Tell me about france Sup Forums

tell me about france Sup Forums

It's overflow


France used to be cool, and didn't afraid of anything. Then they got depressed after WW2 and now they drink too much and sleep with immigrants to try and mend the whole inside, before it is too late. What they don't know is that it has always been too late. And thank God for that.






You are the one who is depressed here... There will be starship with this Blue White Red flag in few centurys. We will prevail.


penis and also dicke and balls

Best country in Europe, too bad they have been uh, struggling with the extremist Muslim menace the last few years, and sadly I don't know if they will ever recover from all the damage done in the last few decades.

Isn't that a dorito's dip sauce ?


It's a ctually a tablier de soupeur, a famous dish here

Ben non, "de sapeur" est le vrai nom sur les menus des bouchons lyonnais.

Nice country. Terrible people.

Because you got it wrong. It's a nation.

Grenoble here, never seen this dish in my life.

Also what is this croissant with weird topping, sounds italian-like.

Oh i'm sorry for that, I hope we will see you soon my dear enculé

>weird topping
croissant aux amandes (grillées, avec un pti glaçage vanille). Y'en a chez les patissiers en Alsace et en Auvergne au moins.

>tablier de sapeur
Oui, c'est local lyonnais. De l'estomac de vache à la texture en nid d'abeille mariné, pané et frit, servi avec une sauce sympa. ça a goût de steak bien cuit, mais super moeulleux.