How is the wall construction going pedro?

How is the wall construction going pedro?

Other urls found in this thread:–19)

we're not gonna do it, USA will


I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.

Mexican-American War 2 when?–19)

Huh, the name fits.

what's the point if you are headless on both?

Don't you have to build your own wall?

You'll be living on scaffolding.

I would assure you that it is not going to happen, because, more often than not, historically speaking we actually don't follow your narrative like everybody likes to pretend we do.

But Peña Nieto is a fucking idiot, so, yeah.

Still not gonna pay for shit, tho.

Your military is trash. America can just tell you to pay up or be bombed to ground.

But what if Trump pays you to pay him

Bring on the bombs then. Our stubbornness might cost us our country again (economically speaking or otherwise), but it is simply not going to happen.

Mexico is a country, not a state or whatever the fuck that USA picks on.

Trump winning is a surprise, and I guess the best outcome. but USA will build that wall if they really want it.

Tehn America will become international pariah, completely embargoed by everyone.

Which is isolationist's wet dream, so Mexicans are walking corpses now.

>I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
Then why the fuck are you living in Mexico? You people need to put the fear of God back into your politicians.

Fucking retard spic

>implying you can keep people from trading with the us
Fuck off. Majority of the people in the world wouldn't give two fucks if mexico got bombed to the ground by america.

I know his "plan" very well, it doesn't matter.

Shouldn't you be paying debnts or something?

Why have Americans stopped believing in capitalism and only seem to get their cocks off in being sadistic vs other people's lives?


>I know his plan very well
Sure, we can tell from your posts, Paco

epin meems
straight outta 9gag, I see

No people will ever agree to such humilation facing only economic threats.

Especially hot blooded latin americans.

Ok then, I guess that I haven't been spammed with that shit for months now. His "plan" is completely new to me, yes.

what's so hotblooded about them?

>tfw you'll see the collapse of mexico in your lifetime

You have it backwards.

It is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.

Mexican suffering shall be so great Satan will feel sory for them!

I will buy myself a little Mexican slave girl and I will implant electrodes into her keep her immobile and in constant agony and I will keep her alive for a very long time because she deserves that for ruining America.


mexicant's BTFO

>20.3767+2.0787 (+11.3603%)

This wall will be built by the Chinese and paid by the Mexicans. Interesting.

You've got friends to the west and south, Mexico. Don't worry. 裙子报仇,十年不晚。For a gentleman, ten years is not late for revenge.