
beppe edition




Bookies have Hillary at 1/6 and Trump 4/1. Did they get Brexit wrong?

do my christmas shopping at poundland

yanks more like wanks haha



Going to lab now lads see you in a couple of hours.

god bless the dead

bought a barbour jacket today lads

yeah they did

easty benders? enders of the east?

lucky bastards

yes at roughly the same odds.

lads is patent attorney a decent job or will I be bored out my mind?

Trumps going to lose

ah yes plastic surgery



Been unemployed for 2 months now, getting depressed 2bh.

>i posted le meme pic again mummy!

pathetic runtaloid. You know what's hilarious? Even your IHDI (inequality adjusted) is lower than the United States'. Yes a country that is 60% white with poverty tier niggers and spics has a higher IHDI than the UK.

east atlanta cockin hammers
bandannas on car antennas

only old timers will know of the great beppe

think i shall stop the domestic violence gimmick

>only research centre to get Brexit prediction right says Hilary will win

can't wait

taken the day off work to laugh at the Trump mongs on Sup Forums

lads bought some johnnies earlier but I accidentally walked out with them still in their security box

just had to stomp the bastard in to free them

don't understand how odds work, never placed a bet in my life

so you put one pound on hillary and get six back if she wins and four on trump and one back if he wins?


fuck sakes. they'll be cautious now.

tempted to call in sick tomorrow to enjoy the Sup Forums meltdown

I used to write "this note has been in my bum" in permanent marker on $50 notes desu

watching episodes of DreamTeam on youtube

other way around
I think

It's been a month for me now, How did you lose your job?

That football sitcom that used to be on Sky One?



Put on one, get back two.

Help me fix my routine lads

Heres my routine. What should I change or add?


Linear Progression

Bench 5X5
DL 1X5
Pull UpsL 4X8
Dips 4X12

Squat 5X5
Row 5X5
Hammer Curl 4X12

can't wait to see the runts in here scream and shout when he wins

it's already beginning, just had a little look a moment ago
pretty funny

imagine being this sad

don't think brexit is comparable
up until cox's death, the polls were about 3% apart, then they shifted
then brexit one by 4%

alright Trump gimp?

looked on Sup Forums outside of /brit/ for a few minutes lads

I see that yank gook is still getting paid to post shite

squats on A

I would do more volume on DL if you're a beginner too, maybe 3x5

Top yourself.



deadlift on b day
put rows on a
more accessories

It was a year contract and the time came up. I moved back in with the parents for the first time since I left school. Bit grim 2bh

in greggs yeah

all i remember about that was some lass got her tits out on a plane and poorer champagne down them.


>Vertical and horizontal push not balanced
>Horizontal push and pull not balanced

you now realise Prince Harry started the black gf gimmick


Some of my friends are such desperate cucks, I might actually unfriend this one

fucking hate being a poortherner lads

family wants to borrow money despite knowing i'll have fuck all left after giving it to them, why are they so poor, why am i so poor


>deadlifting 3 times a week

enjoy your paralysis

have you even thought about how weird the sun is lads?

>1 in 5 black people can't vote in FL, VA, etc, even though ~84% have totally served their time

Jim Crow still lives

Ok so with 3X5 on a deadlift, do I drop the weight and pick it up each time, or just lower it to the ground and immediately pick it back up?

Deadlifting and squatting on the same day isn't bad?

Also for accessories, do I need to consistently do the same ones, or would switching up what accessories I do be fine?

He's way behind me, I was dating black girls 10 years ago.

>why are they so poor, why am i so poor
because they're dumb and you're dumb

if you don't have a minimum of £15000 in savings at all times you're a fuckwit

no i mean just deadlift once obviously

so he voted 3 times?

want to stay up all night to catch the results live but I'll probably be out cold by fucking 12

Want a pair of Doc Martens but don't know which ones to get xx

borrow us some money lad?


first of all, my name's greg, second, YES I voted for you because you're a woman presidential candidate, tis an awesome thing to see!

I'm not a fucking bank

Hmm could you offer a suggestion? Everyone on /fit/ just talks about being virgins

>giant never ending nuclear explosion in outer space that gives you cancer

Pretty odd.

Shaking my damn head, that is pathetic

just lend them
money is just paper mate. sharing a bit of that with people you share the same blood with shouldn't be a tough choice to make

lower it

and no, deadlifting and squatting on the same day is completely normal

bit early


>all poor people are dumb

off to the embassy soon for the pre-party lads

going to be fucking mental tonight

will actually neck anything in sight when Clinton wins

Isn't the Sun fusion? I don't even know if there is a difference desu

he still won't get laid

how does being a woman make you less corrupt than a man btw?

i'll blow you off for money

money is everything

they do a nice pair they repair for free for life but they are pricey, otherwise depends on what you want them for.

3X5 deadlift 1.5 times a week is bad advice to give a novice. 1 set is sufficient, he should focus on progressing it every time

He should just gas himself

That Jeb lad was quite amusing, shame he got bullied out of the race so fast

>this level of basic scientific comprehension

I weep

oxblood eighteen eye lad/lass

make sure u listen 2 sum OI! when you try em on

can you refrain from replying to multiple posts in one post in future please

what if the sun emitted cold?


>Doesn't matter what the press says.

>Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say.

>Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.

>This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.

>When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world --

>"No, YOU move.”

# M A G A

no it's fine
pro bodybuilders etc. cycle exercises every 4 weeks but it doesn't really matter as a beginner

He's a massive lefty and he spends a lot of time in America these days, so I presume that he's saying this shit to impress the girls he met there. I can't remember him ever having a proper gf

just subscribed to /r/the_meltdown

If you were to compare the two variables together in a study, you'd find a correlation

(not that it would imply causation)