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living alone in the Canadian wilderness

We fucking did it, lads.

97% PA is Trump
Its ogre

The fuck is this nigga on about?

hit up the maritimes, they're bros once you figure out the accent


>tfw no gf


What is the official count? Is the 254-215 lead just a projection?

Enjoying this Daily Show freak out.

>le trump has no plan
>anyone can be president now

CIA here

you goofed making this thread vatnik

Good job, comrade

>anyone can be president
Isn't that true tho...


Stop keeping me in suspense you niggers, I want to sleep

I'm excited to watch John Oliver!

Sup Forums is going to become unbrowsable for the next few months for us mexicunts, much like india with poo in the loo

Suspense is over, Trump is leading hard.


Arpaio lost, boys
No Mexican extermination tag-team with him and Trump at the border, sad to say

Trump won. Hillary's chance of winning is almost 0%.

What will happen now?

good, you'll have more time to work on that wall

>Trump will probably get carried away in Erdogan's delusional bullshit and he will start carpet bombing the YPG units in Syria instead of the ''''''''''''''''''moderately'''''''''''''''''' snackbar, Turkish backed rebels such as Arahr al Sham, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam

Yes, but they framed it as anyone, no matter how le retarded and le unqualified, can be XD.

So did he basically win? Can I go to bed now?


How do you think he feels right now?

How so?

People don't hate Mexico like they do the US or India

when does the accusation of hacking start?

Wait until that white bitch starts moaning about it.

Top fucking kek.

At last I truly see.

3 months ago

isn't that true, tho?

I always loved Rasputin.

Mystical Rabi confirmed for better divination powers than Mexican Warlocks, nerf when?

It's over for us. we're finished.

Is my regional working?

>I shouldve took that job as head of the green party

when they wanted to take attention off the content of wikileaks

yes its over

We were always going to win



Didn't Trump accuse the election of being rigged though?

Probably apathetic because he knew he never had a chance with how the DNC rigged the primaries

I wonder how South Park is going to handle the results in their next episode
Also curious to see what the Trailer Park Boys say about it in their next podcast since they were decidedly anti-Trump

a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states

>lost to a criminal who rigged the system
>then sold out to the criminal who beat him
>all in vain

What's the likelihood of chimpouts/riots/protests?

yes, in order for him to lose he would have to lose his lead in three of the undecided states

>tfw race relations will finally be healed

Depends whether you believe Hillary's "Wisconsin/Michigan's leads are because Milwaukee/Detroit haven't been counted yet" excuse.

I figured it out thanks bros.

>shillary tears even in /cum/

get fucking shillbot

trump is for america

G'night boys

Can't wait for liberals to start talking about assassination and civil war even though it's traitorous when conservatives do it.

>mystical monkey has predicted

Im sold

congratulations mr trump

>toma trump

See you in a year when you're accusing Trump of being a globalist establishment shill.

at least he was able to buy a new house with the campaign money

I don't know, what was it like when obama won

So how much longer until the rest of the places are counted?

I have been hearing a lot about recounting.
How does that work?
How can you pull that out?

yeah, and hillary intimated russian hackers were responsible for trump's success

the whole thing was a shitshow

either one is elected and we're fucking boned hard dude

Hey I like the Orioles

are we bringing back slavery?

High but I don't think they'll be as major as after the police killed people.

>literally having victory sex before the election is even called
what a fucking champion


That's what they're called

Isn't the whole point that American workers would be doing the wall though

He has this way of bringing people together.

"man the us is fucked!"then they'll get high.


never doubt the mystical monkey

Me too, lets fuck.


None. The whole "COPZ IZ BAD N SHIET" and "RACIZT" wasn't that big 8 years ago.

>van jones meltdown

then race relations remain an issue




I'm not that easy

This I am getting bored

Is he really going to put Hillary in prison or was he lying?

You have made a grave mistake
It's ok though
I'll just be over here
In Texas

>fox news having meltdown

No it won't



>Trump's face when he had plans to shitpost on Twitter when he lost but he now has to actually step up and lead the greatest country in the world for the next 4 years while the whole world watches

that was obviously banter

I hope this is the one promise he keeps.

Do you guys think Trump will change America's position vis-a-vis Kosovo/Serbia?

I really hope he does. The """""""""""""""""""republic""""""""""""""""""" of albozerg Kosovo shouldn't exist as an independent entity. It's rightfully Serbian.

tumblr.com/search/election 2016/recent