Bon Iver - 22, A Million

Is this album gonna be Justin's Kid A?

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no, it's gonna be Justin's 22, A Million

stop comparing shitty ass radiohead to bon iver
he's in his own league .

if you mean that it's gonna be vernon's album of ripping ae, then sure.

It's goin to be garbage downbeat hip hop influenced shit like a modern Dido


That album cover is so cringe

>listens to panda bear and death grips once

Lmao why is this avant teen trash getting hyped?

p4k is going to rip him a new asshole for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE

urban outfitters-tier, definitely

Should be great


Not a big fan of some aspects of it but I'm excited

I was getting more of an Age of Adz vibe from it.

Where was this

It's obviously downtown but what street

fuck this has potential but the vocal effects are retarded and with the melodies/music being the way it is it sounds pretty bad mixed with the electronic type of style this has
nah it's gonna be some 8.X bnm because Bon Iver is popular with "music listeners"

Eau Claire St on the same side as the library but on the other side of Farwell

the other track they put out is a bit more reminiscent of the self titled

didn't like it when I first heard it the other day and now I'm listening to it like 4 times in a row. think I'll love the album

own league of shittiness

I generally like Justin, but what's up with the satanic tracks?

performance of full album here

this pretty much. I keep seeing comparisons to Kid A and even Yeezus (???), but Age Of Adz seems pretty spot on from what we've gotten so far.

and AoA is basically a lot of Bjork worship anyway

>34 mins

This sounds nothing like Age of Adz. That album was long, ambitious, bombastic. This is pretty minimal by comparison.

It helps that there's a song on AoA that's almost as long as the entirety of 22,AM

It's the combination of electronic elements with folk that people see a similarity in.

so every folktronica is now a Age of Adz copycat?

there's barely any folk in Age of Adz other than the beginning and end, and there is none to be found in either of these new Bon Iver songs. Just because that's the kind of music the artists have released in the past doesn't mean all their works inherently fall into the same genre.


that's pretty reductive. the "electronic" elements of aoa were more synth-poppy, colourful while these tracks show a more minimalistic and bleak industrial sensibility. they really don't sound much alike.

Justin is one of my favorite musicians of all time. Love both Bon Iver albums and I love these new tracks. Super hyped. Been waiting 5 years for this


Me too. I can't wait to see what references to our city he makes

It looks so try hard. Like he wanted to be edgy and use occult symbols but made it look like ironic internet lingo

>if you just stop discussing music on this music discussion board, i swear the retarded thing i said makes sense
fuck off pupper