Top 10

post your top 10 albums and others guess things about you and recc stuff

favorite type of liquor is tequila

You like motorcycles and you to play with fire and cereal with no milk

Hopeless romantic, but overall good person

Jaded and cynical

You have in your head the perfect playlist for a party, but no one wants to let you DJ


loves vibrant colors but wears dull colored clothing
scared of the future, hates birthdays

>You like motorcycles and you to play with fire and cereal with no milk
You nailed it with the cereal.

>Jaded and cynical

Wants to live near the sea

Knows exactly what he wants from life and is trying to figure out how to get it

Other 4 albums:
Stevie Nicks - Trouble In Shangri-La
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Fleetwood Mac - s/t
Chroma Key - Dead Air For Radios

You are very sarcastic and enjoy poking fun at all aspects of life. You love spicy food

You have a good time talking about music with others even if you aren't very fond of it cuz you're open to other things

cute boy whose dick id suck :3


Your life moves fast, but you like to slow down and enjoy something at your own pace.

You should check out Sleep, i feel that you'd dig their music

You are a very bubbly and socially competent person, but at you like to spend time alone to recharge

dont be jealous, id suck yours too :3

Sociable but not overbearing That's a good Bungle album sir

Dude, check out some of Johnny Cash's live recordings and some Gordon Lightfoot. I bet you'd dig some of the stories

new here. any reccs would be appreciated. thanks

You really like Sup Forumscore, but have your own opinions. As a person, you listen but a lot goes on behind the scenes.

You should listen to Car Seat Headrest Twin Fantasy and maybe listen to Codeine (slowcore band from 90's)

los campesinos! - hello sadness

I've always preferred the top over disintegration. Good choices though pal. You might like Portishead or Low.

thanks! ill give all these a listen

Yosi Horikawa
Sophie Loizou
Brian Eno
Feel Good Lost
Ricky Eat Acid
Harry Bertoia

nines enough, you get the idea

just recent favorites of related stuff though

thanks for the rec, m8


oh honorable mention, Upstream Colour OST


sociable but still got your own stile

will posts guesses soon

another dubs

eclectic personality, probably pretty interesting.

a pushover and occasionally annoying
despite your interest in trippy music, you've kept your actual usage to a minimum
notoriously fun person
used to cry a lot
you've got plans for this world

what's your chart? you sound like a jerk.

You're fun to chill with, but for some reason few people stick around for the long term.

You should check out Mick Jenkins, I think you'd like his vibe

i should have not been lazy and made a chart cause i'll just get ingored

make one, i'm raring to recc and judge people dude


I dig it. Listen to Traffic's early albums and Disraeli Gears by Cream

oh yeah i love mick jenkins, the water[s] is still one of my fave albums of 2014, but then again i didnt really listen to much in 2014

That's a pretty solid pick for 2014, I'm sure there is better shit out there. Since you've already listened to Mick. Check out Milo (Things That Happen At Night/Day is a good starting point IMO)


I do indeed have plans for this world, how did you know?

>a pushover and occasionally annoying

you're good


You are white and Canadian. You weren't the most popular guy in school but you had friends

Next to no friends, but yeah

Plays too much Fallout.


just seei need to go bed it's almost 3 am

sorry i'll make one next time

look back
or not idgaf

Can't count to 10
In middle school
Appears emotionless around people but is really emotional when alone




Correct, I do tend to seem inexpressive to people. You don't care for coffee
you're on Sup Forums a lot
you day dream

Is easy-going and probably owns and drives a car. Likes to listen to music on vinyl. Probably plays guitar.

Posting from phone because I'm out of town.

Quiet guy that goes buck wild at live shows
You love cruising around aimlessly in your car listening to music
Sometimes you listen to music and cry

Other 4 albums.

Sometimes is quite the understatement, its quite often really.
Completely wrong, I love me some coffee
If you're the dud that can't count youre kidding yourself and if youre the dude I said was in middle school Im gonna try again and say that youre in primary school


Hates trap music
Watches Anthony Memetano a lot
I like you ;)
Enjoys feeling like shit



Check out Nick Drakes "Pink Moon", if you haven't already.