One shot at life

>one shot at life
>you suck at math and have to go to lawschool

Other urls found in this thread:

>letting yourself get cucked by germany's commie education system


For the most part. mathematics comes with practice. It's not really something you're born with.

If you tell yourself you suck at math and refuse to practice, you'll be shit at it no matter what. Just learn to appreciate its beauty and you'll be aight.


Just come here and fail out of becoming a math major.

ok r00d

>It's not really something you're born with.
tell that to people like terence tao

Going to fail calculus again lads

aint nuffin rong wit law school

t. enrolled in law school

I'm not denying some people are genuinely born with a gift for math. But those people are more like exceptions.

For the rest of us intellectual plebs, math really is something that just comes with practice. Some may need a bit less/more practice than others, but it's not impossible at all.
The main issue, I think, is the education system. The way that math is being taught in primary school leaves many kids with huge gaps in their understanding of math. This is especially important because the early years of math are the foundation for the algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus that they will go on to learn in their later years.
Thing is, you can't expect people to build a decent structure on a shitty foundation.

>one shot at life
>be born American
>get a second shot

I struggled with math until I found the right instructors. Nonethless I hated differential equations. Fuck that theoretical shit.

That's why I went into analytical chemistry. We just use algebra and geometry / trig.

I suck at math too, but I decided to become an engineer anyway.
Turned out that you only need discrete for computer engineering and I am good at that.

BS. It's almost impossible for some people to acquire actual mathematical reasoning.

See, I've always sucked at math and because of this I decided to learn it using a concise basic math book (i.e. Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang) and I'm having trouble with the first exercises. Even though the book has shown all the content needed for me to tackle them. And no, I'm not being lazy, I really wanna learn this shit.

Some people are born knowing how to think mathematically, others, simply aren't, and sometimes practice is not enough.

I thought I invented exponentiation when I was 6.

>BS. It's almost impossible for some people to acquire actual mathematical reasoning.
>some people
Like retards?

wtf i'm not naturally gifted at something fuck this i'll never do it

He's right, primitive primates like brasilians were never meant to learn mathematics.


>mfw good at math
>Got into engineering school
>No empathy, bad at expressing my opinion
>Mfw no gf and okay with it

Wtf im to intelligent for this shit called life

>in elementary school we would have a school-wide event every week where the students competed to pass timed arthmetic tests, starting with addition and ending with division
>in my entire time at elementary school I never passed the subtraction test and had to sit alone each week trying to pass it while everyone else moved on to the other areas and completed all the tests
>in middle school I failed algebra and had to be in a different math class from all my friends when I got to HS
>never studied any higher math than algebra/geometry and never passed either of those classes
>when I did the entrance exam for college i got only 3 out of 100 math questions correct

is law school ok in europe?

Here it's fucked. Spend tens of thousands on tuition, and then work 3000 hours a year for 45k when you graduate.

>one shot at life
>suck at school in general
just fucking mail me a gun and let me shoot myself im not joking i don't want to live and i don't see a reason to.

>first world problems
>not doing law+philo and saving your cunt

That's why our greatest invention was the airplane and yours was a... a... sauna ?

>not using chisenbob
>losers, get in my decade

>BS. It's almost impossible for some people to acquire actual mathematical reasoning.

So.... Brazilians?
Some people are naturally athletic. Does that mean that (assuming you're not crippled) you can't get swole as fuck?

That's actually cool for a 6 year old (especially in America) to do that.

Some 9th graders can't even do that shit properly

Are you kidding? What other industry allows you to charge $200 per hour a year after graduation? I mean aside from plumbing.

>projecting this hard
no Luke, you suck cause you don't try

>grade 12 report card

english B
biology B
geography B
history B
gym B
math 11 D

Im actually smart, like not trying to boast, but i placed top 10% for national test that only tests inherent intelligence or shit like that, i suck at math badly, even if i understand parts of calculations, i just cant put it together

Granted, I was only aware of positive integers at the time. I just thought "well multiplication is just addition over and over again, what if I did the multiplication part like that?"

>mfw really good at Math
>mfw studying Maths
feels good to be part of the master race

tuition is free, and the starting salary after graduation is 3500-4000€ :^)

how are you going to get the cases where you can charge that?

if you're top of the class from a top ten school maybe

but otherwise you're going to be at the bottom rung of a firm doing lackey shit and having all the money you going to partners

I can't even do basic math in my head.

Math is the purest science.
For some mathematicians (I'm not a mathematician, by the way), if you're not competent in math then you're not genuinely intelligent. To them, you're simply a hobbyist.
(Assuming you're talents lie in language, history, geography, or liberal arts)
I found about exponentiation when my dad was teaching me how to solve rational equations. I think I was in the 7th grade so I would have been about 11~12 at the time.

You must be a wiz, then.

Did you try IT?
Belive or not, we don't use math for nothing. Unless you do something very low level, you will be using script language to calculate what beer has the best cost benefit for liter...

>Serge Lang
That sounds like real mathematics, i.e reasoning and proofs. Most people think that math is about calculus. And that's what people struggle with. But they haven't even seen the real math. Luckily only pure mathematicians need it.

Are you a pure mathematician

live up to your legacy my friend. Hilbert is watching you from above (like many other).

can confirm

>tfw good at math
>was one of the best in the best during the analysis and algebra exams with almost no studying
>dropped out of uni because of attendance and meme mental illness

just use wolfram

not only pure mathematicians but a very restricted group of people indeed. And you're right, I forgot to mention about Lang, it certainly isn't the first book you should start with. It's like trying to have an american 1st "algebra" course level with a Godement book.

>tfw excelled in math as a kid
>students at school made rumors that I was going to shoot up the school
>sent to a district that wouldn't allow me to do math at my level because I was too young
>sent to another district a year later that wouldn't let me move on because of they didn't have the same class to let me move on
>stopped caring about math in HS
>gave up on all my hopes and dreams
Life isn't fair.

No. But I was one of those "good at math". Meaning I did well in calculus and differential equations, linear algebra etc. And then I just got curious and picked some books on abstract algebra, real analysis etc. I wish I never did that, kek. I suddenly realized that I don't know shit. I agree that some people are just born with this.

Who the fuck dreams about math

Go get you some pussy and shoot up the place

And I still think about shooting up that school just to be ironic.

>I forgot to mention about Lang, it certainly isn't the first book you should start with
What book is that supposed to be, then? I've tried Khan Academy for so long and all I got was a mechanical way of solving problems. That's why I think a book would be definitely better for me, and I chose Lang's, but it didn't work unfortunately. I'll keep trying to go through the book though.

>Nonethless I hated differential equations. Fuck that theoretical shit.
>differential equations
>coming from someone in chemistry
I don't even want to know what they teach you

What specifically do you want to study? Math is a very broad topic. Is it applied math or pure math that you are interested in? What is your current level?

.t bourbaki

nigger for everything related to reaction kinetics you have to solve differential equations by the ton. It's like the opposite of theoretical.

i know, i am a different user, i just noticed flag and called you bourbaki :D

>What specifically do you want to study?
Pre-calculus, desu. Algebra and Geometry.

>Is it applied math or pure math
Applied. I'm crappy at too much theoretical and too much abstract stuff.

>What is your current level?
Basic algebra, basic geometry and trig. Meaning, I know how to work with variables and how to make use of sin cos tan.

Kek, I always feel somewhat ashamed when talking about math with people, I'm the worst at it. I'm clueless.

It is a highschool book. Where do you want to start ? I usually advise to go as low level as when you began to struggle with math. As said you should try to pinpoint what do you want to study. If it is some "common core" base level, or maybe a much more skilled, research level maybe ? who knows...

>Pre-calculus, desu. Algebra and Geometry.
Then pretty much any introductory precalc book would do. Khan academy is good, too.

It's just you mentioned Lang which was just an unfortunate choice for you. It is probably best suited for those who want to study pure math and can be thought of as a prerequisite for his other books (abstract algebra, analysis etc).

Go here:

And search for precalc or college algebra/trig.