
Stacey edition

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korean pop

Ever get the feeling you want to grope a girl?

Had to restrain myself last night

are jez

Ah yes the French. Beautiful culture.

*blows conch*



alri donny


our nige

t. Abdi

>Clinton got her housemaid to print off confidential files

ah yes

tbf their poll has been the most accurate for the past 2 elections

Hopefully third time's a charm and I make a tasty £300

Madame President Hillary Rodham Clinton?


Kurva anyátok

started (actually) playing when darkscape came out
stopped when they got rid of it

*eats pick up*
The magic conch.....
*leans back, head up high in the air*

Doggies :3


Britfriends, can I come live with one of you? I'm serious

Top Gun is one of the best films of all time and the peak of Futurism

come to derbs and i'll fucking slap you mate

>*eats pick up*
Fucking hell I knew you lot were fat lads with shit diets but you're eating cars now?

Cali is green this year la ;)

My feet are cold ;_;

Seriously considering buying a pair of guy's uggsfor winter - there's a pair of desert boots but with sheep wool inside

if you're white, yes

so lads.


I misclicked in sending a friend request to a Stacey I was stalking.

How fucked am I? She was in my lecture earlier?

>guy's uggs

Do not engage it




That's all it takes for a AusGOD to crush your entire family, YankWORM.
Why haven't you accepted that /brit/ is not 'your' general, YankWORM?

>guy's uggs

What're the chances of that going through?


you're fucked lisicki

Why don't you get the regular Uggs to go with your pumpkin spiced latte and vagina?

>tfw Hillary will once and for all end the white mans dominance
why are we making fun of Trump lads

will she notice?

I unclicked instantly.


It's practically unopposed

I just want fucking warm feet

i think you misunderstood that OP you fucking melt

How did you get to post with that modified British flag?

bet she'll be assassinated before the year is out

she'll get a notif that leads nowhere and will think you're weird

why did they put the weed vote on the same day as the elections?

people won't be bothered to go to it

alright going to bed now lads-

but before i do, just one more thing

fuck off

I'm like at the most perfect level of stoned and I'm so comfy and I'm gonna now watch lazy town

If she loses she will. No longer useful

oh look, a YankWORM asking questions.


o fuck.

Got the guitar out again lads, hopefully fixed my mic now. Any requests?


what did it mean by this


It's 'election day' not just 'vote for president day'

>5pm in uk
>4am in aus
>still more aussies than brits in /brit/

12:42 over in the west lads

play us wonderwall then

>when a JF tells me what to do on /brit/

when will we get the results of the weed vote

just reserved the last keyboard in store

>go to scrapyard in the north looking for some car jacks
>guy gives me a renault senic jack which only woks with renault senics
>I go back and ask him to exchange it
>he says there is no exchange
>I say but you didnt even ask what kind of car I have you just gave me this one
>no exchanges, no exceptions
>I throw the jack on the ground and tell him its no use to me so he can stick it up his fucking arsehole
>go to different scrapyard
>get two good jacks and the man was pleasant enough

Need an Arab gf

>White turnout high
>Latino turnout high
>Black turnout low

what are the consequences of this lads?

didnt even know this was happening. hopefully the stoners did know and will vote this through in a landslide

fuwa fuwa time

afaik it's all done on the same ballot

fun fact: Mia Khalifa was only actually in porn for two months

So lads who we want to win the yank election? On one hand trump winning will trigger the news and establishment, but Clinton winning will trigger yanks on here and Sup Forums....cannot decide tbqh.

don't care

bit worse for the dems, but blacks aren't that much of the population so unless it's literally neck and neck otherwise it won't be decisive

low black turnout hurts clinton

obama had insane amounts of black energy in 2008

Dear Mr McYank

>Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada are considering full-on recreational use, while Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota are mulling over the medical option

Which states do you think the vote will pass in, and which will it fail in?

>in porn for two months
what a waste of time, I only need like 2 minutes

Sup Forums must burn

not much because black turnout was at a record high when obama was elected and hispanic was at a record low

all me

82% of blacks support hillary

8% trump

fuck off

Dunno, polling closes at 8p PST so maybe around midnight? most likely in 24 hours since the focus will be on president

It's important that CA passes it since we set the trend on what usually passes for the rest of the country down the line

>wanting to trigger virgins on the internet with no power over george soros

literal sheeds

shagged the 34 year old slag lads

fucked it at the end though, ended up cumming on her back

shame about her terrible tit job, she had a nice face

fuwa fuwa time

rather see Sup Forums triggered
don't read the guardian or the independent or reddit or whatever so i don't care what they have to say about it

don't forget that the unironic hrc supporters that reside here are also the type to throw a shitfit
you'll get a much more dramatic aftermath if trump wins

trump would have no power over george soros either

Clinton was always going to win, the tears will be delicious

>Good for trump
>Good for Hillary
>Bad for Hillary
Tough to say overall, Hispanics aren't as anti trump as blacks though

a Sup Forums meltdown would be small time

£80 on a win
>£10 on him taking Cali (even I know this was a waste)

really the only reason I care desu

>i-i'm not from r-reddit, really.

Why not just wipe your arse with that £10?

Yes but yanks will go insane and MAGA will be all we will hear on Sup Forums for 4 years straight

>reply to like 7 threads on Sup Forums
>kill thread

Is it just a dead board or what?

if brits created english why can't they pass a 5th grade literacy test?

>rather see Sup Forums triggered
listening to jews screaming shit about fascism on twitter will be far funnier

>£10 on him taking Cali
I have a £10 note, like to buy it for £15?

looks like you're one of the ameriboos who'll get triggered
gonna be funny to see you cry if your precious foreign politician loses