What do you guys think of slipknot? They are one of my favorite bands and I hope to emulate their sound when I start making music.
kill urself
Will do
Go for it Man, post your shit here when you record it.
Wow thanks for the support!
>telling someone to kill themselve
i liked iowa but rest of their work isn't that good tho
They fucking kick ass.
Their production is incredible, and they appeal to extremely broad audiences despite being (particularly in the beginning) heavy and aggressive as hell because the quality is just that good.
Their lyrics are (again, "Slipknot" and "IOWA" being the greatest examples of lyrical mastery) are beautifully crafted, making use of constant metaphors and braggadocious punchlines most of today's "rappers" would kill to come up with.
I'd be willing to bet all of these internet "haters" or "non-conformists", who, most ironically, all jump on the pathetic hating bandwagon, listen to Slipknot when they're alone as their guiltiest pleasure.
It's a shame they can't admit it's better than any shitty metal band they listen to, and they are not even metal.
IOWA is my favorite album of all time, and I enjoy it the most when I need a boost of confidence or I'm feeling down (which isn't often, to be honest, but it's good to know it's there when necessary).
Nevertheless, I not only have good words for the band, since the material they put out after IOWA is evidently lackluster, and plagued by commercial filler, yet I believe they aren't really to blame for it, but the industry is instead.
It's a shame, and I am of the opinion they should've quit after the two first LPs, but at least they'll always be there through the years, and I shall just overlook posterior releases as a monetary boost these guys pushed forward ever since they made a name for themselves in the music scene, since they changed metal forever.
their self titled is their GOAT and still a good listen
stuff earlier than that is alright
Iowa was when they started to get played out
Verses was just silly
OP Here, and I want to know what you all think of this:
1: I'm buying a bass this week and once I do I will have all necessary instruments to start recording, albeit few recording measures, and I was thinking of having a burlap sack with eyeholes as a personal mask in homage to slipknot
2: any tips on screaming?
BTW, Slipknot is metal, but a niche kind called new metal which is a lot more melodic. Ex. Korn, System of a down, Primus.
Your trolling is of the finest kind.
buy some clothespins and pinch your little nuts and you will be able to scream really good
Trolling? Of what trolls do you speak, queer?
I was never a huge fan, but my friend met the whole group and worked with Joey Jordison on a few occasions. I was lucky enough to see them both play in a drum solo battle thing about 10 years ago.
Thread was a success.
Pack it up, boys.
OP here, closing thread, thanks for input and keks
Not my kind of music but they're good for what they are (I think).
Korey has proven himself to be a good singer and performer.
I would rather white kids listen to slipknot than (((Drake)))
I like them, they can kind of get cliche at times and you could make the same sound with half the members but they're still pretty good. I wish more bands would have a percussionist on top of a drummer, that part I really like about them.
If you want to then go for it. At the very least it will help you figure out what style you want to do.
mfkr - 4/10
slipknot - 8/10
iowa - 9/10
vol 3 - 7.5/10
all hope is gone - 6/10
gray chapter - 7/10