
let's discuss the presidential election edition

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rushed edition but far better than the hun's


are you the sersh or anime poster because I can see both posting this

Just voted in Missouri (a swing state).

I didn't even like the person i voted for...

some first polls close in half an hour

get hyped

what's best stream?
watching the NBC one

>tfw no average irish gf

>tfw no average boat waifu

This thread will be removed by the mods.

looks a tad ratty in this picture tb h

get in comfy dot zone

i am on the washington post site
waiting for updates

Toblerone is apparently changing for us aswell lads, abit shocked.

>water charges

bought a few for Christmas

could sell them 30 years from now as antiques

If it does, we can go back to the old one.

Sure we're joint at the hip with Britain. The pound goes down, so they raise prices in both our countries.

Fucking hell. First the white chocolate ones become increasingly rare, now this!

>John Greene's queer brother telling you to vote on the NBC stream
haha wow I wonder who this media outlet wants to win

More of an after eights fan myself.

AND an illegal alien

what in the name of jaysus is going on with the American media fucking christ

After Eights are probably preferable, but they're both staples for Christmas imo.

Link for the stream please?



more of an under 8s fan myself

Fecking stream:
>gender gap, will women voters decide the next president?
Well yes, that's what voting does.

voter turn out is always relatively low so any upset will be because of demographics, such as youth for the 2008

just filtered all Union jacks lads and I have to say the place is already much better.

state of anime nonces

>tfw bad guys are going to win

Who else has work tomorrow?


I thought that was a rather good edition desu. You lads need to be more open minded.

Was thinking that myself. Taigs are simply unable to handle banter

>live feed from some Chilean journalist in NYC
>blah blah Trump hates women, he hates latinos
>they interview a Brazilian women passing by
>she's voting for trump
>they interview some Chilean man nearby
>voting for Trump
>they interview some Cuban woman
>Trump again

I made that post

feel slightly bad for making a new one now actually, that was petty
might get deleted though

you lads are literally the biggest babbys about your brit threads who makes them and the edition

you want to be a wanker fuck off back there

Case in point.

fuck off hun

what show?

Calm your jams, my papish friend. We're all brothers in the name of God, aren't we?

And here I was thinking that any man was accepted in the Irish republic, regardless of his faith, gender, or social class.

only retarded children believe in god

>regardless of his gender

you're an awful eejit for thinking hun means prod though

>any man was accepted regardless of his gender

Imagine being a """Brit"""" unironically going into a Irish thread to converse with Irish posters in which you shitpost and then get upset with them whilst actually being ignored by everyone to the point that it has become so sad you resort to avatar fagging and using a name on a anonymous Korean bike cycling forum at 12 o clock at night when you even have a general of your own in which you can ""converse""with your own countrymen.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Of course, I should have expected a load of fenian, papist mystics to shun the social progress we've made in the 21st century.

A person living in a first world European democracy is free to choose whatever gender identity they wish. Stop being such bigots.

I can't, I'd be driven to suicide
/brit/ is such a sad place compared to /éire/

Not sure if I can be arsed staying up for the election.

not long now

don't they won't announce it until very late here possibly tomorrow morning

Broadcast NBC is generally somewhat balanced but their cable news channel is pants on the head leftist. Al Sharpton has a show on it and the guy who follows him makes statments with no evidence. It has been found to have less facts than Fox News.

Fucking nothing is happening.

Gonna watch Westworld then go to bed. America is shite anyway.

districts are reporting in

what time will we know who's president lads?
I bet a mate €350 if it's trumps he has to pay up.


retarded shite it's like they want the AI to dominate us


>I bet a mate €350 if it's trumps he has to pay up.
Online betting on trump would have gotten you 5 times your bet dummie

gonna try and re-add that lad who blocked me on steam I talked about a week ago
wish me luck lads


If you saw the last episode you'd realize that's not what's going on.

Maybe he doesn't mind losing the money to his friend as much as to the money-grubbers in the bookies.

ep 6?
have it dl'd

don't be a nigger now

Steam friends are less reliable than primary school friends. Screw him.

hello muh heritage was irish but i got deported by boat to this hellhole by english people accept me pls

we were good together though man

Trump's ahead boys according to the CBS exit polls.

Not looking good good in Florida lads, losing hope.

He's nearly 2% ahead.

So was my best friend. I wish he didn't become a prick.

Things always look up for republicans at first. I remember watching the 2008 results coming out, Obama looked like he was losing bad at first.

Many blue counties to come in. Dems are very pleased so far.

In Florida they aren't done voting, apparently.

And not many states have signed up yet. One teeny cuck New England state called for Hillary, three "midwest" states called for Trump.
This is like circling before the proper battle begins.

I'm still not getting my hopes up.

Anybody watching the RTÉ coverage?

Suddenly have an ominous feel lads

I do not like this one bit

Who else /comfy/?

Why is vlad sad?

I've had 3 shits in the last half hour

So fucking nervous

Have it in the background, not really paying attention to it. I assume it's full of Clinton shills.

friend added me back and we've made up lads

Same desu. Comfy but cold.

Post the conversation lad, I need a pick me up.


I'm afeared.

Frenchguy jinxed it again.

Getting there. My right foot is cramping, which is annoying me.

It's actually not that bad. Brian Dobson is hosting a pretty interesting panel.

Because they donate to the clinton camp?

>Frenchguy jinxed it again
I was right in the end last time though.

>tfw all the smug globalist cunts at work who'll be gloating Trump lost

Here lads, if all but two states allocate the electoral college votes based on the result of the popular vote, why is the electoral college so important?

Because if 90% of California voted for Clinton it would only be as much as if 51% had.

What the fuck are Infowars doing? Arguing policy? READ THE FUCKING RESULTS YOU CUNTS


>tfw smug feminist sisters who'll be gloating about the end of the age of men

Me: ey
Him: found some fucking time to do this, 'tis half past midnight
Him: and ey to you 2 senpai
Me: well I'm staying up anyway
Me: watching the election shite
Me: reminded me
Me: of our bonding
Me: with brexit
Him: like calling your ex in the middle of the night when you've had one too many
Me: drinking is bad for the liver
Me: 100% sober
Me: just think
Me: it's retarded
Me: what we fought over
Me: itnnit
Him: well I'd love to re-establish our long lost friendship but I got school tomorrow
Him: and yeah, it was retarded
Me: well
Me: I'll be awake in the morning anyway
Me: shits on til 4 am
Him: it wasn't neccesarily that arguement, we just boiled over I 'spose, needed a break
Me: plus I dropped oot of college so I have fuck all to do
Him: all good though
Me: bet you cheated as well you whore
Him: with whom
Me: james
Him: baby I've been loyal ever since we married on teamspeak
Me: ye dirt bird
Me: cannae do that now
Me: microphone broke
Me: dropped a lamp on it
Him: talked bout rap with him
Him: das it
Me: das quare
Me: might block you now
Me: ;)
Him: get back at me
Me: wut
Me: talk tomorrow senpai
Me: go beddy byes
Him: ye talk tomorrow, hope to wake up to president Trump
Me: so ye've come over
Him: I was a bernie man
Him: no love for hillary
Me: reckon nothing will happen either way anyway tb h
Me: always this hyperbolic shite with elections
Me: could be minor civil war if he loses though
Me: never know
Him: either way hope som gud drama goes down
Him: anyways night bby, bond with ye tomorrow

don't judge my style of typing pls

it has to do with overwhelming votes per electoral district

I swear to god I'm after feeling weight in my chest. I cannot take this.

someone put kev beside this

Dark days ahead bar some sort of miracle.

iktf, felt the same with brexit

Clinton landslide incoming. It's ogre.

>I was a bernie man
HEEM the cunt

oh god new hampshire fuck you