
YUGE Edition

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korean pop

So trump is still gonna lose right?????

crying rn, lads


You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out

up like Donald Trump

>mfw Stein voting cucks will literally hand the election to Trump

so this isn't over eh lads

if he loses wisconsin and michigan he won't win

DESU its still close and if Michigan flips it could be tight

i genuinely think so, yeah

might go to norway this winter
happiness or sadness?

Literally vibrating through solid matter, lads

NYT is predicting 95% chance of Trump win

Doubt it m8

I'm confused, on Twitter all these sjws are saying all trump supporters are homophobes but I'm bisexual and would vote for trump. Those leftists should just check their privilege desu

what do they mean by the stripes?

Did you praise kek yet, Sup Forums?

>Down to 15k in Michigan
Trump needs to nibble away at all of the other counties apart from Wayne, getting a few thousands in each one if he wants to win Michigan.


it's not even about trump, it's about the fact that the white population in this country may still have power

michigan is too tight
call it a blue state


>voted hillary in michigan

lmao starting to regret it. I didnt actually think itd be this close and now I wish trump could pull it off

Too many to think of a specific one desu

>korean pop

MI is super close, Trump up by 0.5% with 61% counted
He's unlikely to lose WI though

trump doesn't need michigan if he wins wisconsin

>trump is up in washington


Is Hillary Clinton the worst candidate literally ever?

13k now

this could go either way

Absoluto retardado.

can't wait to hear neoliberals shrieking this opinion for the next 4 years


need a mummy gf like i need air

rah genuinely thought he was gonna get destroyed

fair play to his supporters

i always wanted to leave this country, this seems like a good excuse

I'm gay and voting for Trump. They never know what to say to that so they just call me a racist

Seattle isn't in.

Hillary 206
Trump 216
Blink 182

seattle is still not in

easy blue

WA is only at 32% counted, it's too early to tell

Shillary is going to take Michigan, lads. She's clawing back from being literally out of it.

Trump is done.

Lads how do you think the DUDE WEED vote will turn out for the 5 states?

California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona and Nevada

Irl is like the internet now

>Florida still not called

I hereby apologise to all yanks on /brit/

I admit, I wanted Trump to lose. I wanted to laugh at you. I wanted to call you cucks as Hillary ascended to the Presidency.

But this is amazing. You have changed everything.

Yanks are now guaranteed (Yous)s from me

damage control

on my lap young man

i'm fucking scared right now bros

I think I can eek it out, you know. I think he can just about fucking pip it.

Shut it down

My prediction lads, thoughts?

>nevada turns blue

what on god's green earth...

imagine the smugness of Trump when Obama does the handover

not sure I can even picture it


They're trying to keep the Dow from falling another 800 before they can cash out

14k lead now in michigan

this is too close to tell at this point


can someone explain why people think a vote for trump is an anti-gay vote? has he said anything anti-gay? He's one of the only repub candidates I can think of that's said he's going to try to protect LGBT citizens

its all gonna come down to Michigan

>MFW he wins by a handful of votes
>TFW one of my votes decides an American election


You think NH is going to flip?

>canada's immigration website has broke

ah yes

Fuck Drumpf, fuck Brexit and fuck white people.

just put a fiver on trump at 25/1

really hope he wins

Enjoy the (You) m8

Sorry for doubting you. Your humble servant, /brit/

This is your standard 'Blue State'

I think this is proof that liberals live in hives removed from the real world.

wew :33

yis pls

do any of u actually think he's gonna be a good president?

he's a dummy on 99% of issues and daily reminder that he has no plan for healthcare

All you cunts are going on about Trump winning but just checked bbc and Clinton is ahead 197 vs. 193


Michigan will go for Trump

He said that he doesn't support gay marriage and Pence is notoriously anti-gay

We will all be dead by this time next year I reckon boys

Fix that shit.

Nevada was blue last time too m8.

Who will win if it goes to tie? Its up to the electoral college voters themselves in some state

Is there any assumption on how that would turn out?

Because Hillary's side is fear mongering.

They assume because he's not OK with illegal immigration that he's a racist. And since he's a racist, he hates ALL minority groups. Gays, trannies, "women", all of them.

just enjoy the ride

as Rush (pbuh )would say, don't doubt me. remember that, kiddo


t. person who knows nothing about american elections or the electorate

hillary could still win, but it's unlikely.

he's worth $10bil

he's obviously not dumb

its the other way around
conservatives isolate themselves because they're scared of gay people

Here you can see how liberal hives in NY, PA and VA turned beautiful red states blue.

thread theme


Hillary has one elector from Nebraska so if this were the case she'd actually win

I think the House decides it. CGP Grey did a video on it


He said he doesn't support a federal ruling on gay marriage. He wants states to vote on it.

>"the real world"
>2 people per square mile

Minnesota is pretty white too. Quite the disappointment

Probably all their muzzies

rural areas are almost invariably based and right wing

I really need to get the fuck out of the city already


Honestly, I'm quite elated with this result.

Hope the Dems purge the Clintons once and for all.

not going to catch me with that hook there, no sir-ee



alri joke 2bh

me on my way to tesco

Oh, my bad. I didn't really pay attention because it was pushed out of the news so quickly



Yeah, parts bordering MA is coming in soon. Heavily Dem.

Nah, Detroit voters coming in soon for Shillary.

stay delusional libtard

china becoming the next superpower