I wish I were a Californian citizen or at least an Anglo

I wish I were a Californian citizen or at least an Anglo...

It is sad we cannot choose our native country.. sigh...

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Los Angeles is where I need to end up in the near future if I want to make it in life.

I want to live in one of these counties.


I wish california were part of Mexico

Why Placer?

Go fuck yourself.

I'm born and raised in LA, and many people have said the same. They moved, they tried and they failed. And now they're sucking dick and shooting up in a Skidrow alleyway. I got the hell out of California.

I had a similar experience, was born in SI and it that whole metro area fucks anyone who lives there. I'm glad i got the fuck out.

you do that, lube yourself well with that oil

It's near Lake Tahoe which is wonderful.


Did they get sponsored, or did they just move in hopes of just finding shit out after getting there? I plan on doing the former.

Don't worry

The entire west coast will be annihilated in 25 years

Why? If you're getting rid of something, at least don't take the state with the largest entertainment industry and by a landslide the best climate.

What do you mean?

Did they already have a job to go to when they got there, or did they just waltz in expecting to get one on the spot?

LA is not as terrible as SF tho. I mean in terms of price of everything and homeless

And the people, right? I've heard they're as bad as the French in SA.

Idk about ppl. All the big cities (both in the US and outside the US) have liberal snobs. It's not like LA or SF particularly has higher percentage of them.

It's just that SF is overpriced even compared to New York or Los Angeles

Both really

I know all about living in an overpriced place. Norway is all about that.

Yes, all cities are littered with liberal snobs, but not everyone is French level snob.

> SA
Shiet, obviously meant SF.

Price, true. But homeless? LA for sure.

LA is worse in terms of being a general shithole though

i said si not sf

>wanting to live in southern california
Not worth it unless you're already rich, and even then there are better locations for the money.

Europeans should explore more options throughout the states before deciding to move here, because they mostly only have California and NYC in mind.