
Alex Jones is an honorary rorke edition

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being me doing a post


>Not studying Biology, Maths, Chemistry and Physics A-Levels
>Not being an event first-aider
>Not looking like a future nonce

sophie we know who you are

Myself & the lads at the races

can't flin flan the jin jan

I bet you went to cadets too you poof



thinking of doing ashave



>Not getting your news from infowars

Oxford lad here, tomorrow morning my city centre is going to be full of extremely drunk and upset liberal yank students who are staying up all night in pubs that are stupidly keeping themselves open all night. Can't wait to see the mess when I go to work in the morning.

if california doesn't legalize weed this is going to be the worst election ever


very reddit of you


yanks are incredibly funny sometimes

I love soph man what do I do about it


quite tempted to buy one of these water filter salesmens male vitality pills but seems they dont really sell outside of america

my sister's dating an albanian which is almost as bad

can you get me into Oxford?

Watching Alex Jones rants at high volume
Expect strange looks from the flatmates later

intriguing post

Why the fuck isnt weed legal in the UK yet? Didnt think you guys were dumber than americans about this kind of stuff


at least ur sister hasnt been stretched out by 2 niggers

anyone watching sky news election coverage?

no don't care about the election

we're going backwards on the drugs issue

Thank fuck I don't have a sister

Where's her willy



No, you need to be either a rich chink, a yank who has family connections to Ivy League colleges or a poor black kid from Peckham who gets a scholarship.

UK government hired some doctor to do a report on drugs

He favoured legalisation and they fired him immediately and discredited the paper kek

bbc desu senpai

skin color means nothing you disgusting racists

>watching mainstream media

Fuck off paki

asking for a bumming lad

which one are you?

It basically is legal unless you're one of those dumb fucks who smokes it in the street. The police only care about mid to high level dealers.

just rolled a cheeky single skinner

Cba to study for this midterm

>expecting tories to make sensible drug policies

Don't do it and fucking regret it then.

We DON'T care.

>race is nothing more than skin colour

>not watching Alex Jones literally go insane on Infowars

mike from the streets split up with his missus?

BBC or nothing. Based Andrew Neil is on soon.

I'm not a student mate






try the jugular

Imagine being a student and wasting your life on Sup Forums when you are surrounded by people your age with little responsibility
Absolutely howling

Anzu is really cute, would love to pound her little cunt.

why did you pick the literal worst quality video of this?

*Comes rolling on a segway wearing a backpack and a light blue shirt tucked into a pair of khaki shorts*

Greetings, mates

karen brady is a slag

there's a cock in there.
pig in make up is still bacon.

got my snacks ready

what networks is everyone watching? might go for Fox

didn't vote today lads, cba with this shite

>trump election party
>cash bar


I'll never get my head around it, I spent my uni years having it large and shagging as many girls as possible and these fuckwits shut themselves away from it cos they're too scared of rejection or something.

think she's like 20 now

>little responsibility

You didnt go to uni

>goo-ree-tings maa-tehs

low bandwidth usage for my aussie mates :)

/brit/ is an inclusive general

Can't watch live coverage because I haven't paid my TV license

the non-neurotypical gf

posting giganormdroids



Lads why do I have a thing for essentially butters girls? I find them attractive because they aren't. Can't figure it out

*raises middle finger*

>3 hours of classes a day
wow man like totally stressed out

you are a complete cretin


Cash is better at things like that cos card payments slow everything down

Not bothered la, would fill her hole and make her my gf.

>this picture


looks like me mum

big black willies in tight english fannies

it's a hilton hotel

that's why i picked her

looks like a tranny

3-6 hours of classes a day
2-3 hours of study a day unless you're some arts faggot

Assuming you don't have to work to get your way through uni

Why are you keeping on this?

You've clearly never been to uni or have some shit degree that took no effort

>$10 for an American beer

>aww shucks I'm basically still at school but in a different place and bedroom

I mean, for an extra dollar drink Becks.
What is a Dollar, 50p 75p?
Monopoly money

he definitely is

what did they mean by this

care to step outside?

Are Pooindaloos /our guys/?

So by that logic the highest-rated, most expensive restaurant in the world should charge $50 for a can of coke

One on the right looks alright, other two look like a pair of poofs in disguise

you're in for a rude awakening when you start the working grind lmao

>mixed drinks
this is juicy bits tier

>friend invited me along to a party tonight
>texted him half an hour ago asking when we're going
>still no reply

fuck is mixed drinks?

>having friends

baka desu senpai