Does anyone have that top 42 of weird frontier albums? I forgot to save it
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I made it by myself as I remember it was, I changed Deakin to Panda Bear and added the new tobacco record
I don't remember the rest, what should I add?
I only recognize half the other half I don't even know. Or I've seen but don't know the name.
balam acab wander wonder
I feel this should be there
not op but bored dude looking for something to do
from left to right, top to bottom:
Grimes - Art Angels
Autechre - elseq
Arca - Entranas
Babyfather - BBF Hosted by DJ Escrow
James Ferraro - Human Story 3
Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden of Delete
Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
The Knife - Shaking The Habitual
Holly Herndon - Platform
Kanye West - Yeezus
Tim Hecker - Love Streams
Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access
Sophie - Product
Andy Stott - Too Many Voices
Panda Bear - vs The Grim Reaper
Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Black is Beautiful
Bjork - Biophilia
I don't know
Bones - Useless
Ash Koosha - GUUD
Huerco S. - For Those of You Who Have Never (And Those Of You Who Have)
FKA Twigs - M5L155A (or something)
Ariel Pink - pom pom
Young Thug - Barter 6
Amnesia Scanner - AS
ANOHNI - Hopelessness
Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom
Kel Valhaal - NILOTSOTC
Aphex Twin - Cheetah EP
James Ferraro
and OPN
Are just hacks copying the GOAT electronic musician.
And Arca is just gay Autechre. Dean Blunt is just an R&B singer with weird production.
le meme
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Co La- No No
Vessel- Punish, Honey
Earthly- Days
last row:
iglooghost - Little Grids
matmos - ultimate care II
The one in-between is Ic3peak- Fallal
>no demon city
this one is better
I like Balam Acab's new single. Not a big fan of yhr vocals, but the instrumentation and production is great.
Not even close.
nice man, see ya there
Literally the only good meme here.
these charts needs pic related
don't meme jamal
what's the album between Ash Koosha and Roly? Also, good list, love most of these albums, but bro, het Anohni and Rustie tf outta there
i want to cry
take off autechre. they are too washed up for this list.
pretty sure thats some bones album
requesting the album names of the one between Björk and Thugga; the one between Anohni and Sophie and the one next 2 Liars
either really clueless, or troll chart
a lot of these have nothing to do with this stuff.
Autechre, The Knife, Kanye West, Andy Stott, FKA Twigs, Antony, Charlie XCX, Aphex Twin, Matmos... and even the new Grimes album... don't belong in this.
>Washed up
Lol, did you even listen to elseq
they're not washed up like other user said, but they're not this kind of stuff. they're coming from a very different era, style, idea, etc
There's no way to say this without sounding like a prick, but I've been scouring the underworld of for almost 2 years now hunting for the most nauseatingly experimental of all time, and your list is shit.
>nauseatingly experimental
Like viscerally disgusting or whatchu mean by this
first one is ic3peak - fallal
russian witch house
you know how normies think listening to TVU and the like goes against the mainstream?
well, james ferraro is this generation's lou reed. mark my fucking words. your great-nephew will have a far side virtual t-shirt.
i agree though. this list is basically club music to me. also there's a rap record on the chart.
Yeah, I'd say that most of the other albums on the list and the "weird frontier" (or post-internet music, rather) in general have some sort of sociological commentary imbued in them and are framed by the current political and philosophical landscape.
Autechre's material eschews this "musical dialectic" approach and tries to exists outside of any frame of reference. It's solely about sound.
I wouldn't say the new stuff is sociological at all, it's mostly aesthetic and apolitical. it might have materials taken from culture sometimes, but the focus isn't on sociopolitical concerns
wrongfully throwing ahnoni on that list makes it seem otherwise, but he's something else.
where autechre differs is that it's math-y
>where autechre differs is that it's math-y
not him, but i never got this. sure the music is made using algorithms but it doesn't sound "mathy" or brainy at all tbqh - the music itself is very synaesthetic and fluid, and is at it's core just a deconstructed and oddball take on hiphop and club music.
>your great-nephew will have a far side virtual t-shirt.
I feel like Death Grips and Vaporwave (In a very broad and nebulous sense, like recognizing the Macintosh Plus cover and nothing else) have a better chance of occupying that role for future generations.
death grips shirts will be like sex pistols shirts. yikes.
I dont get it
lopatin, arca, blunt, ferraro, and some others on there like Hecker, Stott, roly porter, and maybe even death grips, sophie, autechre and some others, all have a common thread.... but then you have shit like kanye, rustie, grimes, young thug, bjork..... not seeing the point or reasoning behind this
I'm pretty sure it's a troll. the chart, like the constant posting of that forced meme, is just an attempt to get attention
its a troll chart tbqh
wasnt sure since everyone seemed to be unironically adding their own choices
patrician version
>it's mostly aesthetic and apolitical.
yes. you think Ariel Pink, Panda Bear, and 0PN are political?
the types of identity politics that are the academic and journalistic status quo - the easy topics to go with because they're completely institutionalized and mapped out - were the fresh new position and subject matter during post-punk, and then again during the 90s some through early alternative. at this point they're so easy to adopt that the 'artists' informed by that now are pop artists... Beyonce, Taylor, Meghann Traynor. It's not ahead of the curve to be hammering on about race/class/gender/sex. And the most interesting stuff hasn't been about that now for at last 10 or so years. But journalists have a problem with that because they're humanities majors and as such have absorbed politicized critique tools and don't know how to receive art that isn't based in praxis or a certain kind of 'critique' in some way vis-a-vis the patriarchy or capitalism or whatever. but actually, in the history of art, a majority of stuff is not actually operating in that way.
I think it's lazy to even to to group things here, most stuff mentioned doesn't have much to do with each other, but there definitely isn't some political motivation. you can try to do a political 'reading', but you'd be projecting.
Solid chart
not really. lotta entry-level ra core there. not that the chart itt is better, but still.
should I feel bad if some (actually a lot kek) of my favorite albums are listed on these charts?
only OPN is (thanx to Jon Rafman).
no, a lot of good stuff is on these charts. some of it doesn't really belong together but whatever. some shit on there too but its' trolling.
no not at all. this is just a Sup Forums meme because alot of those albums don't really belong to a "scene" + alot of them on their have a nice aesthetic album cover
uh, no
obliquely depicting the weirdness of reality is not political. a sense of fucked-up-ness is not necessarily political critique.
but you're trolling, surely. I have things to do. bye.
Nah man, there's some top tier stuff in them
the literal text of ferraro and blunt's work is pretty explicitly political/ideological, unless you restrict the concept of political to like, enumerable policy statements. the form of opn and arca's work is arguably so, especially in conjunction with the authors further elaborations.
>absorbed politicized critique tools and don't know how to receive art that isn't based in praxis or a certain kind of 'critique' in some way vis-a-vis the patriarchy or capitalism or whatever. but actually, in the history of art, a majority of stuff is not actually operating in that way.
i'm not sure how you draw the conclusion that the work isn't political from the premise that there have been historically different interpretative methods to discuss art.
does a work need to be political according to an a-temporal standard to be considered political? what would such a standard look like, oh socrates?
>but you'd be projecting.
yeah, and again, no, because of the authors comments outside the text indicate they're intention-- but if they author's dead or whatever, your point is moot-- the text stands aside from intents, and intepretation of the work which best comports with the world as it is is the best reading. my projecting is necessary to the interpretative process.
but please, make a textual argument why the work of opn and arca and blunt and ferraro isn't political/ideological.
it is when traditional and contemporary concepts of the world paste over this weirdness.
working with current cultural stuffs doesn't mean you're taking a political position or pushing a message. a good example would be Spring Breakers. it's loaded with things that can easily be politically read into - but which reading? you realize one could take any position, and Korine refuses to say what a message would be, and in fact asserts he isn't giving a message, that any significance is kind of a sticky side-effect or by-product. same with this stuff. people can work with the things of their time without taking a critical position. this is where it's really hard for writerly, political people to wrap their heads around it, because a lot of visual and sonic people can work with such stuff in a 'potent' way that doesn't take a position.
and who says people necessarily have to fully agree to the 'death of the author' idea? you could of course find all kinds of possible stuff to find in potent art, but it's inaccurate to then say that the artist was political in intention due to your ascribing such intention after the fact. and sure, you can project, but people can also project nihilistic meanings, sexist meanings, insane meanings, and all of them would be no less true or relevant than yours, if they are in fact genuinely having that significance resonate for them.
if you're going to force a marxist perspective in which it all comes down to a structure which always favors that reading, then of course noone can escape that in your eyes - people could throw anything at a wall and it will always be read in terms of class structures and capitalism or sex and gender. but do keep in mind that people who actually make art are not - individually or amongst themselves - working explicitly in those terms - and it may be that reality can actually be more than just those narrow confines.
iglooghost is dope as fuck. i used to collab and talk to that guy on Odd Future Talks. Sick stuff.
this is an interesting comment and hopefully i can respond later. for now, i would just say that there could be ideological import through creating an ambiguous text (or, that ambiguity does not imply non-ideological meaning or intent); (weakly) texts don't need a unitary meaning or (strongly) texts don't have a unitary meaning; work which hi-lights this (that concepts and meaning and intent and definition are on shaking ground) are implicitly political/ideological in a broad sense.
>fashion week
I'm perfectly willing to concede that there are always many parties and forces teaming in the mix whenever anything is made, sure, but just that critiques then really shouldn't feel compelled (or justified) to assume there is some pre-named ideology to discern in there. maybe, and I'd say more accurately, the 'ideology' is usually just the various organisms' and their memetic sympathies' various self-interests to advance themselves or develop. this is not always going to come down to said organisms or groups' having become invested somewhere in a recognizable political agenda (or a noble one) - motivation may come down more to a general fascination/wonder, love of the 'buzz'/dopamine, desire to grow/thrive/learn/procreate, uncontainable impulse, etc.
I mean, political as in there are different parties interacting - sure, but I don't like that word because it always allows very readymade positions, readings, and motivations, and reduces everything to that, when there is just so much more than what the subsequent political agendas start to narrow readings down to.
Why does the weird frontier bring out good posts.
good reads from both of u tbqh
memes aside, which of these albums actually sound unique or show ingenuity?
Honestly the only meme in there is Kel Valhaal
weird frontier music =/= ingenuity
it's a genre ridden by memes
so none of them?
all of them technically besides grimes
>because it always *assumes readymade positions, readings, and motivations
i wanna know what that one with the butt on it is
the bottom butt