Your favourite album

>your favourite album
>the last time you had sex

Animal Collective - Here Comes The Indian

5 minutes ago. It was with this super hot chick. She lives in Canada, you wouldn't know her



>tfw wizard
>tfw the powers are real
to all the underage virgins which undoubtly browse Sup Forums, never have sex

The powers are real

Hard to pick favorite album ever, it's been this one lately

About 3 months ago I had sex with my ex-girlfriend and then made out with one of my close friends for the first time on the bed above the next night

Seriously, it's not a meme. I mean of course the wizard thing is but you really are a completely different person.

Ask Nikolai Tesla and Mohammed Ali. I'm afraid when I get laid the quality of my art just isn't going to be the same.

10 minutes in. Nearly fallen asleep.

What appeals to you about this?


I want to sleep

I just ask out of fascination. I don't understand people that say ultra obscure and nondescript music like this is literally their favorite album ever made

Anyway I like his voice. Would be nice if there was more of it

>my fuckstyle is buckwild, my motives are simian, i looked her in the eyes and said "here comes the indian

>She lives in Canada, you wouldn't know her
I live in Canada, I might know her.

>You wouldn't know her
No shit sherlock


he's the guy from talk talk have you heard spirit of eden?

I'm the one who posted Laughing Stock and honestly I don't like Mark Hollis s/t either. To me, it never goes anywhere or does anything notable, which is odd because Colour of Spring, Spirit of Eden, and Laughing Stock are all among my favorites. I guess it deserves at least several more listens.


>5 minutes ago. It was with this super hot chick

doubt it

>just fucked a super hot chick
>browse Sup Forums

>5 minutes ago.

Back in mid July. Girlfriend is back in her homeland for the summer, she'll back soon, luckily.

3 months ago with my ex. later found out that she called my 6 inch penis small. that hurt a lot, so I started to talk about her unhygienic vaginal discharge to all of my friends

it was green

You're anonymous on here you don't need to pretend like your girl was super hot she probably look like Jafar from Aladin senpai


Met up with some girl from Tinder Tuesday night, she's a student and it was her birthday at midnight so I knew it was on. We got on quite well and halfway through the date she said she was really attracted to me and we made out. Took a train back to mine and fucked a few times in a row. She's a freak in the making. Told me her biggest fantasy is to be double penetrated and let me get rough with her and fuck her in the ass

This year is probably my best year for getting laid on record. Tinder + turning 25 has really switched things up

>it was green
How'd ya stick yer dick in ther??

its only downhill from there m8

It wasn't green when we fucked, but I was fingering her in a lighthouse at a park and it was all green and shit

Please no. Was she extremely fat or something?

No she was actually pretty skinny. ill post pic in a sec

I met one girl when I was in England a while ago, last time I fucked her should be 7 days ago

>fav record is Rodeo


>theres the lighthouse

lmao yeah not bat at all actually

>not bat at all actually

5 minutes ago. It was with this super hot chick. She lives in Canada, you wouldn't know her


the fragile
a year ago

I think it was 7 days ago now, don't really keep track at this point

Guess if I would have to choose I'd go for the album 16yo me loved the most, Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare

Also 8 hours ago with long term gf before i fell asleep

great album m8

About a month ago, I went on vacation and my girlfriend is at home still. I'm going back in a few days though, so then it'll be on like donkey kong

I'm happy for you dude