/cp/ Culture Pals


Come meet qts from around the world, practice your qt talk skills, hangout with other Sup Forumserpals, share qts, share qt's nudes, rate qts, recommend new qts to others, log the ip addresses from qts with iplogger, make fun about crazy qts, share replies from pastas, take the piss out of clowns, look for the incognito german """"chick"""", fuck my shit up, prep your qt's bull, SHADILAY SHADILAY LA MIA LIBERTÁ

/cp./ Discord chat:


OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics

>Old thread:


>Also the mod on the website has words around him.

Tell us.

Stop putting the discord in the OP you massive nobs

"Hi, I've noticed you didn't like your country's elections' results, and you're looking for another more welcoming place to call home. I am a single man with a comfortable life in a very welcoming country but no one to share it with. I have a large television but no one to cuddle on my large couch and watch it with.
If you're interested in leaving your current life and starting a new one with me in this very welcoming country of mine and very far away from yours, we could share all this together.
What do you say?"

Perfect, might not be valid very long though, when's your next election?


guess it's over for our US qt hunters, no more qt importing

>implying Trump, the mail order bride importer himself, would block such a practice

point for you

Love your country, tempted to visit for eurovision. Ukraine qts = best qts.

actually i'm not ukrainian, i'm here visiting my qt. but can only recommend.



Who are you then, what cunt

good morning /cp/

>tfw bantering with qts about trump

Already lost a british slag but this is fun tbqh

What's up my dude

im virgin so no bully pls...

tell me what I should have said? i don't know how to flirt... i panicked





time to reel in the american sluts and trade citizenship for nudes

Who is /qoi8 and why does she keep viewing my profile?

how to take it to another level with qts you've been chatting for days now, guys?

Anons, should i message first? i have a pretty average looking and took a pic like kpop fags to get more views, i fucking hate my profic tho. get 50 views a day on average but receive few messages. :(
I never messaged first anyone. so should i message first? how do i start a good conversation?

Just message QTS first you dumb koreaboo

Snapchat/whatsapp for high energy convos

>getting messages from Americans just because I'm Canadian now

Trump was a mistake

we are already on whatsapp and send each other pictures there
but its all too awkward/friendly imho

"I am going to K-Pop your cherry"

That's awful

Who's the leaf that keeps looking at my profile? Don't be shy, boy ;^)

S-shut up

No u bb

Redpill me on Ecuadorian(?) qts

I've got one on chat (phone app) now but she's weird af
messages me and then doesn't reply for 10 minutes after every message

So, like every girl ever?

>messages me and then doesn't reply for 10 minutes after every message

i have bad news for you then
or maybe I'm just lucky

>Ukrainian literally crying on Skype because her French pronunciation exercises are too hard

Lovin' it

If any of you guys find women who like guys that look like fat children, please tell me.

who hurt you?

Honestly the hottest qts on interpals. I never post about that fact though since I want them all for myself.

I'm falling for this Polish qt holy fuuuck
we are chatting whole day on whatsapp and she comes to Croatia during summer every year

task: not to fuck things up until then

fuck meee


She will probably find some boyfriend in the meantime and then she will come with him to Croatia and I will pay for our dinner in a restaurant, for all 3 of us.


Better organise a week on the radioactive snow, Tomislav

hmm, mine is average at best
how to get lewd with them?

also now she finally started chatting like a normal person

Like any other girl, flirt with them, ask to see pictures of them, send pictures of yourself, send pics of yourselves when you're in bed, act like she's the most beautiful thing in the world and she'll slip you something pretty.

However if she's only average don't bother. If ever you visit her you'll probably fall in love every girl you see and be incredibly disappointed at the shitheap tugging at your arm

>visiting a girl in some ecuadorian shithole
the thought hadn't even crossed my mind

I'm just trying to cure my yellow fever, but most other girls look terrible without make up.

Ecuador seems like an interesting place to go. I'm planning on heading there to teach English eventually just because why not. Trying to think of as many places as far away from civilisation as possible.

guys pls im not trolling or anything, im actually frustrated and angry. pls

seems like she is brushing you off brah

Very interesting.

so I did good in changing the conversation? sounds like I was just afraid of the confrontation, at least thats how I felt and panicked.

5 mins later she said she couldn't focus anymore studying but I didn't answer, was she just asking for attention?

>talk to a girl for 3 weeks
>hitting it off
>you see her posted on /culture pals/
>she's talking to another fucking user

i'm fucking done with this shit, all women are whores. all women on this site especially, introverted disgusting piece of shit filth.

>cyber with qt last week
>she's begging for my cock everyday now
I'm in the promise land boys

>If ever you visit her you'll probably fall in love every girl you see and be incredibly disappointed at the shitheap tugging at your arm

this happens with any country
the girls on this site are literally 2/10 girls in their country. Have you seen the Spanish girls? absolutely disgusting, yet when I go to spain i want to fuck every girl walking on the street
you're better off fake spoofing sps and rolling the dice on tinder if you want something better than average


Don't sweat it. You'll get another chance to try again.

Trust me mate tinder is worse. If nowt else this place is half decent for finding someone for decent conversation. Also do you want my back up Andalusian qt? I don't need her anymore and she's pretty stunning

what cunt was she from?

u been talking to koi8 havent you?

Bullshit. I've been to china several times and the chink qts are above average. On Europe you have the weird girls using ip but in Asia it's probably for the hipster kids

Getting that Ecuadorian pussy

Holy shit you mean it's actually real

Fucking libtards hahahaa

Nice, but if you didn't say "oh I'll give it a go" or "well I might not do it on purpose" to her last message then you're a fool.

don't pay attention and she will become cock hungry, it's glorious. South American and Italian girls are this way

Sicilian qt atm can confirm

Good girl

>tfw too smart to go on interpals

>tfw too much of a life

>tfw too fat to go on interpals

She is very cute after all
Don't give up on a qt if you've only seen a few pics yet, maybe she's just bad at taking profile pictures :)

>tfw want to be lewd
>tfw no one to be lewd with
just end it


We didn't start the fire...

>329 online

Never seen it so low lads

So.. I'm thinking about maybe stopping things with my Canadian QT... I don't know what to do..


What happened?

Please tell

Quick get all the qts before it's too late


Oh you tease

>first skype with her yesterday
>wake up this morning
>half-naked picture in my inbox
>"omg sorry it was for my bestfriend, so embarassed"

not buying it

Finna get played like a fiddle, chums.

Lmao you're getting cucked

Am I though
That wasn't the kind of thing you send to your bestfriend

Exactly you moron

Why you all snoozin

is there any scrpit that still works?

Pick your timeline

What the fuck. 50 fucking views a day ?
I have like 2 views a day, does this mean that i'm really really really ugly ?

wtf i want to delete my account now

think for yourself
why would anyone search for people in belgium?
What helped for me was to put my city to Amsterdam instead of some town no one recognizes, and keep the tab open so you appear online. And update your profile often.
On good days I also have 40 views or so

Look at his flag. That's actually fairly low

As if anybody is gonna waste his time and read that

tfw got like 8 girls messaging me and ive only been back on this site for a week, I can't actually be bothered messaging them all.

Damn, those are some desperate looking bitches. Go get 'em, user.

Maybe, but at least that means less people just looking to get green cards, right?
This guy gets it.

I think this is more a problem with online based stuff in general. Go to Tinder and you have basic bitches looking only for validation, while OkCupid is full of uggos and hardcore SJWs who insist on having a harem of men. Truth is, most people are not exceptionally attractive and most (but not all) people who go online looking for something do it because they weren't happy with how things were going offline.. They could simply be into foreigners or specific interests, but often it's because they're ugly or into some weird niche.

>tfw I don't know what I'm even fucking looking for

>You love me for me, right? You don't just want to move to Canada?
Has she asked that yet? Or have you been talking for a while?
