Please show world delicious soup

Please show world delicious soup.

fuck no what the fuck

Sancocho is a soup too

Why is it always Japan behind the absolute shittiest of threads?

blood soup
mmm delicious

I think it's very adorable and innocent, like a little child that has never seen anything bad happen ;__;

Was I wrong? I'm sorry

no don't be sorry my sweet child ;____;

What is in it?

herne keitto made out of herne

pinaattikeitto meid out of spinach
very good 5/5

siskonmakkarakeitto aka sister's sausage soup

I got sick and thought the soup to be life.

whenever im in fever, I prefer groundmeat soup with grill spice and pepper

look delicious.

I thought this was the periodic table at first LMAO


The only school food that's both good and cheap.

I love black pepper!
Peugeot Love

BEST SOUP, needs rye bread and bug glass of milk to make it complete.

The soup which was saved when I caught cold.
I ilke

Duck blood and some meat


Oh, it was understood. Thank you very much for your advice.

