
Canada USA Mexico

No presidential election edition

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I have no idea who is going to win and I forgot to vote. Red pill me on both candidates /cum/

I was constipated this morning and tore my butthole while pooping :(

eat more fiber

Jenna 2bh famm

Trump: Republican who's gonna blast you in the ass
Clinton: Democrat who's blasting your ass


how can I stop feeling sad

America is very diverse

alri jennalad



Listen to some happy music

>tfw teacher started crying in class at the prospect of a women being president

top zozzle what a meme

Post the album you are currently listening to.

Reality TV Celebrity
The textbook example of a immoral political insider

Good evening, /cum/!

Costalniggers must be purged

Good evening Luxembourg, don't anime-post please :)

wouldnt that be from too much fiber?

by the way, applying a butterfly bandage to your butthole is not easy

2nd best Radiohead album

Nah too much fiber gives you liquidy shit and lots of farts, the opposite of constipation

What about manga-posting?

top tier album tb h

St. Louis is a Coastal Colony?

tell your teacher to fuck off

>mfw hillary wins


Donald is going to win the popular vote but not the electoral college.
The second American civil war will commence in 24 hours.
Screencap this post.

>mfw Hillary wins

>mfw Trump wins

doesn't help
hi luxembro



dontcha just want to give him a hug and tell him itll all be ok?

What is Luxembourg doing
in /cum/ threads?

but it won't be ok

>in calculus 2 class
>doing problem about parametric calculus
>have to find where graph has horizontal asymptote
>girl next to me asks for help
>tell her to set numerator equal to zero
>she doesn't know what a numerator is
>mumbles something about how much she hates "horizontal isotopes'

>screencapping nonsense

Still planning on genocide for everyone over 6 ft. tall by the end of this century. You guys better stock up on your guns because you're gonna need em when my soldiers come to execute your asses.

its not nonsense

I made a thread yesterday complaining about not having a general to post in and some kind American anons invited me to post here.



ok, squirt

would you?

>Still planning on genocide for everyone over 6 ft. tall by the end of this century. You guys better stock up on your guns because you're gonna need em when my soldiers come to execute your asses.

he's trying to live in the /cum/ general

theres 5 or 6 female pajeets in my CS class this quarter

People said the same shit about 2000, 2004, 2008, & 2012.

It's not happening, America isn't Africa.

your supud

>"I don't vote"


i-i just forgot!

Just add more fuel to the fire, boys. Short people just need to be aware of how much society puts them under their collective boot. We just need someone to rise up and lead this silent group socially and politically until we have gained equal footing. We will be laughed at, but that's just gonna help motivate my people in our quest to put you tallfags in the dirt.

nigga you had 4 years

They might be halfway competent then, when I was in University the drop-out/transfer rate for grils in STEM was extremely high, only female poos, Iranian muslimas, some slants and a handful of white grills lasted.



Why not just be a dwarf?

What happens if you don't vote in America?
It's compulsory here so you get fined if you don't.

I'm not American so I don't know

Nothing happens

>I'm not american

>he doesn't remember the liberal butthurt about Florida and Ohio

user there was a lot of big talk then too, the Democrats even tried to get UN observers to the 2004 election because Bush was "muh Hitler."

They settled for OSCE observers.

Is this true?

Did you take a selfie after voting? Don't lie.

What a terrible name for a general.../cum/ LOL

At least in the US girls score the same or better than boys on college entrance exams. The reason there.could be so many drop outs is because so many STEM guys are ugly betas, fat, pajeets, etc.

Had a girl in my one CS class who was also my coworker who dropped cs with he reason "I'm here to get my MrS degree" kek.


D-Don't make say it.


no, I did a mail in



I meant to say the same or better in math and science.

York? McMaster? Laurier? Waterloo? Guelph?

only unis that fit your post senpai unless your outside ontario

Why is sparkling water so good?

>To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered.

kek, Americans.

Uh... No, I didn't.

It's Ryerson isn't it



how is this even legal

stupid click bait article, it's an inert training bomb

why is everything so boring now?

how about we "lose" some more over major Canadain cities, leaf

Girls generally are less interested in STEM subjects. The female brain is wired differently. There are going to be a lot of faggots arguing that it's a cultural (nurture) issue, but there are studies which show that there are discernible differences between the ways men and women, in general, perceive the world. Women, for example, have a worse sense of space than men.

Everyone is tensed up and busy with the election.

Mail in ftw. Even neets like me can vote

what do you mean, how is it legal?

>Implying we want shitholes like Toronto, Vancouver or Montreal

found this doggo last night, thought he was a stray. gave him a pack of cheese and roast beef and gave him a bunch of blankets to sleep under my boat.

My brother put up a few flyers today and lady came by and was reunited...

That is my good deed for the day....

There's nothing to talk about besides American elections.

>gave him a pack of cheese

what if he was lactose intolerant, you ass

That's a cute doggo

That's nice :3

check out that dick

>confirming he is in fact a Torontonian and not CIA


to vote in advance and by mail

the constitution says everyone votes on the same day

the problem is it sounds incredibly insecure

cia has always been a Torontonian


>the constitution says everyone votes on the same day

nowhere does it say that

I wanna /cum/ in tha frog