
What's your experience with the finns?

What I've experienced is that they are raging faggots, and I don't mean that they are extremely homosexual (even if that's also true). I am talking about them being overly-aggressive. They usually come here and wave their pocket knives around. There has even been a couple of scientific studies on the matter and they concluded that it is in fact, genetic. See pic-related.

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The world's pnly finnish state doesn't seem to be doing too well.

Don't get me wrong here. Finns as a people can be really charming, but they don't seem to be very good at governing a state on their own. They seem to be good at manual tasks, but administration seems a bit too complicated. Maybe they should become Österland again, and hand over all the thinking business to the Swedes.

Unfortunately history proves you incapable of protecting the noble Finnish people, so I believe we should take care of that instead.

You know youre doing fine when haters have to find a mutation that 2% of the population carries and 4% of violent offenders to try to find something bad.

But hey, you handled Malmö so well, maybe you should keep to your own problems.

I've been considering taking some time to become a Finish citizen. It would just take 2 years of living and being employed in Finland. And then I would always have a place to go if Sweden got involved in a war. And I would have an extra AAA passport to get into any country I wished. And I could use my newfound political power to fight for the rights of the Finlandswedes.

You see, hes trying to blend in with the natives with the whole gay thing

Cai-Göran, its time to go to sleep already

>The world's pnly finnish state doesn't seem to be doing too well.
What did he mean by this? Literally one of the best countries in the world.


Perkele painu vittuun görän or I will stab you into munuainen and muiluttaa your mother

my experience is that finns are very untrustworthy.
They will stab you in the back when you are invading soviet union together.

learn history faggot

you betrayed us
and we saw you as brothers ;_;

You sold us out years before any of that.

we had no choice
also it's more complicated than that

maybe you didnt
but still, something died inside me that day
i havent been able to trust anyone since then

you must be old

literally a meme. it's not nearly as bad as the media makes it out to be.

albino autist mongols who are absolutely fucking painful to communicate with

le epik sauna and finnish girl memes are horseshit, just like their country

their famous racers are funny for some reason

Your 55 no-go zones disagree Kalle-Ahmed

>grenade attacks and shootouts are a norm in sweden
>a shooting and especially a grenade attack would shock the whole nation here
>no go zones for police
"not as bad"
lmao delusional sven

we don't have any of this shit here, no ghettos, no nothing like anything i mentioned above

>whatever hey take finland in this molotoff ribbentrop thing :D
>boohoo they stabbed me in the back

It's time for bed, moomin.

I fucked a swedish girl once, how does it feel that my noble karelian penis penetrated blonde swedish maiden, hero of kaleva spreading his semen into your women?

Feels good knowing you have to lie on the Internet.

She was probably not even Swedish. Not every blonde, blue-eyed girl in Sweden is ethnic. You probably fucked a slav. Plenty of them in Sweden too, and they're quite fond of miscegenation as far as I know.

It's alright though, Moomin. We love you guys.

why do the fennoswedes in finland seem so jew while the fennoswedes in tornio/haparanda all seem to have a good time together?