So what nations will the US break up into?

So what nations will the US break up into?

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looks like Europe sideways minus Italy

The GAR does look quaint

Cascadia-Aztlan Federation reporting in

It won't do that anytime soon, you retarded autist.

And fuck your map. Northern New England would sooner join Canada than secede just to be in a union with NY, NJ, and PA.

>appalachian republic
>doesn't include NC and WV

pls ally

Always knew the flyovers would do us in.

Northern New England should just join with the Maritimes as a separate nation. Or at least that's how I would want it in my Balkanisation fantasy.

im on board

>Appalachian republic
>not also including eastern Tennessee

>you idiots
>knowing what Appalachia is

the shit parts don't matter

Fuck off. We're Americans.

We will not be joining Canada. We will be our own glorious and prosperous. We will bully New Hampshire with Vermont.

I guess Pittsburgh or Nashville would be the capital.

Ignoring the Canadian bits, of course.

>including NH, VT, and Maine in a region they aren't actually in
Pretty sure you're the shit part, my deficient friend.

Nashville isn't in Appalachia, I'm pretty sure it's too far out west.

t. used to live in Nashville but now in the East

Knoxville would be a fine capital tbqh

So those Vermont mountains surrounding me, they're not Appalachian? Thanks for the info.

Try actually being relevant for once.


You can fuck right off, bud.

Appalachian is not the same as Appalachia.

Pick two.
refer to

Try not being a victim of crime.
>Glorious Appalachian Republic
You dun goofed

>While the Appalachian Mountains stretch from Belle Isle in Canada to Cheaha Mountain in Alabama, the cultural region of Appalachia typically refers only to the central and southern portions of the range.

Your state confirmed for not being relevant and OP being a prideless retard.

New England and cascadia god willing.

>not even in Appalachia
You are literally not relevant enough to be considered, no matter where the mountains actually lie.
Just ask the rest of the world.

I agree that OP is retarded.
We're definitely not relevant, and there's no need to come here. Nothing but cows, mountains, and libs, and we're full. And we're Appalachian.

That said, if you want to be pedantic, don't make it so easy to be proved wrong.
No, I love my country, you unpatriotic dick.

>Appalachian - of or relating to the region of Appalachia, its inhabitants, or their culture
Nope, you're not Appalachian.
Sorry you can't even win a simple argument.
It's hilarious how you think you're relevant.

>wanting to be a part of a country that is racing to replace whites with legions of brown skins for cheap labor

WV here
Fuck you and your map you wannabe hillbilly.

Did somebody say reclamation of New Ireland?

OP, please look at this map again:
That's Appalachia. What you have is New England and the Middle Colonies.

I'd rather have a Rust Belt Confederation cutting out the coastal bastards.

New England pls come back home.

Nice memes.
You'd have better luck with the south.

Looks comfy.

Remember, once you join the Union you are here forever.

A traitorous secession will be met with force


Mississippi fag here
Texas pls join the New Southern Confederation

yeah fuck off, dindu worshipper

The dominion of mankind

Cascadia for sure.


CIA kys pl0x


No secession for you

Appalachia is poor as fuck.
