What's your favorite OST? And why is this one so fucking great?

What's your favorite OST? And why is this one so fucking great?

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I dunno

Because Arcade Fire did it

upstream colour ost


Love Jonny's scores for PTA films, they fit the mood so well

thank you, will listen.
good shit, my guy. the movie itself never really clicked with me, but the soundtrack is great

This movie is literally everything wrong with the industry. The soundtrack's shit too, plays accordingly.

>muh whiny, self centered, LOL MUH DEPRESSION IM SO DEEP LMAO, protagonist
>muh shitty, boring, pointless ambient soundtrack that has that sick indie cred bro
>muh surface level "philosophy" that literally asks one question, kind of, then never even bothers answering, but still has the image so critics praise it

Is this a pasta?

that's alright, I am a whiny, self-centered, depressed, boring person and I love it. What's your fav film?

why the fuck do you have a mustache in 2016 god damn it

>not Suicide Squad


Enjoyed the soundtrack as well but the film felt like is was trying to be too confusing. Like yeah I get the dude made primer which fucked everybody up but it was so pointlessly put together and fragmented.

> :-)

dude yes, so so good. the girl with the dragon tattoo score in particular is beautiful imo

ayyy was gonna post this and just checked the replies


too good

Was going to post this.

tell me you don't just want to feel it on your cheek


exactly, felt contrived and purposefully vague. the cinematography was beautiful though.

i normally like art type films but i kind of felt the same way about this one.

i mean, the acting was good and it all felt pretty natural and looked nice and shiny. the plot was just predictable and not interesting or saying much.

i preferred the style of under the skin, because it felt more open-ended, less generic and predictable, and tackled a lot of issues.



that one grimes song is a banger honestly
will listen, how's the movie itself?
fucken crazy. one of my favorites too.

Agreed 100%
Agreed about the plot. Definitely killed things for me

aesthetically pleasing

i'm also a beta virgin loser so my bitterness might be playing a role here. either way, i wasn't a fan of the plot.

is it a safe bet that Sup Forums generally likes art films, since it usually likes art music?

>will listen, how's the movie itself?

it's a game actually. The Beginner's Guide was posted so I also posted a game. It's worth playing for the soundtrack alone

>aesthetically pleasing
i think you mean wes anderson-esque

Sup Forums likes the image of art, not actual art. see all grimes and neutral milk hotel threads for proof

I have been meaning to check out under the skin. her just strikes a very deep chord with me for whatever reason. It's that totally subjective personal connection with a movie, so i definitely respect your distaste for it.

can you articulate why neutral milk hotel is an image of art and not real art

every person i know who i recommended under the skin to hated it, but i personally loved it. one of my favorite films of the decade. best to watch it while knowing as little about the plot as possible.

it's definitely not perfect, but it does so many things right, in ways few other movies do.

not gonna write a fucking blog post. it may have been at one point but now its become a staple of the "indie" image, which itself is associated as "artsy", key word associated

quintessential fedora right here folks....wew lad

>everyone hates it, but I love it LOL

why do white people try to subtly bring to light how different and unique them and their taste is?

whoops. thank you for sharing, I will definitely give it a listen and probably end up playing it too haha

Hell yeah. Took a class on Avant-Garde film last semester

>anything i dont agree with is fedora

guaranteed to not even know the origin of this hot spicy dead meme

>why do white people try to subtly bring to light how different and unique them and their taste is?
kind of like you are doing now about race?

It sounds interesting, and I have a soft spot for the type of film it looks to be. If I hate it I'll make a post calling you out :^)

why not write a blog post? it's an anonymous board, no one can attribute your autism to your identity.

i completely understand that many new fans of it are only saying they like it due to the image and a desire to feel indie and cool, and i'm aware of the downsides that come with any underground type thing going mainstream, but fanbase notwithstanding, mangum seems to me a sincere and caring artist.

why do you think i'm white?

and i don't think i'm superior or that my friends have inferior taste, but rather the movie seems to have really split opinions. lots of critics hate it, lots love it. same for general audiences.

well now i've hyped it up too much so i probably ruined it. just watch it though

no, to claim grimes or NMH is not art, or their respective creators are not artists is to not understand art in the first place. leave your definitions at the door please

blog it up, my dude

I wonder what people like you would do if you ever saw Primer. You people act like there's something horrible with an unconventional presentation, good just step out of your small comfort zones.

I've seen Primer you melon and the editing felt a lot more motivated given the context of the narrative. Upstream Color didn't feel motivated in the slightest. None of the cuts from past to present to intermittent carried any weight except to make things more confusing.

That one,
< and this one

Top Tier Kubrick. Probably takes the top spot for my favorite from him.

Dude Alan watts sample lmaoooo

There's a difference between unconventional presentation and purposeful obtuseness in pursuit of a certain style. Primer was a better execution of an unconventional presentation imo.




Twin peaks obv



haven't heard of this, will listen.
Row is goat. such a great score and film.
oh fuck, I don't know why I didn't think to download this sooner.
huh, I've never actually watched planet of the apes. will listen though

Fun, humorous, nostalgic, and sad.

Sickest OST in the game and it wouldn't have worked in any other film.

My favorite game of all time :)

Love Spike Jonze, and Arcade Fire
Carruth is the shit
I've been listening to this a lot lately
I gotta watch this

Pic related is my pick, its just so hypnotic.


Moon by Clint Mansell is great. Others that I like are:
>Carter Burwell - Where the Wild Things Are
Comfy and rustic/acoustic
>Howard Shore - LOTR Extended Scores
no explanation needed
>Steven Price - Gravity
Very underrated and clever; check out the behind the scenes on the Bluray on the making of the music
>James Horner - Titanic
Lives up to the Oscar won
>Nick Drake & Warren Ellis - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Very folkish and comfy. Has a bit of a nostalgic feel.
>Danny Elfman - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ignoring the Hot Topic crowds, the music is actually very timeless and compliments the movie.
>John Williams - War of the Worlds
Very un-Williams, it is unlike his other scores for the most part and doesn't recycle his typical motifs


I haven't watched it yet though.


holy shit, I had no idea nick drake made music for a soundtrack. thank you

Who /Donnie Darko/ here? Post-punk and emotional AF


I really love the opening theme and how harshly it contrasts with the subject matter of the movie.

I came here to post this

The plot was pretty straightforward...

I haven't watched Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and so I haven't listened to the OST, should I just go with it, I really really like the other two OSTs

Beyond The Black Rainbow.

nice keyboard


this and its sister / rival film:


My fave film :^)

row is my alarm tune
the most beautiful thing to wake up to when you sincerely do not



also piano themed



underrated gem

this, Mica Levi is amazing and this OST is riveting, Love is a stand out track


This is the bee's dick.

Pi (1998)
Nebraska (2013)

Someone supply a link to this soundtrack pls, I cant find it anywhere

Should watch the movie too. GATTACA is a phenomenal film.

Kill yourself.

Yep. Incredible stuff.


The Church, Tears for Fears, Joy Division and Echo and the Bunnymen make this OST.

No, you will be disappointed that there will NEVER EVER be new movie.

Sure, I'm 19, of course I'm a slut for this

Is the movie any good?


still waiting for a torrent of the movie, but the soundtrack is great
