Are Eastern Europeans getting nervous?

Are Eastern Europeans getting nervous?

about what

>le Trump is going to let Russia annex half of Europe maymay
fucking kill yourself

not really

Trump said he wanted to reduce NATO and perhaps even abolish it

About the fact that you're about to become greater Russia?

>First slavs in the White House are YUGOS
>V4's and Russians on suicide watch

Why? Trump was supported by all our countries, excluding Ukraine (ie. he was supported by all actual countries in the region).

>trumps wives are from ex yugo countries


aren't you worried that Trump is not very enthusiastic about NATO and seems to want good relations with Putin?

nope, the election's over, you don't have to shill anymore.

Yeah, he'll reduce those that don't pay fees or send troops to NATO stuff. He lauded Poland at the other hand.

You're an ignoramus if you think Killary Clitdong would be better. Democraps in general are spineless.

> Trump was supported by all our countries
Yeah, with words. Nice and cheap words.

Pls move CD Projekt Red to Australia - they'll be safe here.

I wouldn't mind

Good, fuck NATO

why? more than 90% of bulgarians support trump

Visa free travel and living in Australia for Poles and CDP is yours

Us Balts are Northern European.

our relation with putler is good
its you, politically correct bullshitters shitting on russia who should be worried
we will guide them to you happily

no need to worry then ;^)

>literally surrounded by slavshits

t. baltoslavshit

>Shilling for NATO and Clinton to a Serb

>it's a slavshi, who speaks the most disgusting language in Europe, replies to me episode

>Are Eastern Europeans getting nervous?

lel trump would get 75% in Poland if you believe polls

>real language
pic one

Didn't Trump just say that he wants the cunts that payed less for their military than they were supposed to according to NATO to take responsibility? If that's the case, then we're fine.

nah, i'll pick both. Meanwhile, I will also try to contain the vomit that your vomit-inducing language induced.


Ofc, the little sister of russia isn't afraid.
Maybe it's time to start up your greater serbia plans again?

around 80% of bulgarians who voted also support a bydlo incarnate's retarded referendum without even knowing what they're voting for, so we aren't a good example.


Eastern Europeans probably no
We Central Europeans are

thy time is over, Merkel.

Not yet but claiming Republika Srpska would be good for a start

3 states are still counting votes.

Oh no, the organization that bombed my country is going to become weaker! Whatever will I do?

t. Tonibler Hon Hon

It's actually over. I imagine hillary is having a nervous breakdown or something

Her entire life's work came to nothin

Good luck. Can't wait to shoot some serbs.

It was all a bunch of hot air to get people to spend the agreed upon amount

>Oh no, the organization that bombed my country is going to become weaker! Whatever will I do?

invade Kosovo?

Sucks, doesn't it?


>invade Kosovo

That makes no sense. How can I invade a part of my own country?


No wonder they use brooms as the form of transportation

yeah, I know he is now President Elect, but the final result in the E.C. hasn't been declared (the last time I heard).
>(it appears) she didn't prepare a concession–speech
>they needed to move her supporters out of the center by 2:00 a.m. Eastern standard time
>she thought she had states certain to vote for her (so she didn't campaign there) that went red.

what arrogant urban–liberal complacency.

back the fuck off??!?!
kosova is my gf

not for long


Remember when western Europe proudly stood by and did nothing when everyone was getting invaded and annexed on the eve of WWII? Why would things be different now?

>Serbs claim Hague as ancient holy Serb land.

only if you're planning to keep benefiting at the expense of the American taxpayer

>he says to a serb

Pull your damn weight Europe.

Remember when Europe stood by while Serbia was invading Croatia and Bosnia, commiting mass murders od civillians in the 90s. Remember when no one cares or learns any of this in schools?

Serbia didn't invade anything.

Get your facts straight, Tonibler.

Local Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia wanted to secede and join up with Serbia. That's it.

Why do we let Muslims post here?

polish slavshit so nervous

so obvious


>vomit-inducing language
your ancestors who polonized themselves were of different opinion :^)

Well tbqh Serbia was an old war ally.



I meant eastern europe in general
I am well aware that serbia isn't really found of NATO

And you are in a position to make fun of us Mr.

No Trump likes us.

Plus his wife is from Yugoslavia.

Plus we have nothing against Russia and we'd be okay with them annexing us.

In fact there'd be celebrations.

We're used to it desu.

It wasn't that bad for most people. Only for those who couldn't keep their opinions for themselves. You could advance in career if you expressed agreement with fraternal help of the Red Army.

Shut up and keep up was the motto.

>Plus we have nothing against Russia and we'd be okay with them annexing us.

Hell no.

My great-grandmother remembers how their soldiers acted when they arrived in the capital.


I bet she does.

>my great-grandmother remembers.

That fact that she's still alive makes you a jew.

GTFO from my country scum.

>Plus we have nothing against Russia and we'd be okay with them annexing us.
The only reason why we have nice relations is because we are far from each other tbqh

i always hated NATO so i dont give a shit
plus serbs are overreacting with trump being good for them since all presidents change their behaviour once they're in office. just look at """peacefull""" obama. everyone thought things will go better and then he bombed 7 countries.

dont you guys want to join EU eventually?

>Plus we have nothing against Russia and we'd be okay with them annexing us.
Maybe you do.
I like Russia, but i'm not a russiaboo cuck.

Did you know Trump bought that bombed out central building in belgrade, serbia

Only for money. They would be worse saboteurs than Hungary and Poland.

Ma jes kurac Jevrej.

Rusi su silovali i to ti je cinjenica.

Voli ih ti koliko hoces, ali nemoj da ignorises cinjenice.

The EU is a carrot on a stick that the Serbian people are pretty tired of.
However, almost all political parties are pro EU.

well, Croatia is in no real danger to be annexed by Russia, is it?
I was thinking more of the baltic states and poland beeing concerned

Politicians want to, because more money for them to steal from various funds.

Common people don't.

We won't join, in the end. There's nothing in it for us.

I don't know why should we annex somebody. We're not in a good shape economically to bring prosperity to other countries.
Ukraine and specifically Crimea was one of the few places in Europe that's even more poor than Russia, so they actually benefited from annexing and did it willingly.

>Implying Russia would need soldiers to annex us.

They can basically send any representative and say you're a part of Russia now and nobody would object.

I mean it can't be worse, can it ?

Lmao our entire charade with the EU is just that.
A charade.

One day we have exercise with NATO other day with Russia.

One day we sign an agreement with EU, the other an agreement with EAEU.
We have free trade with almost all of their members and visa free travel to them.

There is no way to get into EU without recognizing Kosovo, which would be political suicide here.

Why do you think we're selling all our factories to China and not the EU ?

I tebe ce, dace bog.

why? don't all the slavic people have pretty much the same mentality?

Joining the EU would be beneficial, but the political parties have embezzled too much money that they lost all credibility with the people, and they'll probably embezzle EU money even if we got in.

its not but i would rather be annexed by russia than usa or germany, if i had a choice i would prefer some form of yugoslav states together, balanced between russia and west

This is Trump property now

>annexed by Russia
What is this annexing meme? If Russia was so keen on annexing it has plenty of countries it could have annexed in the last 20 years but didn't. Ukraine got shafted becouse the whole country was flipflopping for the past decade uncertain if it wants to be eastern or western with it's politicians all being corrupt puppets for the highest bidder.

>Common people don't.
why not, if i might ask?
I am sure a membership in EU would increase the average living standards in Serbia, plus the EU could pressure your political class into fighting corruption

>I mean it can't be worse, can it ?

Don't tempt fate, Marko.

Beneficial in what way? One of their conditions, for certain, is us giving up any and all claims on Kosovo. The people, regardless the shithole they live in, just won't accept being bullied like that.

We're stubborn to a fault.

Serbs hate you.
There's a saying.
>Why are you looking at me like i'm a German.
It's used when you give someone a death stare.

Memories of the war and the bombings will not go away soon. Even i remember the bombs, the air raid sirens...
However i'm more pragmatic in politics, but you certainly haven't made any friends for 1914, and 1941, and 1999.
The US and France especially for 1999.

You think that Russians want their empire back because they want to see their subjects prosper? Average Russians want to live in a country that's powerful and feared by its enemies.

This is more delusional than American belief that they're bringing freedumbs and democracy by invading Iraq.

We're not the ones with 3 million ISIS and Boko Haram militants in their countries.

In fact, It'd be pretty nice if we're not called to fight for you socialist cucklords.

>serbians swarm into every thread about Russia

I've seen this episode before

I dont believe it either, but as far as I know a lot of eastern europeans are nervous about russian agressions

Kosovo was forcibly taken, and we can only bargain for the North now, and an extraterritorial status of our cultural heritage.
But yes, most people would not accept it.
The thread is not about Russia.

>why not, if i might ask?

Because this is the same group of people who vilified Serbs throughout the '90s and '00s.

We tend to hold grudges for a long, long time.

And also, they want to take away a part of our country and give it to terrorists and have us admit that we were in the wrong for killing terrorists in the first place. It's simply too preposterous, even for our corrupt thieving politicians. It's not just political suicide, it's quite possible the equivalent of signing your own death sentence.

were we even that strongly invovled in the kosovo-crisis?

you have 1 million turks and gypsies

Not here, but Poles and Balts are really nervous. Czechs also a bit and Hungarians are concerned because of their history (1944 and 1956).

They've been here for around 500 years longer than you've had a country. Haven't started shit yet.

Meanwhile your Albanians are rearing to cut your heads off. Can't wait for it desu.

Did you say Russia??? :DDD

You're the one who should be afraid here with your 1.2% defense budget.
>implying we won't join Russia