r8 recc shitpost bully
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Jazzus Lizard feat. David Yow
Sat., Aug. 27, 11pm
The Lost Well
2421 Webberville Rd.
absolute lute mad fuck - bucko
>calling one of the main enemies of poseurshits a poseur
o i am laffin
thanks 4 recc
Fires Within Fires is the upcoming eleventh studio album from American metal band Neurosis.[1] The album is scheduled to be released on September 23, 2016, via the band's own record label, Neurot Recordings.[2] Recording of the album began on December 27, 2015, at Electrical Audio Studio.[3] The record is produced by Steve Albini, and the cover art was created by Thomas Hooper.[1]
Tommy Johnson - Victor and Paramount Recordings
Isis - Celestial
already heard isis
will check tommy johnson out, very new to blues to any recc is appreciated
i have a job interview at buffalo wild wings on thursday
I have no idea what I'm doing here.
good luck
How do you blow an interview at buffalo wild wings
it's my second interview ever for my first potential job, i'm just nervous in situations like that
u'll be fine
The Gories - House Rockin
Henry Flynt - You Are My Everlovin/Celestial Power
Leo Brouwer - Guitar Vol. 1
whats Bulbous Creation like?
Pylon - Gyrate
Bardo Pond - Amanita
Codeine - Frigid Stars
Scuzzy old psych rock with some crunch elements and a lot of catchy lyrics. Also Satan.
bully urself idiots i don't feel it anyways
Washington Philips - The Key to the Kingdom
William Tyler - Modern Country
Lou Harrison - Gamelan Music
The Hotelier - Home, Like Noplace Is There
Exuma - Self Titled
Devo - Are We Not Men?
Yndi Halda - Under Summer
Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle
Nico - Desertshore
Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
>Scuzzy old psych rock
sounds right up my alley, ill check it out
heard it lots and love it, thx anyway
I figured
Sweet, hope you enjoy it.
my Deathconsciousness repress is coming in the mail ; )
>fuck you, other bird
sick cunt
sad cunt
sick cunt
sad cunt
sad cunt
sick cunt
neither do I, sad cunt
good luck, try to stop being a sad cunt tho
sad cunt
sad cunt
sad cunt
sad cunt
h..hey guys... what's the website called again?
sad cunt
False - Untitled
Anaksimandros - Rivers of Finland
More Sup Forumscore
Anything by Deepchord.
Also Scratch Acid.
Mine too :3 (im the one who rec'd it)
What does it mean to be a sick cunt?
Oh FUCK YES. This rec (Anaksimandros) is exactly what I was looking for.
ive heard scratch acid
deepchord is one of those artists ive wanted to check out for years but never did
ill get to it eventually
Would love some non hip-hop recs.
Surprised Big Black - Atomizer isn't on there, nice picks.
Search your inner self and find out unless you're not an actual sick cunt
Oh yeah, Spires in the Sun that Rise is another, if i got the name right.
>ive heard scratch acid
*Spires in the Sunset Rise
+pet sounds, sily, nmh
i've listened to the glow 2 (and a half) times and i just don't get it. it's one of my friends' favorite albums, too. what's the appeal?
+rush, bowie
+the doors, beatles, nmh, dk
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Hey ELO fellow listener
nice. a new world record has been growing on me recently, out of the blue used to be my favorite but the whole album is consistently good.
secret messages is a less known one i'm a big fan of - look into it if you haven't.
I've been trying to find to listen to secret messages, I had didn't really know it was worth it or not.
Out of the Blue is god tier for me, Mr. Blue Sky is by far my favourite song by ELO/All time.
Time is really good too, Yours Truly, 2095 is great.
Cremation Lily 2
Anna Gardeck - Bondage Women
Anata - The Conductor's Departure
Morbus Chron - Sweven
Pretty decent chart bro.
yr my everlovin bb
what happens if you're sad and sick, whilst being a cunt?
hi guys i changed my chart slightly gives me some recs senpai!!!
not possible, you're either a sick cunt or a sad cunt
You've probably already heard them but in case you haven't
Binary Star - Masters of the Universe
Black Star - Mos Def and Talib Kweli are Black Star
Mobb Deep - The Infinite
all classics t b h
>Mobb Deep - The Infinite
I'm 99.9% sure you meant The Infamous. Obviously have listened to Black Star. Have never heard of Binary Star though. I'll check it out soon, the album length is kinda jarring though, thanks senpai
binary star is decent, a bit too cocky though
it's like they wanted to change the hip-hop game completely and thought they made a revolutionary album
Are you Scaruffi?
i drone him a lot though
any recs?
Whoops, I fucked up. You know what I meant.
>I'll check it out soon, the album length is kinda jarring though, thanks senpai
It's completely worth it though.
Never really came off like that to me. Honest Expression is the song that really beats you over the head with that message imo. They didn't stick around long enough for me to think they were trying to start a new hip-hop revolution of sorts, but rather their pride in their diy style is what stands out to me the most.
Anyway the smooth, jazzy production is so tight, I never get tired of it.
Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein
Big Black - Atomizer
heard those but thank u
do you ever miss 2012 Sup Forums?
well I think Sup Forums had better memes/better discussion so yes
Damn, sorry couldn't be of much help. Although I got a question, what Can album should I listen to first to get an introduction to them?
rate if you want
other than the rap, 10/10 taste
what do you dislike about liquid swords and madvillainy?
thanks for the praise
I like all of your picks and I'd encourage you to listen to more albums from your favorite artists if you didn't already - most of the artists you posted have more than one good album.
If you liked Laika's style you'd dig Oneohtrix Point Never
And since you like krautrock you might like Brainticket
Dälek - From Filthy Tongue of Gods and Griots
ayyy, Chicago Transit Authority, never see that one on here
Maybe The Shipping News?
Agitation Free - Malesch
Perhaps - Volume one
Yagya - sleepygirls
Extra life - Secular Works
Lamb - lamb
Fluxion - Broadwalk Tales
lamp - for lovers
椎名林檎 - 勝訴ストリップ
Хвocт и AyкцЫoн - Жилeц Bepшин
Brigitte Fontaine - Kékéland
Mahogany - Connectivity!
惑星アブノーマル - 何でも無い凶器
Invisible - Jardín de los presentes
Manon meurt - Manon meurt
Spectres - Dying
Flotation Toy Warning - Bluffer's Guide
A Hawk And A Hacksaw - darkness at noon
>惑星アブノーマル - 何でも無い凶器
boi this is my jam
thanks for the great reccs
sadly I don't know a single album from your list to give a recc back.
these threads are assembly lines and conveyor belts fuck all of you