
Greatest allies edition

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>Norwegian thinks the president can pull us out of NATO

Sadly my leaf has protected me from the cure.

I still think he's cute, if way too young at the moment.


>midwest states


>It's another CHANGE episode in murikan history

Shit is going to be different but I do revel in SJW tears.

luv u 2 bby

>have an american gf
>be at the point in our relationship where we need to think about moving in together permanently and getting married
>seriously thinking about going to america with her


we dem boyz

>mfw gommie
>mfw traditional leftist like hillary managed to edge out bernie this time, but it's clear the shift further left is the direction the democrats must go after this resounding defeat to Trump
>mfw socialist USA soon

>thinking about moving together and getting married at the same time

What the fuck are you doing nigga?

I phrased it poorly I guess. We've been living together here in Finland for a few years now.

>t. delusional accelerationist

I find this shit absolutely Hilarious
Congraz to Trump and his voters. Hard fought campaign.

All of this butthurt I find all over, it nourishes me

Ah ok. Then I hope all the best to you. Does she speak any finnish?

>trump will end with 309
pretty crazy

>suddenly 3 finnish anons in the thread

I'm just waiting for all the feminist twitter screencaps. Then hopefully it will be over in a couple of weeks. This shit has gone on for too fucking long. Like half a year it has been nothing but trump v hillary garbage everywhere.

I feel like I accomplished something

whats funny is bernie's gommie message resonated well in the midwest, and he was really who they loved in the democratic primaries, but for some reason he couldn't get minority support. In order to be a viable democratic candidate you need to have that minority support way up.


>2:10 am
>still awake and shitposting on Sup Forums
I can't sleep, we actually fucking did it.

American minorities are in deep delusion that their issues are racial in nature instead of being class issues.

Hi user
I came to bask in the glory of Trump in this rain of liberal tears.

>I j-just got a job offer from my dreamjob, on my terms
>t-t-thanks Trump

I just wanted to say i love you guys. hopefully we can unite as right-wing brothers and clean out the filth and corruption in our countries. God I'm so happy

explain the pirate party please


>Live streaming: Secretary General joint press point with the President of Finland


it's a dumb dead meme party

>all the world leaders scramble to kiss Trump's ass

Like clockwork

Of course. What else do you think would happen?

Trump seriously needs to address Finland with words.

"You cant keep saying you're our allies when you dont join our Alliance. It stops now, Yes or No?"

My strong belief is that with that, we would join

I think we should still remain neutral, but 2016 has been such a fucking insane year. Putin is an insane dictator so I don't know how shit will go down in the future.

cum lol

Seems like things will calm down now if anything.

Sweden and Finland have no need to join NATO, I'm sure of it. Especially now that it would have higher requirements under Trump is seems even less appealing. Giving up control over military (we'd have to defend turkey) and the military budget seems unwise.


yea, the so important middle america that contributes nothing to US expect potatoes and incest

haha what the FUCK happened?

Good morning /cum/.
good thimg that Trump won

hi dy ho neighbour *waves*
that's how i imagine you guys

"You're with us, or you're with the terrorists!"

Bush was fucked, so no and fuck you too.
Your strong beliefs mean nothing.

Iowa representing
A bit less 50's family comedy, but yeah.

It's so crazy to think that a hundred years from now Trump's going to be in American history textbooks next to Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. Holy shit

The day a literal meme became a president

Putin will calm down now knowing that he has a friend in the White House

All of Putin's blustering was a response to a United States that was aloof if not downright hostile towards Russia when it came to rhetoric


I'm petty sure Bernie had a lot of minority support. At least that's what it seemed like to me living in a blue state. I probably would have voted for him.


Ronald Reagan was an actor/meme who was a phenomenal president

Is Oaklahoma the best state in the US?

Has there ever been a more cucked US politician?

What a disgrace, she should just fuck off to Qatar or something now since everyone knows she was a manipulative rat.

No it's boring and plain. Also, they are getting pounded by earthquakes nowadays caused by fracking. Just had a 5.0 this week.

His policies were shit in the long run, and he had been a governor before.

Why is fracking allowed?

Only in economy. His foreign policy was fucking awful

Because there's no cheaper safe alternative probably.
think you got that backwards tbqhwy

What sportsmanship
I can just imagine all the quiet pent up frustration at first, Hillarys face twisting in disbelief and raising levels of rage.

Behind closed doors, the rage erupts at her aides, yelling how they screwed her up. Incomprehensible gibberish as loud as she can, launched at everything and everyone in the visinity. Bills eyes will sink further back into his head, all life and joy sucked out of his soul... as he knows he is getting beat up several times that day.

And all the while she knows, that her "sponsors" will be coming for her head soon

Which is the best then?

Unequivocally yes

he peacefully brought an end to the cold war and was loved by almost every western country

Why is the left so bad at taking a loss? It's the same here in Brazil and every other country I've seen on the internet.

Sup Forums is a SFW board, please delete this.

Left restrains their shitposting until losing so it looks like it's worse than it is.

Right is a nonstop shitpost train. Just look at Sup Forums

Contras desu.

How long until it subsides?

Some people find it funny but I just find it annoying as fuck. I don't come to the Internet to discuss one topic and one topic only.

Based Americans

Everyone is bad at taking a loss. Just think back to how Sup Forums and other right wingers took Romney's defeat four years ago

It's Sup Forums, give it like three days and we'll be back to shitposting as normal.

>Mfw all the tears that came about when only minutes before they were shitposting on EVERY BOARD that Romney was going to win

i only wanted trump to lose because of Sup Forums's tears

It makes money and who cares about damage to the environment and other consequences lmao.

I had this crazy dream that trump actually won haha

Yeah, but that was pretty much contained to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Now I'm seeing tears literally everywhere, and it's fucking annoying as shit.
I hope so.


Because Trump is seen by the left here as Adolf Hitler's second coming. He's endorsed by the KKK and is basically undoing all the progress of democrats. Of course if they believe that they'll be upset

Do you actually know anything about the oil extraction process?

Didn't think so

Now run along back to the cuckshed we've gotta get started on making America great again

Which country could i viably move to?
I'm a software engineer but only got like 2 years of experience.

I decided to call Shartia America again.
You sharted well, you sharted yourself back to be Human,

I'm proud of you guys.

go to ireland they love americans there

I'm worried that meme magic has become too powerful.
What are the possible implications of letting Sup Forums influence more global events?

You're turn

The world will be a bit less boring.

Free sex robots, burgers and mobility scooters for everyone?

Canada or Sweden. You might have some safespace there.

Kanye might win the 2020 primary thanks to Sup Forums's meme magic

>Sup Forums summoned Bane
>Sup Forums created itself via Fox News
>Sup Forums made Trump through meme magic
>Sup Forums can't even get Episode 3

for chrissakes

This is another problem with the politicial polarization we see in the west. Basically as the power swings back and forth the incumbents will constantly seek to undo whatever their predecessors did. Because the different sides being more combative and less pragmatic about trying to move the country forward together.

Imagine if it swings back to a huge democrat victory in 4 years and they roll everything back again

Another thing, I can't imagine how awful Hillary must have felt. She worked so hard for this ever since her loss in 2008. And she got so much hate, people calling her all sorts of names, comparing her with Hitler and Satan. She toughed through all of it, and for nothing, she still lost in the end. And she does so knowing most america think she's absolutely vile and evil. What a way to go.

Ireland is gonna get fucked for being a tax haven.
That relationship won't last long.

Both are actually extremely difficult to migrate to unless you're a refugee.

I don't think you are that insane to make him president.

Don't say that.

>mfw she didn't even give a concession speech

I just woke up from my sleep still in disbelief
We actually fucking did it buds.

Not really, it's easy if you got a job offer.

When I visited the US, I chose to go through the Mid West
Thanks for reminding me why I made the right choice, lads

>Implying she's not giving it tomorrow

>trump won

>You will never /cum/ in Sombra's hair
>She will never pretend to be disgusted but secretly love it
>She will never boop your dick with her lips

*later this morning

She was too upset to give it when she should have

This was literally 30 years in the making for her and she thought she was just going to waltz right in because that's what the polls and the media and the markets and the bookies said was going to happen

"Reply to this post if you get it"-Australia