Do American girls like European men?

do American girls like European men?
I want American gf Tbh

They don't like manlets anyway bro


>wes anderson chick
red flag

why do people keep posting this?

she's obviously a slut

10/10 Angel, she cannot live without fucking sunflower though lol

If she's so "pure", what is she doing on a hookup site?

She's literally angel. I've fallen in love with her.

Maybe she lives in the middle of nowhere
Maybe her clitoris enjoys rubbing off the back of her horse

i'm just too damn intelligent for american "women" or women in general

Yes, and she's also obviously not real

>my faith

I used to write fake shit like this so I could just pump and dump some dumb sluts lmao

why do white girls love horses so much?

Guess what it reminds them of...

>do American girls like European men?
They liked me well enough when I went there on exchange.
But then they almost liked everything that approached them.
You have a good chance Pedro, give it a try.

This. Just don't be an autistic sperg like a Finn, and you'll do great.


No way that girl in the picture is 26

19 at most


he's got a point though...

No he doesn't
Portugal is objectively more european than Sweden, and Barbosa memes will never change that