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We ilbe storage support trump
fuck yeah

발기전 : 1센치
발기후 : 13센치

Hello korean friends. What's gonna happen with your country now with Trump winning and all? Just curious.

South Korea will nuke up build SSBNs to nuke to Japan.

trump wouldnt accept anti us shit of your own, and probably anti japan shit either. abe could get along with him, because both have a similar alt-right/conservative mindset.

like i said before, if your next president is another korean lefty whos obsessed with anti japan and us, he will give you a very hard time. either way its actually pretty hard for you to get through this shambles. it might sound pretentious to you but keep it in your mind. none of your classic emotional ideological measures, values, criteria, and offers will convince him, even if it pisses him off.

Trump will want us to pay more for the US military base. This may increase taxation.

In case leftists win the next presidential election, Trump probably comply with their request of withdrawing American military from Korean peninsula, which could significantly damage our national security level. Many foreign investments will go away, impoverishing the economy. Worst case scenario, North Korea could try to take over the country.

imo, the head of the un with the right party is the best for your next govt, even though hes ineffective. its just because hes a well known figure all over the world and at least trump knows of him. he would be able to take advantage of his kudos as a pro politician. even though trump hates the un, he cant easily ignore it.

the worst case is that some corny lefty becomes the president who gets nothing about conservative policies. it'd only kill your country.

I hate him so much.. Too bad we won't have any other decent choice.

Do you have the original pic?

He's so goddamn stupid. I'm sure SK doesn't really enjoy housing our drunk idiot soldiers but I'm also sure they'll be missed if they leave, and taking them back isn't saving the US any money

American soliders probably won't be leaving any time soon. Our politicians can't be that stupid to let it happen... Oh w8....

park or her comrades wouldnt have been so bad and couldve been a decent choice if she wasnt crazy about that. aside from the fact that many of her economic plans and diplomatic policies were too unrealistic and random, at the very least she wouldnt bother taking a typical anti us ideology.

anyway, theres no choice but to choose him in this fucked up situation. your country has to manage to get over this mess while putting a stop to the usual flame war.

>implying that Norks could take over the country

Lefties will most likely win the next election in Korea at this rate with the scandal. Korea will suck on China and Nork's dick.

Regardless of left or right, Korea's military generals and politicians will never take an anti-us stance. They sent their daughters and sons to America to study in expensive private schools using bribed money. Leverage there.

At this point, both Japan and Korea are understandably both seeking SSBN capabilities. Good luck convincing the UN and AIEA though.

yeah but this guy

This guy's son studies at Parsons, a fag school in New York. Just proved my point.

Thought he wanted Americans to leave?

Give me the source or we'll let the works get you


Roh was a leftie and said he wanted Americans to leave. Yet he shook hands with Bush by sending troops to Afghanistan.

Thanks user
Are you an american in korea or a cuckold?

>both seeking SSBN capabilities.
only if trump doesnt bluff. im starting to be skeptical about most of his bs. and since abe is as conservative as trump, he will put it on hold for awhile and negotiate with trump in the way he's been doing with putin.

if anything, the stupid korean media might release a bunch of fear mongering articles about trump without any proof and desperately incite those naive koreans to accept it. its what koreans always do. in which case, they would end up in another insecure and unstable situation. this is also what koreans must avoid this time.

this asshole cant do anything to trump or even to abe. if he gets in, even japan will turn away from korea. the retard could start to sue japanese companies again for muh war criminals. if it took place again, japan would be done with korea.

Thats excessive. Japan is just misguided fools

if you get SSBN thing first, there will be no incitement for SSBN construction.

Nah, most politicians and media members are pro whatever loser in the White House. American troops and bases are basically insurance against best korea and the Chinese. You never really see Politicians take strong anti-American stances unless you have someone getting raped or murdered because of some retarded soldier.

true but abe wont. thereby they could solely incite it. at least trump will realize its unrealistic and merely one of the odds in the very near future.
then its eventually going to come to the world of negotiating. i hate abe but have admitted that hes good at negotiating with foreign countries, especially those straight up conservative leaders. i dont feel like he fails at doing with trump.

the best option and a very realistic solution for koreans are to simply stop the anti japan propaganda and sign a legitimate military agreement with japan. i think the time actually comes. if they continue to refuse it and get their ways as usual, whatever. nobody will care anymore.

one of the most ridiculous things with koreans is that they think when japan proposes them something geopolitically realistic, they still assume it has some offensive muh japanese imperial intention, and try to take a moral high-ground by refusing it. they unironically deeply believe its a common/natural thing to do and to show their justice to "our enemy japan".

the stupid sjw tier belief should end. who are benefited by this actually? no one. if they decide to stop it, they can relatively easily get through this bloody farcical trump road.

our ministry of national defence has already confirmed that this has been planned for a long time and will be proceeded without any doubt or mystery.

you are acting a bit dramatic here, it will happen lol. dont worry.

im not being dramatic. this is a pretty objective view in line with the state of the climate of your country, especially of your media. if it sounds a bit too far, its just because your media and its power have actually reached the point. i wont tell shit like these long posts to you again but you shouldnt downplay these.

tho its allright. i wrote all i wanted to tell you anyway. ill leave Sup Forums for a while or forever. because except for this thread, therere no threads to talk about these kind of topics, which i actually want to discuss about with someone now. and i guess it will last long.

studying korean but it's going very slowly
나는 한국어를 공부어요

trying to memorize a bunch of words now so i can have an easier time with reading simple sentences

I'm moving to Korea

공부 is a 하다 verb

Just keep at it user. I don't have much advice beyond study every day. I would recommend the podcast "spongemind" though.

언제 배우는 것을 시작 했어?

goodbye politics lover.

where do I go to impregnate korean women?



>wahhh we have to defend ourselves now mommmmyyy wahhh

Why would you talk to a decent and highly educated ally against communism like that, user?

>you are acting a bit dramatic here, it will happen lol.


Do you think your generals control your government? Even fucking Park didn't ally with the Japanese.


Neither China nor North Korea are communist. Being more anti-USA didn't lead to South Korea 1993-2008 being taken over by China and North Korea.

Sometimes being balanced with the superpowers is smarter than deepthroating one's cock.

it's taking me too long to respond in korean. i learned to read the characters earlier this year but i stopped and picked it up again about a week ago.

What is going to happen then? I have read their official statement.

This is true. If only Chinese werent uncivilised and nice like American we would be sucking two cocks and start suck one if one gets upset for sucking another. On and On.

But this is 2/10 novel. It's not going to happen.
We have to surf well.

Hmm first you gotta be smart and have a decent job.
Or you could be just rich Germanic guy.

Game set. I mean game over before it's set.

And you will regret every single day of your life after 2-5 years of marriage.

Hmm but why would you post jap qt?

I'm germanic and have lodsamoney

i don't want to date a korean because I don't want to learn korean, I just want to knock her up and then leave for europe again.

really makes them koreans think.

In don't know of she's korean or japanese, but something about her makes her look like a plastic doll so I subconsciously took her for a korean.

Well, good luck.

I thought about it and I do have a suggestion. It's good you are learning vocabulary but you should also start learning some...well I don't know what they are called but I guess they are affixes.

For example in what I just wrote to you I added -는 것 onto the verb root 배우, to create the word "learning", a noun made out of a verb. Hopefully you have encountered some of this idea already. The more of these verb endings you learn the easier time you will have distinguishing the vocabulary you have learned, because sometimes this stuff seems to get pretty compacted.

-는데 comes up alot, and so does -ㄴ/은 being put on descriptive verbs (adjectives)

This is gonna make it much easier for you to create and read longer sentences

yeah i've been reading about particles and conjugations before starting on memorizing vocabulary.

Oh and I am nowhere near an expert. For example idk if I should have added 는 것 or 기 onto 배우, they both do pretty much the same thing but idk what is natural or if theres a better way to phrase it all together. I only started learning in February myself. But still learn the things I said to improve your reading comprehension alot, these endings modify quite a bit of the tone and nuance of a sentence and add alot of meaning (and some are just functional for converting words into different parts of speech)

good good.

A great resource is a site/app called HiNative btw. You can just type dumb questions into it all day long and people will answer you pretty quickly.

these people learn korean
>must be dumb
>or must be rich kids with a lot of spare time
>or they must be koreaboo for plastic americucked distorted mutant cult.

If the right over there is smart, they will let the left get rid of our forces while building up their own. I doubt either will happen though. The US and China both like being able fingercuff you all.

>must be dumb

>or must be rich kids

>with a lot of spare time
right now yes until i get another job

>or they must be koreaboo for plastic americucked distorted mutant cult.

the girl has a nice body

it wasn't like that for me when i was in Korea...



ofc marco you couldn't pull it off in the mainland
orly the good ones can do that

aim for the ones travelling overseas they will welcome you like you welcome africans to your cunt.

i'm living in Europe right now so of course i'll have better chances with european women. No need to chase korean women abroad.

but there weren't many like that at University.
Maybe the ones going to clubs but i didn't like that shit.
Meh you're right only the good ones can do that shit. And sure as hell i'm not going for a 6/10 korean.

dude don't remind me please...

I strongly regret it.

have white germanic children.

Any good Korean movies, music, youtube channels, or shows that can take my mind off of the world for a little while?

no kpop pls but I won't be too picky





I's watch "The Fatal Encounter"

I watched it on a plane and it was good.

I couldnt give less fucks about whats happening elsewhere, but NE Asia is a goddamn gunpowder barrel populated with a lot of scornful people and people who like to play on that hateful attitude.
I mean, Europe has kinda got over their bloody history after ww2.
And the bad thing is Korea and Japan are practically what eastern/central europe is, a buffer kinda zone.
I think the status quo from 20th century is getting inadequate to the changing reality. I dont want a lot of happenings while im still young and unsettled, but the more you strain something the scarier itll be when it finally snaps.
So im a bit confused atm as to what to think of this wind of change.

Breathless (Ddongpari)? That's a really nice movie.

I don't know much about politics anywhere in the world but I have really enjoyed all the posts made ITT about it. Just encouraging you to keep saying stuff I guess.

Is 4200€/month enough?

>I strongly regret it.

The Handmaiden (2016) is great, one of the best movies of this year

narumi lain m8
shes nippon

good to know.

Depends where you live.
But in Korea, pussies would spread their legs.

>you will regret every single day of your life after 2-5 years of marriage.
Care to elaborate?

Does anybody have the original picture?

It's not somethign special.
You will get bored of her body, and bitching attitude that needs to be taken care of regularly.
And she might retire as you find a decent job.

You now want to divorce but you see this unidentified mixed pastarice son speaking Korean you don't even understand.

You lose shits and hang yourself in a quiet room

This is the worst case scenario and you should be able to find decent idependent strong woman.

Moral of the story: You have to be a better person to find someone you want to meet. Just like everywhere else in the world.

how is rural korea outside Pyongyang/Seaul?

are they also plasticed up?


Fuck off.

>bitching attitude that needs to be taken care of regularly.
Is this so common in SK? Not the first time I read this here

>son speaking Korean you don't even understand.
Well, I certainly would not marry a korean if I cant speak the language, besides I would teach Portuguese to my son too

>You lose shits and hang yourself in a quiet room
I'll do this anyway

>You have to be a better person to find someone you want to meet.

>Just like everywhere else in the world.

>You now want to divorce but you see this unidentified mixed pastarice son speaking Korean you don't even understand.
What did he mean by this?

The most pro-Japanese presidents in Korean history have not and did not form a defence treaty with the Japanese. Both Parks have not.

Find a source.

It is common.

You wont even see your son cuz he'll go out at 7am and not be back until 10pm. She'll make a hagwon robot out of your child.

So? Do you even know the contents of this agreement?

>7am and not be back until 10pm
wow, koreans do study a lot.

>mfw I studied only from 7:30 am to 12 am

What agreement?? Are we misintepreting each other?

There is no alliance between Japan and Korea. They don't even train together. It is US policy to keep them separate.

What a fucking knob..
We are not talking about history.
That Nippon nom and I was talking about
General Security of Military Information Agreement
that is going to happen in the near future.

Yes. This manic need to make 400% sure your child isn't wasting even a second actually living his miserable life.
It's understandable why this kinda parenting mentality can develop, the competitiveness is crazy high.
Studying shit you actively don't want to study for 12 hours a day doesn't make you smarter or more educated or more competitive. It makes you a fucking robot contemplating sudoku.
Mental load is just like working out. Nobody thinks lifting for 12 hours is better than for 2 hours. Quite the opposite, you'll destroy your muscles and damage your bones.

Brain needs time to chill and digest what you've fed to it.

Yet, this retarded asiatic notion of the more the better is fucking rampant.

It's in Korea too.

And not that far from Soul anyway.

Funny thing is they could have dedicated themselves to achieve something big with this amount of time.

But all they do is failing at English and getting fucked by Korean standard education system.

It's not effective at all. nor humanic.

How this continues? You know its not good, and I expect a lot of people (especially young) to agree with this, so how does things not change?

That's why asians are great with tasks involving bare technique, like college math. And suck at being inventive and creative. This education system just cant produce anything else.

Inert mindset, social and parental pressure, narrow outlook. It never flashes upon Koreans to try something different.

Why the fuck do Koreans care about deffence treaty?
Do you guys really think we invade Korea?
It's like you still think Japan is fasicm country.Sad

>that guy in the background

user, there is a reason why the only people who have an asian fetish are guys who have never dated asian girls
never get a gook


where did I mention dating? I mentioned impregnating, not marriage.

It is outcome of prisoner's dilemma.