lengths to protect those natural and cultural treasures they have. I highly admire that.

Also allow me to shill for Bhutan a bit more with a few more pictures

Well for that i could just stay home

is it really so fucked up? Its like free for all with no rules

Its not THAT expensive but 250 USD per day per person is still a fucking lot especially compared to India.

I don't know about recent changes in its tourism policies so maybe it's less restrictive now.

Might be biased but pretty great place desu

My cousin that went to India had really long hair so every Indian called him Jesus Christ

If you are not Indian you have to pay lot of money every day to stay

you should use a protection mask

Can somebody tell me how safe is India for women? Pretty sure i can knock out one pajeet but if 20 of them comes its GG

Fine. Go to India and shit your innards out completely for all I care, I just wanted to give you good advice.


Is exotic really a requirement of this trip? I mean, you're from Central America, you could just go skiing in Austria and it'd constitute as exotic, no? Or visit Antarctica. You want something wildly different than what you're used to, no?

The guy just went through India and recorded everything he saw. That's the raw, unedited, real India without the PR and bullshit.

Sikkim is a place where nature dominates overly. Only places worth visiting are Gangtok and that pass in the northern sikkim.
Yeah we try to be nice so you don't get angry and end up invading us again

Hold on a second, Gurpreet. Do you mean that is enough for a hot indian girl, or just the many hairy ones that smell like poo?

Best India video



It's still No 2

>or just the many hairy ones that smell like poo?
Obviously for them.

Hello Davido-kun my friend.


why don't you try Dubai.

Not very

>how safe is India for women
>? Pretty sure i can knock out one pajeet
Dumb whore. You will never be as strong as a man.

>greenpeace says

if you trust no one, you'll be fine