Can't wait for you filthy wetbacks to be kicked out.
Operation wetback 2.0 and wall soon

Just screamed at a spic to go back that pulled up to me on a traffic light with windows down blasting his shitty sudaca music

Judging by his victory speech, you will be cucked hard.

good luck.

>mfw I work with a bunch of them and one has been talking about how there will be a race war if Trump wins


well, best of luck, familia

Bring it


If he has a driving license doesn't that mean he's a legal immigrant?

>"Omg user, you are a racist?"
>"I can't believe we're friends."
Enjoy thinking you have "le racially pure ameriga" only for your politicians to drop you after using your emotions and your neighbors making you a social pariah.

>tfw spic
>tfw i just can't wait for the central american trash to be sent back so that we can build a wall in panama and keep them out of south america too

Would Chicanos revolt

lmao the radio woman is saying "something somethign angry white men"
ahahahaha get fucked

D= fuck the climate change let's just destroy brownies and eat them yaay!

spics would get steamrolled

most cops are white

most soldiers are white

most militia is white


Believe this, many drive without licenses.

>its a Spain thinks its relevant episode
Log off life

nice a country made of immigrants are going to be against the new immigrants how wonderful. bb


thisis EXACTLY why we need Trump.

I find this amusing because if I don't bribe the attending officer he will fail me automatically regardless of driving performance

>white betas talking about race purge
Am lafin

>g-go back, spic
>What'chu say, ese? Didn't hear you there amigo
>i-i asked for the time
>Oh it's 8:50 carnal, have a good one



more like whites whovhave ancestors that came here during the 18th and 19th century

spics would get destroyed

I hope you burgerbacks and wetbacks all kill each other. Fuck em both. Mexico and america needs to be nuked.

>Just screamed at a spic to go back that pulled up to me on a traffic light with windows down blasting his shitty sudaca music

When you kick all the human garbage you'll see the legal ones are actually pretty chill

Nah fuck you and fuck white people.
I'm gonna quit my job and start robing whites all day long.

I'd be pleased either way, they deserve it

make america great again

... didn't your own republicans say that to remove mexicans would basically cause an economic collapse?

>robing whites
Being a tailor is an honourable profession senpai. Follow your dreams

hopefully you get michael browned mestizo trash

Hopefully you get Bryan Stow'd skincancer trash

they do

lmao im gonna start by keying cars in houses with Trump signs

suck my BBC aussie faggot

whites are pussies, you think your racist ass president will save you, but aint shit gonna happen homie

they're gonna put you down nigga

and at night you can get a job at taco bell and short them out on their change and shit in their anchilada , vato

This is borderline retarded.
All such things should require identity proof.

the cards they recieve have a marking stating they the card can not be used as ID. As such this is a dead giveaway that this driver is probably illegal if he was to be pulled over

This act atleast means illegals will learn to drive, and trick them into having some form of documentation. Illegals will always drive cars, but now atleast some will learn how to drive.

What did he say in his speech?

It still makes life easier for them.
India has problem with illegals from Bangladesh. You can't even get a gas connection to your house without showing a valid ID here. Our new PM is also centralising all money transactions. First, he linked all welfare schemes to bank accounts, which compelled all the poor and uneducated to open accounts. Now he has replaced the currency, and will probably do more such things with property and other stuff.
It's gonna be impossible for illegals to survive here. They will have to move back.

I see what you mean, but if america wants to the same they would have to go all the way and do what india is doing. And they clearly don't seeing as right now they don't really have a replacement for cheap labour. Might change with trump though