/NATO/ General

What will your country do after NATO collapses?

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save loads of money

become a german trooper after they eject the fraud that is Merkel


Remove kebab.


(anus haha)




Invade and rape

Of 28 NATO countries in the alliance only 5 the UK, U.S. Greece, Poland & Estonia - meet the 2% GDP spend on defense.

Just Google with this "Trump says US will not help all nato countries". A no-brainer.

usual stuff

first it was BAY DENBTS :DD

declare a national holiday the day it happens

elect sarkozy again and sell out to the new world order while the east is burning


Why are europeans so cucked to be scared of the US leaving NATO ? are you afraid you won't be able to oppress brown people together anymore? I don't get it.

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get ready for war with turkey




well you fuckers will have to spend money on your own military and stop leeching off us.

Fucking this
Based Serbia has our support

stop make wars against countries that we dont care a shit

yea we fight them mostly by ourselves anyway by the looks of things anyway.

Succumb to American invasion

Then get your bases out of here

Join Serbia

If you guys dont pay for shit, seems like we will.

Make America great again.

I'm starting to learn Russian as we speak.

what happens ,if, you know, we start removing kebab again? what will you do?

Pick mushrooms and drink vodka and beat up my 2D waifu


Yeah man everyone is always talking about how poor old Spain gets dragged into American wars
Shut the fuck up, your country is a shithole no one cares about, it is irrelevant does Spain even have an armed forces any more?

You want to work for the border guard? Why not Icelandic?

I've been learning Russian since January. It's grammar is challenging.

Bomb your cunt if the US can benefit from it

>It's grammar is challenging.

just wait till you run into the bastardized regional variants resulting from all the soviet diversity.

everything youve learned will be worth nolthing

>calling other shithole

kek. this is too much trolling even for Sup Forums standars

yes we are, like you.all countries except usa, china and russia are.
>even have armed force

better than yours, desu.

That's a meme. Nobody is scared of that shit.

Get annexed by Russia.

Bester Verbündeter

Be just fine.
Nato is useless when you have nukes.
But as Trump said, now is time for dialog, not conflict anymore.

I had a Polish A1 class when I studied in Leipzig. I though the grammar was logical, but fuck me. I just couldn't get my tongue to say those words.

>regional variants

btw....can you understand Sorbian?

polish nuclear program when

>US pulls out of NATO
>EU army created, per capita spending increased to US levels
>New era of US-Europe-Russia cooperation

Just happen

EU wouldn't stay in one piece, the eastern european countries don't trust the big continental european powers with Russia

Right after ours.

Bring back military service and teach our youth to hate the treacherous moors that would invade our beautiful land

Finally build up that EU army under Germany's control.
Adolf would be proud.

Celebrate, of course.


You might be saying that but your Gov showed quite some interest in joining our little project alongside Czech and Denmark.
Slow and steady wins the race.

When playing Hearts of Iron as Germany I always place my nuclear research station in Prag.


Anschluss with Germany, and start WW3.

let's just build an ICBM base on the border and call it a day

Yes, go prove your military worth killing more civillians. It's the only thing you are capable of defeating.

Glad to see that your outlook hasn't changed since the election.

Top fucking kek, and tell me what Spain's armed forces have been doing in your poor shithole shitskin country for the last 10 years you lazy spic cunt?

Serbs helped the ottomans stop the last true crusading army which allowed them to ruin southeastern europe.

Thanks servia

>Finally build up that EU army under Germany's control.

Germany ain't powerful enough to do that. The French have their own interests, the Poles and other Eastern Euros (and Nordics) won't trust Germany with their armed forces since you're too cosy with Russia.

The most you'll get is de facto German dependencies such as the Netherlands, Austria, etc, which hardly have a military themselves. And the force created from this would never do anything as the German foreign policy is to do nothing consequential with the military

>Live streaming: Secretary General joint press point with the President of Finland


You are right for some autistic reason, Trump won. I like the image btw.

Your nations military is a cucked underfunded joke hanz go back to selling weapons to shitskins and americans

Learn Russian.

>It's grammar is challenging.
Seems like you have enough difficulties with English grammar, to be honest.

>a lazy ass country blaming its misery to the US
Kek how ordinary

Celebrate the end of this illegal occupation.



Only poles are scared.

Hope Spain delays the French like last time we got invaded 300 years ago

France is going to invade Spain?

get invaded and raped

Ask permission to move their troops over here


It won't collapse if the cucks pay their fucking fair share instead of relying on us to cover it for them

>hes got no chance, he wont even get to top 2
ayyy lmao :D:D:D

>btw....can you understand Sorbian?
Yeah, a bit, if they speak slowly
fucking this

We'll sit the next wars out, probably try to form our own alliance with the US (the only reason they turned us down the first time was because they wanted us to join NATO).

>We'll sit the next wars out

You don't have any other choice. Look at your military.

You won't be doing shite when we send you 900,000 Unionist heads in a box.

EU army is inevitable now. Thanks Trump.

Get payed by both Russia and USA to supply their ships when they go bomb the middle east.

Very good for us desu

Become Russia's greatest ally

funland, pls join nato and become president and invade russkies and make us free again

We're poorer than the germans and yet we still have bigger army. Fuck no we're gonna lend our shit to the germs. Maybe instead of funding Ahmed's sexuall adventure they could fund their army.


Is NATO really kill?

well first of all I'm not too worried because a lot of powerful people in America want NATO to exist (muh defense industry)
but I also like that our cuck politicians are getting pressure to spend more money because at least in my country the government has neglected the military for years and years and the politicians are gambling everything on NATO helping us. It's so irresponsible and I'm glad that Trump is making our defense budget great again.

>Celebrate the end of this illegal occupation.

So you're preparing for Istria and Dalmazia to be liberated at long last?

>implying that being in NATO helped us out in any shape or form

we're still friends with america and we have treaties with big stronk countries.
also noone wants to invade us.

Two outcomes:

>NATO Members push towards the 2% line and NATO as a whole gets stronger
>NATO Members don't push towards 2% and instead shill for a European Army (which will push us out of the EU).

Either way, Ireland won't be affected like at all :)

It'll be the former. The only countries that want an EU-army are those that have no solid military. Do you honestly think that the French or the Italians (since UK is gone) will put themselves under the command of the Germans and supranational bureaucrats? They possess the bulk of the military forces in the EU and they sure as hell won't give those up.

>I'm glad that Trump is making our defense budget great again.


Italy and France aren't pushing for a single military, but they do want a European-based industry so that they can get research grants and have a larger market to sell within.

I don't think Italy or France are asking for a single military in its entirety, just the infrastructure to support their domestic forces.

Europeans are cringey faggots

Americans are bros desu :3 hope we can be friends someday

>It's so irresponsible
Nato or EU army, there's no way a Norwegian solo military is the responsible choice.

If instead of Nato we had (something like) an EU army, I'd fine with it, but until then, Nato's all we have.

i guess trump is more on russkies level

>mfw they want maltese soldiers
>mfw we have about 1000
>mfw they want us to send 4
they want some soldiers to have protection against terrorists, and they are requesting some 0.4 percent or something

My point is that they can block it. Any EU army would be worthless without the French and the Italians, but neither will let it form.