
bloody racists edition

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not cara

*whistles for the runt hounds*

president fart

>Harambe (deceased) came 5th in the popular vote

going to be drinking tears for the next 4 years

trump is literally hitler


so when do the sexual allegation trials begin

can Bernie still win?

Farage has played a blinder. He buddied up to Trump, and now Trump is the leader of the US.
Hopefully that can bring us some benefit in the long term. Farage for US ambassador?

Do you believe the polls are all rigged yet?

Republicans now control the Senate, house of Representatives and the Supreme Court

So never




and what is aleppo?

shant be arsed to talk to anyone today i dont want to hear about america

How the hell did Trump get so many votes from Hispanics? Didn't he say he'd deport them all?

Liberals, please

He actually did it. The absolute madman

He wants to deport illegals.

Legal mexicans hate illegals for making them all look bad and get shat on

>Ashley KilloughVerified account
>As Al Jazeera America tried asking Trump a >Q tonight, he said, "you guys are out of >business!" and moved on.


>"flip states" are the states with a large Filipino population

him offending mexicans was just a meme pushed by the media. the wall helps them the most

you now remember that hogan is owed $150 million from gawker

>fatty all through school and college
>had a great personality, decent amount of friends
>really witty, known for making anyone laugh
>decided to get fit and healthy
>obsess over every detail, lost weight and feel amazing
>lost all 'personality', can't even make the simplest jokes anymore

ahh yes
been like this for about 5 years now, everyone at work thinks i'm boring


the failure of the Democrat establishment will strengthen the far left in the party.

but he'll probably be too fucking old by 2020. maybe Elizabeth Warren will run


you're depressed

>tfw work for a labor parliamentarian
>her and the other office workers went absolutely bonkers over the results
been 2 years and im still hiding my power level lads

haha what am i like x

reminder the Amish won PA for trump

she couldn't show up to give them a concession speech.

they just had her goon go up and tell them to go home

I don't know if this is the exact reason, but many Hispanics are actually religious and conservative as fuck, so lots of Don's policies might have been quite attractive to them. Plus, if they're here legally, they have just as much an interest as any other American in preventing illegal immigration.


genuinely though lads, need to find a way to hide my joy
might point out the fact that respected and principled leftists preferred trump to clinton (i.e jill stein, slavoj zizek)

would Bernie have won if he was there instead of hillary

idk lads, seems bizarrely quite this morning. i feel Trump might actually do some good, hope he doesn't screw up with appointing the right people

Can't wait for Trump to meet the Queen

>Legal mexicans hate illegals
>Hispanic votes for Trump beat all expectations

>But they literally have nothing to worry about, the US isn't going to become Nazi Germany.
except they are afraid it is. they see a clear pattern in US politics that mirrors patterns they see in pre-Nazi Germany. you might disagree, but the fear is real to the people feeling it.

>The only thing that will affect them is the fact everyone isn't going to bend to their every whim anymore. Oh no, you can't force people to call you Xer and pretend you have the spirit of a dragon anymore. Truly tragic.
you are out of touch with the lives of real people if you think internet slacktivists and dragonkin are the ones calling for help right now.

mockery and rejection does not solve anything.

not just amish, religious dutch population in general keeps urban centres red in PA

idk but I think he was the best one out of all of them
feel like a lot of people support trump for the sole reason that he's subversive

what county were they in?

clearly your jokes were all stored in your belly fat


could be it, i do feel like shit most days

the happier i get the funnier i should be?

i'm not sure specifically but they're all over the place in rural PA and NY

I wonder what would happen if I made the next /brit/ thread right now

>might point out the fact that respected and principled leftists preferred trump to clinton (i.e jill stein, slavoj zizek)
a-a-and me


cara 2bh lads

alright i'll include you when i tell them :)

missed a job interview this morning haha

what am i like

reckon obama would've put a good shift in at PMQs tbqh his patter is on point

Jesus Christ, for real?
Fuck me, this generation is truly pathetic.
God help your families and half your entire country if something that's actually bad happens. It's like half the population has receeded back into childhood.

>actually saying "cis"
>actually using made up words
I hope Trump bans gender studies so this generation isn't pussified any further. Why do gays still act like they're oppressed? They're clearly not in any shape or form.

i've always liked the dutch

How is immigrating to the UK as a Yank? I'm a nationalist, but both Trump and GOP congressmen are fucking terrible and I'd much rather live under the Theresa and the Tories.

this 2bh

IDK about win (socialist is still a dirty word here) but he would of the done better

Michigan and Wisconsin have blue since 1992 but TPP has the blue collar workers scared and Hillary said nothing to them.

Trump and Sanders said fuck TPP. That how they won Michigan in their contests against Hillary in the general election and the Democrat primaries.

the bitch just walked in thinking it was a formality.

Trump did a great job energizing angry disenfranchised voters and Hillary had no enthusiasm in her base. Sanders was the one democrats could actually get excited for but the DNC fucked him over.

Who here trying to work but unable to drag themselves away from the liberal tears flowing in on social media?

>"And that Aussie lad I spoke to on /brit/"
>"Oh him, really? wow, you've opened my mind."

Yanks out


prefer poots

cara is a used up hag

Why would trump do that? Why do you think he is like his supporters? He has never once endorsed the alt right, just pretended they didnt exist

Marilyn Manson shared a brutal new clip from a music video for his song “Say10” on Election Day. In the clip, Manson pulls pages from a Bible and holds a bloody knife. Though the camera never shows any actual killing, the camera then pans to show a beheaded man, who bears a resemblance to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

reposting this for obvious reasons

>your entire life
no, my position is that mild forms of bullying is important for a childs development I am not supportive of bullying in adult life
>Only you can decide what works for you and no one else
how is that a societal norm?
>Because at the moment society is at a crossroad with both norms existing and directing opposing each other
I suppose that's part of the reason we are arguing at this very moment

despite all this though I feel you fail to realise just how cancerous to society it is to let every child think they can do what ever they want as though it is some petty idealisation that you think this may never enable people to grow it dickheads just as much as you believe that enabling bullying will let people grow into dickheads
I can understand where you are coming from that it it's important to let people do what they want and be liberal about society but this itself has it's limits but I believe your virtuous line of reasoning seems very black and white on the outcomes

i feel really bad for bernie. Reckon he wouldn't have won the house, senate and presidency all at once though

>Escaping from the US to Britain

Talk about out of the frying pan

used to like poots 2bh

She reminds me too much of a friend though

God Save the Queen and God bless the USA

Recreational marijuana is now legal in California

Medical marijuana was also on the ballot for several states. Current projections have North Dakota, Montana, Arkansas and Florida all expected to approve medical marijuana.

The trend is clear: 60 percent of Americans support legalizing weed, up from 31 percent in 2000. California is the state with the largest economy and — now that it has legalized pot — the national weed industry has tripled in size.

In fact, California’s marijuana industry could be bigger than its famed wine businesses. The market for both recreational and medicinal marijuana is now projected to grow to $22 billion by 2020, up from $7 billion this year.

Cannot wait until Monday
I think my teacher's head will literally explode

no but they can be rigged mildly and it is even proven that reps and dems both do this

how about Willa Holland even though she's american

fuck off high schooler

Not that hard if you've got a good job lined up

If you're turning up cap in hand, you will get sent home while a plane load of rasheeds are welcomed with big cheques and free houses

Where are all the Hillbots that were looking forward to laughing at us today? Hmm.... Sorry Hillbots, ya tried your hardest but got your shit pushed in by le orange bufoon Drumpf XD XD

Don't let the door hit you on the way out to Canada lmao -- I don't like the smell of loser on my doors.

spent an hour and a half texting this sarky funny philosophy student off of tinder

/GF2016/ still isn't over lads

>Willa Holland
much beter dan cara

is Sup Forums officially the most powerful board at this point then?

>philosophy student

Trump (70) to appoint Giuliani (72) and Gingrich (73) to the cabinet

bit menopausal desu

>tfw can't go to Trump's great America and escape this oogah boogah blood sacrificing insane asylum I'm in

what a shame

TAFE teacher, user


there were over 100k people on the trump reddit

Can we have a 1:1 trade ratio?

For ever liberal that moves to Canada can a Canadian Conservative move to the US?

Sup Forums was, and remains a Sup Forums imageboard. Feels good to be on the right side of history.

Pepe killed hillary

who won

Hillary will win

screencap this post

Wait, that cult of witches running your country is real?

>Where are all the Hillbots that were looking forward to laughing at us today?
they're in their room crying and shaking whilst curled up in the fetus position

>Bill Clinton tried to cheer up Hillary Clinton today by reminding her that Nelson Mandela wasn't elected president until after serving 27 years in prison.

yeah I spose.

I'm not bitter that Sup Forums isn't the meme powerhouse anymore or anything. I'm perfectly happy being here on...*looks at tab title*..."Sup Forums"


idk mang I just don't know


where's that twat who posted that little picture of the election odds every day