Right-wing electronic musicians

Most electronic musicians (I could argue musicians in general) that I hear about are outspoken either politically or philosophically seem to align more with liberal, postmodern, and Marxist political ideologies.

Do you guys know of any electronic musicians that are either outspoken or write music about more right-winged themes i.e. fascism, conservatism, neocon, libertarianism, traditionalism, etc.?

I'm thinking along the lines of Julius Evola, Ayn Rand, Ezra Pound, Murray Rothbard, Roger Scruton, Hans-Herman Hoppe, etc.

I know that there are a lot of right-wing musical movements like NSBM, Neo-Nazi punk, and some industrial stuff, but I'm mostly interested electronic musicians.

NOTE: I'm not advocating any ideology in particular, and I'm keeping my political and philosophical views closeted for this discussion. I'm mainly just interested to see if there are any notable right-winged electronic musicians.

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Industrial is electronic though....

True, I guess I'm thinking more in the vein of like IDM or techno or ambient

Check out Eugene Pottier

>Eugene Pottier
>electronic musician

Wasn't he a socialist anyway?

Yeah that too.

Debout! les damnés de la terre
Debout! les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère,
C’est l’éruption de la fin.
Du passé faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout! debout!
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout!

C’est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous et demain
Sera le genre humain.

Il n’est pas de sauveurs suprêmes:
Ni dieu, ni césar, ni tribun,
Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes!
Décrétons le salut commun!
Pour que le voleur rende gorge,
Pour tirer l’esprit du cachot
Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge,
Battons le fer quand il est chaud!

L’etat opprime et la loi triche,
L’impôt saigne le malheureux,
Nul devoir ne s’impose au riche,
Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux.
C’est assez languir en tutelle,
L’égalité veut d’autres lois;
«Pas de droits sans devoirs», dit-elle,
«Egaux, pas de devoirs sans droits!»

Hideux dans leur apothéose,
Les rois de la mine et du rail
Ont-ils jamais fait autre chose
Que dévaliser le travail?
Dans les coffres-forts de la bande
Ce qu’il a créé s’est fondu.
En décrétant qu’on le lui rende
Le peuple ne veut que son dû.

Les rois nous saoulaient de fumées.
Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans!
Appliquons la grève aux armées,
Crosse en l’air et rompons les rangs!
S’ils s’obstinent, ces cannibales,
A faire de nous des héros,
Ils sauront bientôt que nos balles
Sont pour nos propres généraux.

Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs;
La terre n’appartient qu’aux hommes,
L’oisif ira loger ailleurs.
Combien de nos chairs se repaissent!
Mais si les corbeaux, les vautours,
Un de ces matins disparaissent,
Le soleil brillera toujours!

This is not electronic music and it is not right-winged in ideology.

He criticizes the state but it's from a socialist perspective.

Wow liberals really are thick

classical music...

inspiring the individual to constantly better themselves and learn to discern instead of following a leader's values judgements is specifically a right-wing trait and won't very often be found in Pop music except what can sneak through the censors.

Are you stupid? You do realize that the Russian translation of this song was the national anthem of the Soviet Republic during Stalin's reign, right? How does stating the blatantly obvious make me a liberal?

No such thing I'm afraid. Vaporwave could be seen as fashy, since it's opposed to mindless consumerism, but I remember a bunch of vaporwave artists getting super salty a while back because 'the right wing was infiltrating their art form'.


Evola and Rand have nothing in common with each other. Their views are fundamentally incompatible.

Don't even try my man, the right wing is utterly useless for art, philosophy and things involving thinking and not being a deluded retard in general.


> (OP)
>inspiring the individual to constantly better themselves and learn to discern instead of following a leader's values judgements is specifically a right-wing trait

Hierarchy and self-justified authority are components of many right wing ideologies.

>I'm keeping my political and philosophical views closeted for this discussion
>"anyone know any music that caters to my edgy stormfuck ideology?"

>postmodern political ideology