Slayer was the best band of the 80s

Slayer was the best band of the 80s

There is no denying this



not even the best thrash metal band of the 80s

That's not the smiths

This isn't R.EM.

Sonic Youth is trash
Do you adopt all your opinions from Sup Forums?
Then who was?

Also this

Even Metallica was better
And that is not saying much

>thrash metal
>a real genre
pick one

I think you meant this

Metallica is soft rock when compared to Slayer

Mah boi

you are fuckin pleb.

I'm a pleb for not basing my tastes off of what every other Sup Forumstant thinks?

not him but I liked Sonic Youth before I knew Sup Forums even existed

>i had shit taste before I knew Sup Forums existed
Thanks for letting me know

slayer is post rock compared to pic related

you mean the smiths right

can you give an explanation for why?

Prince and The Revolution ?

They weren't even the best of the big 4. Anthrax was.

Their first 5 albums are all amazing, they managed to create some of the best musical work ever 5 times in a row, that takes talent.
Anthrax only had one good album and it's not even that good, it's like a 7/10 at best

>best band of the 80s is a metal band
lmao yeah right

it sure ain't ABBA

>Stop liking what I don't like!
I like Slayer and Sonic Youth

OP wrong once more

>universally acclaimed bands are only talked about on Sup Forums
You sound like you spend too much time here

Lol I can think of at least 5 rock bands from the UK alone that are better during the 80's

yo the comes suck big time

>Anthrax was the best of the big 4