Most electronic musicians (I could argue musicians in general) that I hear about are outspoken either politically or philosophically seem to align more with liberal, postmodern, and Marxist political ideologies.
Do you guys know of any electronic musicians that are either outspoken or write music about more right-winged themes i.e. fascism, conservatism, neocon, libertarianism, traditionalism, etc.?
I'm thinking along the lines of Julius Evola, Ayn Rand, Ezra Pound, Murray Rothbard, Roger Scruton, Hans-Herman Hoppe, etc.
I know that there are a lot of right-wing musical movements like NSBM, Neo-Nazi punk, and some industrial stuff, but I'm mostly interested electronic musicians.
NOTE: I'm not advocating any ideology in particular, and I'm keeping my political and philosophical views closeted for this discussion. I'm mainly just interested to see if there are any notable right-winged electronic musicians.