/ausnz/ + /balt/

1 year of LOVE

Other urls found in this thread:





only important post in this itt


hmm getting a bit tired of being beaten due to my slow internet

/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /anime/


Well...this was a cute post I guess

Yes hi i'm in baltic country btw

cute gif dude

stop posting pictures of me, thanks

2D women are NOT important.



FACT: Latvian farmers are the most powerful race in the world.

No but country is baltic

They're fearsome and put russia into poverty.

Hello I'm requesting that cute Estonians would post their pictures.
Thank you for your attention.

Those who holds potato holds the power

Fuck Latvia
chek dubs


Says "Fuck Latvia"

Goes ahead and pulls a Latvian


Avg latvian

Hooroo chaps I'm off to bed. See you all tomorrow

wtf i love latvia now

We control the digit monopoly

sleep well

Don't fuck with Estonian sausages

*snorts up your digits there and then*

Not a fan of seppos. Your culture is cancer, your humour is unfunny, your accents are repulsive and your politics are atrocious.

But I like you, good night cobber.


See ya pham

Haha so I went to the library and used their network to get free music and best part they will never know ;-)

yes they will I already contacted your local police
that is what you get for lying to me

Aussie rhyming slang
Yank= Septic Tank
Seppo for short.
It's because you're all full of shit.


Come on was just a prank bro

Who here /countryroadstakemehome/?

too late mate now you are going in jail for a long time

Nothing is illegal if they don't know

>These polls should scare Trump
>10 Reasons why Hillary will lose the election
>Why a Trump win is 'impossible'
>Why Hillary's email scandal will make her lose

Pretty happy I can soon check the news without seeing this shit plastered everywhere like fucking Apple product advertisements.

>come to Sup Forums
>actually learn something culturally
w e w

enjoy having your hands cut off


What have you done to fight the Catholic Church today?

well it is illegal, but your not gonna be punished for it

Only 5 more km to walk tbqh

>enjoy having your hands cut off

fugged youre mom and gave her an abortion lmao

>what is shaira law


Looks comfy as fuck m8, actually quite jealous


When i get home i will make me a cup of hot tea and sit by the fireplace, warming my cold hands

Tell me more

*puts dick into your hands*
Hope that warms you up

>tfw 37 degree heat


still really concerned for my future lads
not sure what career i wanna do, i was thinking about construction because it always seems to be booming but not sure what sort of path under construction

It is -6 here

Mulle tundub, et kesknoored kommivad Delfis vms. Väga süstemaatiline paistab olema see kommentaaride hindamine jne. Vahepeal oleks nagu norm, siis tuleb järjest 3 dislike jne. Kesk on vahele ka jäänud sellega, mu arust see Kutser kirjutas Savika jaoks neid Delfisse. Reostavad internetti samamoodi nagu Kremliidid. Maailma kõnts.

Ära räägi Keskerakonna kohta sitta poja

I'm sure you'll think of something.

i miss home f a m ;_; ,

but can't get a job in bumfuckistan, Saaremaa ;_;

Clinton will win.
Screencap this.


If singles Trump will win

no kek

quite admiring you're digits lad

what did he mean by this?

that ur mum is gay lol

does anyone have any experience in construction?
do you wanna chip in for a lad?

Kogu meedia on äkitselt keski pooldavaks muutunud. Tehakse enneaegselt juba peaministriks ja valitsuserakonnaks.

Keskerakond on kõige parem erakond hetkel. Prove me wrong fgt

don't think I'll ever quite recover from that one 2bqh

I wonder how murikans feel about the rest of the world only watching their elections for the betting money.

Where abouts you live?

I have 60 euro on Trumpsta

I went low on him, just about 500€

For them result actually matters, so they must be serious about them

pic related is my mfw

>Meil on Kremli uks lahti
>t. Keskerakond

Polegi mõtet sul vastata millegi muuga.

Kusjuures neil ei ole ainult mitte Kremli uks, vaid Kremli tunnel.

Absoluutselt midagi ei muutunud ju keskis. Ratase valimine oli kosmeetiline protseduur.

Who's going to win next Belarussian president election?


hey lads

where's my qt submissive russian gf


killed her with a hatchet


Thanks I will free you from Batka's shackles.

You'll become Batka.
There is no escape

>when the thread dies for more than 5 minutes

fuck latvia

fuck latvia

delet this post

Bet I could beat all of you manlets the fuck down at the same time

Thread theme song

not again please

gonna bash your head in