What is the objectively best music genre?

What is the objectively best music genre?

Noise Rock

Psychedelic pop for so many reasons


my favourite one

Metal by far

Ragtime t b h famalama

pop punk

Ska punk



from the image my favs are asian, regional mexican, wedding, college, and piano.


>objectively the best music genre

Best in music is subjective. Best by what standards? Best for what situation? Best for what purpose? It's a meaningless question.

This thread is just people listing what they consider the best by their own personal standards, the very definition of subjective.

The misunderstanding of objective and subjective is just as cringey as people misusing literally like teenage girls.

TL;DR, you're all faggots.


close but it's noise pop


How new are you?

I've been here occasionally for the past 6 months, I usually stray away from these type of threads but it's really too stupid to not make a comment.

I am convinced there are people here who believe that their opinions on music taste are somehow objectively correct.

It's a Sup Forums meme

Experimental ambient


Black Metal

avante-garde post punk noise


Everything that's electronic. Once a synth fan, you never going back to primitive music like blues or folk.

This tqbh

hip hop
