How old are you?
Who's your favorite band?
Who's your favorite solo artist?
What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Do you play an instrument?
Would you describe yourself as good?
What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Sup Forums survey
idk lol
1.) 18
2.) >pic related
3.) Capital STEEZ
4.) Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You
5.) Yes
6.) I'm alright, haven't practiced seriously in a good while so I'm not as good as I used to be
7.) 80s - 90s Alternative Rock or Hardcore Punk
8.) A year or so now
9.) No
beat happening
elvis costello
like 2 chords on guitar
noise pop
since june
i hope not
xiu xiu
john fahey
harvey milk - courtesy and good will toward men
sludge metal / noise rock
a bit more than a year
i really hope not
if you cant play an instrument get off this board
trout mask replica
not at all
>Panda Bear
>Ágætis Byrjun
>Mediocre at best if I'm being honest
>On and off for the last 2 years
>Not really
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Xiu Xiu
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Aesop Rock
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Big Black - Atomizer
>Do you play an instrument?
I played bass for a little bit but gave up because I have no commitment to anything.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
In what regard? Morally I'd say yes, but if you're saying like would I say I've had a good life, nah.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
noise rock
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
4 yrs
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Well I'm a neet. So I guess yeah.
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Swans/Godflesh/Natural Snow Buildings
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Tim Hecker
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Set Fire to Flames - Sings Reign Rebuilder OR Earth - HEX; Or Printing in the Infernal Method
>Do you play an instrument?
Guitar, Piano, Bass, Violin. All to a fairly high academic grade.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
not anymore.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
on and off since about 2007
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
no, it is something i enjoy browsing. i enjoy recommending music to people, and i enjoy mocking the ignorant, stubborn nu-males.
Kanye West
The Avalanches - Since I left You
no, I tried to learn guitar when I was a kid but I was too autistic and impatient to actually go anywhere with it. I do sing though.
I'm decent I reckon
doom metal, leaning more towards stoner but I enjoy other kinds as well
since November 2014
music is a part of my identity and Sup Forums is a part of that
Theo Parrish
Andrew Hill - Point Of Departure
early 90s Deep House produced in New York or New Jersey
5 years
Yes, unfortunately.
The Flashbulb / Otomo Yoshihide
ITCOKC, Daydream Nation, Revolutionary Pekinese Opera ver 1.28, '77 Live, Music has the right to Children
prog rock
The White Stripes
Sufjan Stevens
Songs for the Deaf - QOTSA
Not anymore
Not anymore
not sure, pleb-rock I guess. Still developing my taste
2 months
Not really, mostly lurking
>blank banshee
>age of adz
>I have a didgeridoo
>I can sort of play it
>2+ years
>Aphex Twin
>White light from the mouth of infinity
>Yeah, electric guitar for almost 8 years
>Don't feel like answering that
>A bit more than a year
>I have adopted many bands from here onto my daily shuffles so yeah, I guess
Yip/Jump Music
No but eventually I would like to learn to play guitar
Shoegaze and Psychedelic Rock
2 years
Definitely no
Lmao, read the one I didn't want to answer as ''What would you describe from yourself as good?''
>Sufjan Stevens
>ITAOTS unironically
>A bit, drums
>80s Heavy Metal
>Not more than 3 months
>tfw an old fag now
Townes Van Zandt
Visions of the Country
Guitar, a bit of harmonica and vocals
Progressive/Outlaw Country
4 years next month
Yes, unfortunately. Spend more than two hours here on a daily basis. Though only Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /lit/, not Sup Forums as a whole.
Duster- Stratosphere
Sort of
lo-fi rock
2 1/2 years
>atm Don Caballero
>Elliott Smith
>American Water by Silver Jews
>I'm okay
>I don't like any genre notably more than others to consider it my favorite
>I browsed for a year or two, left for a year or two, came back this year
Posting my chart I guess since I have no clue on what pic to post. Feel free to ridicule.
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
John Fahey (I am guessing classical/jazz doesn't count for this nor does someone like Glenn Branca who has a gigantic arrangement often backing him)
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
>Do you play an instrument?
Guitars, Keys, drumset/some other percussion stuff, Saxophone. Mainly guitars and alto sax that I play on a regular basis.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
Good enough to play in a live environment and with other people.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
I'll always have a soft spot for Old School Death Metal I guess.
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Three years? Maybe four? I stopped keeping count after a while.
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Nah not really. I honestly only come here when I have too much free time or if I am feeling lazy about finding new music and just looking around/ask here.
I am curious. How has your perspective on this site/taste in music changed since you started considering you guys were underaged when you did start?
How do you make the time? Honestly the older I get the tougher it just keeps getting to even find time for this place. Did you still only pick one instrument as your specialization while going at it academically?
I liked the board more when I was younger. I'm not sure if my views were skewed then, or if the board really has changed, but discussion seemed a little more focused and, despite the memes and the shitposting and the throwaway threads, the emphasis was still on music, finding new music, talking about music. That much seems to have gone away. We certainly didn't have k-pop threads 24/7. The community felt a little stronger.
My taste in music has certainly changed from this site. In hindsight it feels like a lot of the time I was forcing myself to enjoy the music that Sup Forums was unanimously praising, thinking, "well, I'm not totally sure if this is my thing, but everyone is saying it's incredible so there must be something I'm not seeing -- I'll just say I like it and keep listening to it". So, in a sense, my youthful longing to feel "in place" led me to a develop a hivemind taste rather than finding stuff that actually resonated with me, and it wasn't until leaving Sup Forums for a bit that I discovered what exactly I actually liked.
That said, those things which I'd found I "actually liked" were things I'd first seen on Sup Forums and likely wouldn't have discovered otherwise. On top of that, without Sup Forums, I'd never have found resources like and RYM to find new music at. So I still owe it to this place for a lot.
here, before I came here my favourite albums were The Wall and Carolus Rex. I just assumed Sup Forums didn't like anything popular/accessible and just circlejerked obscure lo fi indie rock all day but then there was a Kanye thread on the first page the first time I ever came here. Over time this place helped me discover more inaccessible music that I still enjoyed as well as accessible stuff that was actually good.
Gustavo Cerati
In Rainbows
I don't play an instrument.
Maybe post-rock or neo-psychadelia.
Few years.
lol no.
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
lol @ all you fuckers answering "no", yet you come here every day
The Avett Brothers
Bob Dylan
Pic Related
2 Years
lol naw nigguh naw
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker
Guitar, Bass, Cello and a bit of Sax
I used to be, but I don't practice anymore
Psych Rock
2 years
ahaha no
How old are you?
Who's your favorite band?
>After Dinner
Who's your favorite solo artist?
>Tujiko Noriko
What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
>Cantigas Do Maio by Jose Afonso
Do you play an instrument?
>Drums, keyboards, and guitar
Would you describe yourself as good?
>I think I am a kind person. Musician-wise, no
What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
>Since last December
Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
>oh god
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Crystal Castles
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Frank Ocean
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Xiu Xiu - Angel Guts Red Classroom
>Do you play an instrument?
Basic skill in piano, guitar, and DAW's.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
Weird ass question
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
deep house/techno
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
1 year
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Fuck no. I'm only here because i currently have a medical condition and cant go outside/socialize now.
swirlies - blonder tongue audio baton
4 yrs
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Mount Eerie/ the Microphones
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Sufjan Stevens
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Black foliage
>Do you play an instrument?
Played flute, guitar, piano.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
Too out of practice.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Psych folk? I like folk and psychedelic rock, dream pop, shoegaze, noise rock, etc. so it's almost a combination of those.
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Browsed Sup Forums a lot in 2013, stopped in early 2014 and haven't really browsed since.
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
I've spent a lot of time browsing multiple boards on Sup Forums over the years, I hope not. The share threads here were sometimes nice though and would expose me to music I wouldn't have heard otherwise. My favourite artists probably just sound like Sup Forumscore but my taste is more diverse, they just happen to be my favourites.
OP here, since there seems to be a bit of confusion with some posters let me just clarify something:
I mean good as in good at your instrument, not good morally and whatnot.
>How old are you?
21 (22 in exactly 3 days)
>Who's your favorite band?
NIck Cave and the Bad Seeds
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Portishead - Dummy
>Do you play an instrument?
Tried to pic up guitar on a few separate occasions, never got very far
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
post-punk or hip hop
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Not that long, only about a year
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
I pretty much exclusively browse Sup Forums out of this site, i guess it kinda is cause it is one of the places i get most music recs
bob dylan
in rainbows / blood on the tracks
idk it's impossible to pick just one... lately i'd say dream pop
a year
1. 17
2. Unwound (due to a near perfect discography)
3. John Fahey
4. Pass the Distance by Simon Finn
5. yes, double bass
6. most likely post-punk
7. 6 months or so
8. No, mere recreation
>Fuck no. I'm only here because i currently have a medical condition and cant go outside/socialize now.
Is it autism?
Joy division
Frank ocean
Laughing stock
No idea
Year I think
Pls no
22 Talk Talk Owen Pallett Jackie-O Motherfucker - Fig 5 Guitar, Bass, Violin, Viola, Piano / Synths I started taking piano lessons when I was 7 and have been practicing various instruments ever since, I'd say I'm pretty good. Post Rock 5 years Music wise maybe, but it doesn't affect anything else I do irl
>The Velvet Underground
>Brian Eno
>Swans - White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
>Yes, bass and French horn
>Decent at bass, not so good at horn anymore
>Experimental rock
>About a year
>Not anymore, it's just something I do.
Bill Evans Trio
Joanna Newsom
John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman
Guitar, Voice
Pretty good, I guess
Anything with good songwriting
Around half a year
>The Cure
>Nick Drake
>Miles Davis-Agharta
>I'm okay, i guess but i haven't practised in a long time
>I don't know
>2 years
>The Minutemen
>Lil Ugly Mane
>unknown pleasures
>bass and drums
>pretty good at drums, ok on bass
>about a year
>not at all
wtf I hate unwound now
>Moody Good
>Truth - Hollow World
>Bass oriented sound system music with high production quality
>2 days
>changes constantly, currently Queens of the Stone Age
>changes constantly, currently Perturbator
>Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, it was the very first full album I ever listened to at the tender age of 9
>god no
>cyberpunk synthwave, not a big fan of le neo-80s but cyberpunk is my jam
>about 7-8 years, it definitely shaped my interests but I don't define myself by the websites I frequent
>Arcade Fire
>Kurt Vile
>Souvlaki - Slowdive
>Shoegaze/dream pop
>Few years
>Dinosaur Jr
>Ty Segall probably
>Milo Goes To College
>Guitar and vocals mainly, played trumpet for a long ass time but haven't in a while, I dabble in drums and any other instrument I can get my hands on
>professional level guitar playing, not so much on the other instruments
>garage rock/noise rock/post punk and any genres that incorporate elements of those genres
>couple months off and on
>not at all
1.- 17
2. Pink Floyd (fu Sup Forums)
3. Frank Zappa
4.- The Yes Album
5.- Guitar
6.- I like to think so lol
7.- Progressive Rock or Jazz Fusion
8.- About a year
9.- No, it's not. I really enjoy coming here though, it's full of information.
talking heads
mf doom
since i left you
electric bass
im a decent person
3 years
mostly just influences my taste in music
Iunno. I can't say I have a favorite. Unless Run The Jewels counts
Kanye West
The Antlers - Hospice
Used to dabble with Guitar and Piano
Fuck no
Hip-Hop. From the East coast with a West coast bias
Earliest memory is browsing 808s & Heartbreaks thread back on it's release. A little before that, most likely
Kinda. Yes
>Guided By Voices
>David Bowie
>Clarence Clarity - No Now
>I'm ok at guitar and bad at keyboards
>experimental melodic pop (I guess)
>around 2 years i think?
>fuck no
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Grateful Dead
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Bob Dylan
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Maggot Brain
>Do you play an instrument?
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Jam rock
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
About a year and a half
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
I guess so
Oliver Houston
Trey Frey
Algernon Cadwallader - Parrot Flies
Electric Guitar
Good enough
Math Rock/Emo/Punk
About 6 months
Not at all
So far the oldest person in this thread is 28
The second oldest is 25
The majority are 18, and maybe 3/4 of them actually are
I'm not liking this cross-section
>How old are you?
I am 25 years old.
>Who's your favorite band?
The Grateful Dead.
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Neil Young is my all-time favorite.
Currently I've really been into José González and Alejandro Escovedo though.
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
The Cure - Wish
>Do you play an instrument?
Yes; acoustic and electric guitar,most forms of percussion, and some synth/keyboard noodling.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
I'm compitent in guitar. I'm in a few bands on rhythm guitar and vocals, and I'm comfortable there. I've only gotten into percussion out of necessity for recording my own music and other bands on my label, but I've found I enjoy it and may work on improving my skills there.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
I would guess that I find myself listening to progressive psych and dream pop most of all. Loaded question; I listen to so much music it is hard to narrow down to specifically one genre.
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
I believe sometime around 2006, but I didn't find myself regularly engaging in conversation until sometime in 2011-2012ish.
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Not quite. I owe the site alot for getting me into many things I otherwise wouldn't have gotten into, but I don't see it as part of my identity per se.
Thank you for reading my short blog, have a wonderful rest of the week.
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Fleetwood Mac
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Stevie Nicks
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Lady Gaga- The Fame
>Do you play an instrument?
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
just over a year
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
>Talking Heads
>Tim Buckley
>not anymore
>New wave
>probably a year
>God I hope not.
Pink chart bro waddap
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
>Do you play an instrument?
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Baroque music
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
6 months
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
21 pilots
jason aldean
the new calassic
angry homeless blackmen yelling
1 second
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
i dont listen to a lot of bands so this isnt really representative of my taste, but Hella
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
tossup between The Tuss - Rushup Edge and Judee Sill - Heart Food
>Do you play an instrument?
i am an amateur keyboard/drums player but i have a modest career in electronic music
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Non-edm electronic music, specifically progressive ambient music like OPN's older works (betrayed thru returnal), but i also like sick breaks, Traditional Synthesizer Music is a contender for my AOTY
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
i wanna say 3-4 years, not long
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
Rowland S. Howard
Grief - And Man Will Become The Hunted
Guitar, bass
Sludge metal
3 years
>Death Grips
>Bob Dylan
>A little guitar
>Baroque folk
>3 years
>Not really
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Jets to Brazil, maybe. There are a lot of contenders...
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Lizzy Mercier Descloux.
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
26000 - Angel
>Do you play an instrument?
Nope, learning guitar, though. Pretty easy so far.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
Musically, no. Morally, yes.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Dark Ambient.
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Since I was 15.
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
What? That's stupid. You're stupid.
1) 14
2) Chevelle
3) Morrissey
4) Bullets - MCR
5) yeah bass/piano/guitar
6) nah
7) sad white guys
8) like a year i guess
9) no
Death Grips
Kanye West
Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
Chillhop, think Nujabes
Like 2 years
Not really lol
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
The Front Bottoms
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Sufjan Stevens or Phil Elverum
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
American Football
>Do you play an instrument?
Guitar, ukulele, bass, I'd like to pick up trumpet and keys
>Would you describe yourself as good?
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Folk/punk folk or emo
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
3 years I think
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
No, I keep my real life and internet interests separate. Although if someone else happened to browse Sup Forums and looked through my music collection they'd know.
I would say this is bait but I started browsing when I was 15 and considering the quality of posts on this board it may not be far off
Animal Collective
Nick Drake
Remain in light
Yeah, 6
I'm pretty good at bass
Mostly Psychadelic rock
2 years
maybe a little? i dont really talk about
it to anyone other than one of my closer friends.
How old are you?
Who's your favorite band?
Who's your favorite solo artist?
What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
>Boards of Canada, Sweet Trip, and Drukqs
Do you play an instrument?
Would you describe yourself as good?
>I played for a couple of years in high school. I wish I could have kept it up in college. So no.
What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
>Ambient, Post-Rock, Slowcore, "IDM", and Shoegaze should give you a pretty good idea of my tastes.
How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
>About 10 months.
Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
>I guess so. A lot of my music taste comes from here, and music is a big part of my life.
Death grips
Until The Quiet Comes
Out to lunch
long time
>Evanescence (it's extremely pleb but I refuse to give up my first favorite band)
>Akira Yamaoka (composer of the Silent Hill series)
>Tomorrow's Harvest, by Boards of Canada
>I've never been able to play an instrument other than a few notes on the piano, but I can sing relatively well in the baritone/low tenor octaves
>I'm... a chaotic good person, in the alignment grid sense. It's all over the place and doesn't always make sense, but I try to make things better than I'd left them. No way to assess how true this is, though, unless you talk to others in my life and ask them whether I'm a fuckup or not
>ambient techno or whatever Nine Inch Nails is classified as
>Sup Forums has been one of my main boards since either 2010 or 2011. It was just before Lana arrived on the scene, and the dominant meme at the time was ITAOTS rather than waifus or IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES IT GOES etc
Frank Zappa
Kid A
Used to play alto sax
Was alright
Experimental/Art rock or jazz
3 years
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
My Bloody Valentine
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Morrissey or Joanna Newsom. Beethoven if you include classical
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Heaven or Las Vegas
>Do you play an instrument?
Piano, Saxophone, I'm trying to learn oboe
>Would you describe yourself as good?
Piano and Saxophone sure, oboe god fucking no
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible
Classical, shoegaze, dream pop, krautrock
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
December or January?
>Is Sup Forums part (and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
All of these fuckers saying Sup Forums isn't part of their identity but posting music they undoubtedly discovered on this very same website are lying to themselves and it's hilarious.
crystal castles or portishead
atm grouper or maybe prurient
visions - grimes
does a daw count
lo-fi noise/ambient/shoegaze
almost a year and a half
>The Smiths
>Jeff Buckley
>Merriweather Post Pavilion
>Synthy post-punk
>it's not a part of my identity
Learning about music is one thing but saying Sup Forums is part of your identity is a different beast altogether. I don't want to associate myself with this shithole.
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
The Smiths
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
The Cure - Disintegration
>Do you play an instrument?
>What's your favorite genre?
Dream pop
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
I d k t b h f a m s m h
>Is Sup Forums part part of your identity?
Nah f a m
>Fav bands
Probably Radiohead or R.E.M. Those are the ones I go back to the most anyway.
>Solo artist
Either Elliott Smith or David Bowie
>non artist as above fav album
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (Favorite album of all time)
Several: drums, guitar, and I've dabbled in keyboards from actually learning percussion.
I don't believe in morality as much as I used to. There's just actions, and I try to minimize the hurt of my actions while maximizing the joy. There's no karma or judgment, or inherent good. Sometimes you have to make losing decisions that would otherwise be considered immoral no matter what the choice, but you have to choose, which I guess is where morality fails for me.
I don't think I'm too much of an asshole at least.
>fav genre
Probably the very poppy vein of post-punk a la The Chameleons.
>start date
Since late 2008. I remember MPP being spammed for days, and I was here for the ITAOTS listenalong. Those were the days.
>Sup Forums as part of identity?
I wouldn't tell anyone who didn't ask me specifically that I browse Sup Forums, so I don't consider it something that's a big part of me. It's just a pastime.
when he asked if you're good he meant are you good at your instrument he didn't want your nihilist ramblings
>I don't believe in morality as much as I used to. There's just actions, and I try to minimize the hurt of my actions while maximizing the joy. There's no karma or judgment, or inherent good. Sometimes you have to make losing decisions that would otherwise be considered immoral no matter what the choice, but you have to choose, which I guess is where morality fails for me.
wew fucking lad
Welp, that's obvious to me now.
In that case, I've played drums for much longer, but I hit a wall that I could never get past. Kinda stopped improving. I'm hoping that doesn't happen with guitar. But I'm decent.
I'm doubting that based on your >good? section.
It's what i believe. I know it reads like fedora nihilistic shit, but I don't know what to tell you. Seems like a personal question so I answered it as honestly as I could.
>18 ;)))))
>Judee Sill
>The Suburbs
>Nope, but I make music with my computer sometimes.
>People on the internet tell me that what I make is good.. Idk man
>Indie Lo-Fi Rock
>less than 2 years, but i've been on Sup Forums longer than that I think
>I mean I'm here like everyday now. I don't know.
Massive Attack - "Mezzanine"
I suppose?
I dunno. Like a year.
Lol no
Shit, it's somewhere between Charlie Parker & The Mars Volta
Definitely Omar Rodriguez-Lopez
August & Everything After
Yeah dawg, a few instruments.
I've been told I'm good, people used to pay money to see me perform.
My 2 most listened to artists this week are Jaco Pastorius & Death Grips. I don't know if I have a favorite genre
I'm an oldfag from/b/, but been creepin Sup Forums for a few years
Everything blends into identity eventually
Okay, I'll take this just to shake it up, tell me how many memes I hit...
The Beatles
Honestly don't know, is any solo artist really solo?
Boston or The Black Album
Lots of instruments
I was good when in high school when I was about the same age as this board!
Genre has changed MANY times
A year maybe?
Sup Forums no, Sup Forums a little
Smoove + Turrell
Kid Koala
Silhouette Brown - Silhouette Brown
8 years
No, its something to kill time at work
>Boston self titled
Fuckin nice, user.
Streetlight Manifesto
Slint - Spiderland
Yes, Gutar and bass
I'm alright I guess
Hardcore Punk
3 years
>favorite band
Genesis maybe, not sure though
>favorite solo artist
>favorite album not by Genesis/Grouper
Flying Saucer Attack - Further
>Play Instrument?
yeah, piano & guitar
>do you consider yourself good
If you mean do I consider myself good at these instruments then no, I'm not very good; fun to play around every once in a while though
If you mean do I consider myself a good person then I guess I'm probably pretty okay
>favorite genre
shoegaze or slowcore
>how long have you been browsing mu
about a year
>is mu/Sup Forums part of your identity
nah, not really
>is any solo artist really solo.
That's not what the question was asking.
>How old are you
>Favorite band
Don't really have a favorite band, but you can always wake me up for Radiohead
>Favorite solo artist
Either Elvis or Adele
>Favorite album
Tame Impala - Currents
>Do you play an instrument
Bass guitar, double bass and a bit of drums
>Would you describe yourself as good
I guess. Auditioned for 6 conservatories and was accepted in all of them. Ended up studying Software Engineering though
>Favorite genre
Hate these questions, I honestly like everything as long as it's made by musicians who love what they're doing. I literally listen to everything.
>How long been browsing /mum
A few days
>Is Sup Forums and Sup Forums part of your identity
Wouldn't really go that far, but I've come to Sup Forums since 2009 (don't tell the mods)
20 years old
The Smashing Pumpkins
Don't really listen to solo artist a lot...I really like Deakin's Album
Since I Left You
I play guitar,sing, piano and a tiny bit of ukulele and drums
No I just play for fun so I don't practice scales or theory anymore.
Dream Pop
3 years
No unless I talk about music.
1. 22
2. This Heat or Animal Collective
3. Elliott Smith
4. The Microphones - Mount Eerie
5. Guitar, used to play percussion and piano
6. Decent, was better at percussion
7. Experimental singer/songwriter, noisy stuff
8. 3ish years on and off
9. Fuck no, I never talk about it
>How old are you?
>Who's your favorite band?
Led Zeppelin
>Who's your favorite solo artist?
Not entirely sure, actually.
>What's your favorite album by neither of the artist/band in the above question?
Tron: Legacy
>Do you an instrument?
I tried to learn the bass, but pawned by guitar when I had some financial trouble. Never replaced it.
>Would you describe yourself as good?
I could play Blackhole Sun pretty good. That's about it.
>What's your favorite genre? Try to be as specific as possible.
Probably a tie between blues rock and thrash metal.
>How long have you been browsing Sup Forums?
Usually lurk. Kinda blow through whenever.
>Is Sup Forums part(and Sup Forums in general) part of your identity?
I don't make message boards or forums a part of my identity, but I have a good time when I'm here.
And I remember when it came out. Hell, all the metal stuff you guys hate, I was there for it, and in its day it was the shit.
Sorry user, you're completely right. If you put a gun to my head I'd say Bach. If that counts.