
a south east asian nigger

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pertamax hanya untuk ts

second for pronas

ts kontol anjing kerjanya ngejunk aja

these two need jeb, seriously..........

kaskus leave and stay leave

post jeb son, it will make em atau away

biar cepet iso gan

ane minta cendolnya dong gan

jeb Mai cute litle boi

stay away pls this thread has been jeb'ed

>mfw most indons fall into joahok and islam false dichotomy
its over guys, libtard wins.
sad to see our marhaenism is viewed as racist variation of neo-communism, while libtards are able to speak loudly advocating freedom of speech while protesting against it at the same time


marhaen emang bahasa alusnya komunis gan
kerangka berpikirnya sama aja

My Indonesian qt said that i can be a celebrity in Indonesia if i have many followers on Instagram! is it true? i love Indonesia!

emang kontol manis ya gan

it is, but its OUR communism.
we should change ourselves to pander western world, china, and saudi arabia.

>"hurr durr 411 demo is RAYCIST"
>prosecute to blame other group



nice info gan

>racism is bad
take a look at this sleeper libtard guys, take a look closely

epik troll is le epikk

>bought wwe 2k16
>refund it after 3 days
fucking wwe the control is a JOKE


komunis udah usang gan
nggak bakalan jalan di era globalisasi kayak sekarang gan
makin kere ntar gan kalo nggak ngikutin kapitalis gan
cina aja makin maju karena mulai nyerempet-nyerempet kapitalis gan
secara ekonomi cina udah nggak komunis sosialis lagi

learn English fucktard

i said libtard think that 411 is such a raycist movement
in the end themselves who accussed other society group

indo follower*
nice face*
then you can be a social celebrity

have a jib

Which ASEAN country is the comfiest to live and easiest to get a job as a foreigner? I'm tired of being a wage slave in Japan. I need a comfy life.

Vietnam would be your best bet m8




malaysia la
they love yellow skin people with slanted eye

>makin kere ntar gan kalo nggak ngikutin kapitalis gan
by whose standard? westerner? being able to feed ourselves would be enough
and the one being offended by racism allegation being?
you're contradicted yourself.
just admit you need people to sympathize with your action, all you want and fear is people's power and independence.
you're actually the different sides of the same coin

>indo follower*
Not yet //'-'//
>nice face*

I love Indo

Thanks. This will help me dream of my comfy second life.

you need to have qualification in southern SEA region like malaysia, thai, singapore.
give insta and i will give it to my other contact

>35 posts in
>still no flip flag

berdasarkan standard kita lah
udah telat puluhan taun kalo mau cekokin ideologi being able to feed ourselves would be enough
enough is not enough when you know there are better options la

Palau is safest now.

thats why i said its sad, even our standard has changed to pander foreigners who gave zero shit about our well being.
its not even seen as OURS anymore, just another racist neo-communist dogma.
and you know whats funny? these literal liberals keep telling themselves as conservatives by adopting age old foreign ideology called islam

>went to palau
>no money to send home

flip pol are becomeing indo pol

sad darimananya
lebay lu ah
justru komunis bukan ideologi asli indonesia
indonesia sejak jaman gajah mada masih ngompol udah jadi pasar bebas keluar masuk tukang dagang dari cina, arab, eropa

>justru komunis bukan ideologi asli indonesia
its more familiar when we called it as "gotong royong".
realizing this was a communist ideology, doesn't mean we didn't discover the ideology itself.
>indonesia sejak jaman gajah mada masih ngompol udah jadi pasar bebas keluar masuk tukang dagang dari cina, arab, eropa
thats what i mean, we've been able to live by ourselves we don't need to seek foreign products and market, we let them come not looking for it.

>its more familiar when we called it as "gotong royong".
>realizing this was a communist ideology, doesn't mean we didn't discover the ideology itself.
gotong royong itu kerja sama dalam melakukan pekerjaan bukan berarti senasib sepenanggungan selamanya
gotong royong bukan berarti semua menjalani kehidupan yang sama, makan yang sama, beli yang sama
jauh beda sama ideologi komunis gan
>thats what i mean, we've been able to live by ourselves we don't need to seek foreign products and market, we let them come not looking for it.

to live by ourselves dari apa?
makan daon
bahkan hal-hal yang paling sederhana kayak bercocok tanam aja impor dari cina
lu bisa makan nasi gara-gara leluhur kita membuka diri dengan adanya pasar bebas

Tfw no Jeb to beat leftist up

by world standard, of all 'eastern' countries to emulate, you choose north korea?
adat ketimuran has nothing to do with petty modern politics, its more of a shared 'asiatic values' stop associating it with communism

gotong royong is not a system or communism, its more of a common traditional practiced in tight knitted communities village

and majapahit is pretty capitalistic

>gotong royong is communism's value
Retard. go fucking yourself, you fucking gommie-enabler.

>senasib sepenanggungan
fug, read again about marhaenism
>to live by ourselves dari apa?
so you think, we magically appeared just in time when the chinese sea-farer come to us to settle?
that we used to eats nothing but leafs before the chinese come?
can you see the point? i didn't say we should shut our relation completely, we just should stop looking upon them.
they need us? then give us what we probably need.
just dont let them dictate what we should be and what we need

>its more of a shared 'asiatic values' stop associating it with communism
i didn't, i keep calling it marhaenism for a reason, i only call it communism because i thought that's waht you know about marhaenism. i literally say we should stop trying to emulate anyone, that include north korea.
>common traditional practice therefore not an ideology
short fused shitpost because i told you the truth about islam/jokowi heh?

lu yang baca lagi tentang marhaenism
baca lagi gimana pandangan marhaenism tentang konsumerisme
gue tekanin sekali lagi
marhaenisme itu bahasa alusnya komunisme
isinya sama aja

>so you think, we magically appeared just in time when the chinese sea-farer come to us to settle?
that we used to eats nothing but leafs before the chinese come?

sebelum cina, india, arab dateng kita masih ooga booga bos masih pra sejarah malah mungkin
sisa kehidupan nusantara sebelum era pasar bebas bisa lu lihat di kehidupan suku-suku primitif indonesia
mereka nggak ngerti becocok tanam ngertinya cuman berburu dan makan dari apa yang ada di hutan doang

>can you see the point? i didn't say we should shut our relation completely, we just should stop looking upon them.
they need us? then give us what we probably need.
just dont let them dictate what we should be and what we need

baca lagi tentang gimana cara ekonominya marhaenis
marhaenisme mengedepankan kemandirian ekonomi
roda ekonomi dijalanin dari dalam tanpa bantuan orang lain
kalo nganut marhaenis secara otomatis maka hubungan dengan pihak luar akan tertutup karena sangat fokus dengan apa yang ada di dalam diri sendiri
>they need us? then give us what we probably need.
just dont let them dictate what we should be and what we need

nggak bakalan jalan di jaman sekarang
kalo nggak ngikut yang ngasih bantuan yang nggak bakalan dikasih bantuan
pola pikir jual mahal begitu nggak bakalan jalan saat ini
korea utara yang komunis asli aja jilat-jilat pantatnya cina karena dibantu cina terus

marhaenism is basically ''hurrr I like socialism but I hate westerners'' there's nothing traditional about it except that they want try to make it look traditional, its ''jurche is true korean belief'' tier

by your definition an amish village or primitive jungle tribes are ideology

>support jew
when will you ever learn

ngomong jauh-jauh mutar-muter bawa-bawa marhaenis segala ujung-ujungnya fedora tipper
islam butthurt

>pek apeork eorioi erk menetk ewrp

indonesian sounds like getting choked by a cock while talking

don't go to Malaysia, or Singapore. Please go to Indonesia.
>cheap or free whore 24/7
>nice place
>big place
>not* prone to natural disasters such as Tsunami, earthquakes and volcano eruptions

>sebelum cina, india, arab dateng
tell me again, did we desperately look for them? or the other way around?
that's the whole point of the discussion
>kalo nganut marhaenis secara otomatis maka hubungan dengan pihak luar akan tertutup karena sangat fokus dengan apa yang ada di dalam diri sendiri
literally what i said, we should put our focus on our own work, thats not so bad
>marhaenisme mengedepankan kemandirian ekonomi
>senasib sepenanggungan
>kalo nggak ngikut yang ngasih bantuan yang nggak bakalan dikasih bantuan
thats because you think we need their help, that we need their "superior" tech, that we need their 'superior" intellect, that we need their "superior" lifestyle and belief.
no we dont

>by your definition an amish village or primitive jungle tribes are ideology
they're not? you need to be formally approved by cool western intellectuals to be considered an ideology?

>he has opinion therefore looks like this
epic, just amazing, you're the true 4chinner oldfag

asli baca lagi tentang gimana kehidupan komunisme
jangan baca di wikipedia doang
baca lagi tentang sebasib sepenanggungan ala komunis
panjang kalo dijelasin
>sebelum cina, india, arab dateng
>tell me again, did we desperately look for them? or the other way around?
>that's the whole point of the discussion
>literally what i said, we should put our focus on our own work, thats not so bad
>thats because you think we need their help, that we need their "superior" tech, that we need their 'superior" intellect, that we need their "superior" lifestyle and belief.
>no we dont

nggak tapi udah kelewat nyemplung dan kita udah nggak bisa balik lagi ke state 0
balik lagi ke enough is not enough when we know there are better options

ngomong panjang lebar blahblehbloh ujung-ujungnya nyalahin islam
yeah sure amazing opinions

>we dont need anyone! they are the one who need us.

sounds like fedora tipper edgelord to me desu

I want to smile again

Just came back from going out it's now 8:30am
>night was full of dancing and shit
>vodka and wine for days
>get home
>see house trashed by another party that I had to reject because I'm already committed
>random people still sleeping in my house
>there's a stormtrooper SS in my living room
>apparently about 70 people came here
>luckily nobody broke into my room
>getting ready now for university events while having a hangover

>baca lagi tentang sebasib sepenanggungan ala komunis
literally what wikipedia probaly told you
the whole point is about rejection of exploitation of another workers, if you can exploit your part of works better there's no such thing as "senasib sepenanggungan".
>nggak tapi udah kelewat nyemplung dan kita udah nggak bisa balik lagi ke state 0
stopping isn't go back, but going

back to jungle dayak

fuck you mamak celup

workers should be exploited
fuck off leftie

>ngomong panjang lebar blahblehbloh ujung-ujungnya nyalahin islam
islam victim mentality strikes again, didn't even bother to see see which one i blame the most which is the westerner and foreign merchant.
good show

>workers should be exploited
and communism was born

Do you guys like drinking?

Would you allow a hueg backpacking scandinavian to drink you under the table?

>literally what wikipedia probaly told you
>the whole point is about rejection of exploitation of another workers, if you can exploit your part of works better there's no such thing as "senasib sepenanggungan".

kehidupan pekerja yang lu omongin baru kulitnya komunisme
baru sekedar definisi teoritis
baca-baca lagi deh

>stopping isn't go back, but going
berhenti bukan berarti lu bisa menghapus semua state yang udah lu jalani
apalagi paradigma berpikir lu yang udah terbentuk

kalo udah kebiasaan makan nasi sama garem ya rasanya enak-enak aja
tapi begitu lu tau ada makanan yang namanya ayam goreng atau bahkan udah pernah ngerasain ayam goreng maka nasi sama garem nggak bakalan sama lagi buat lu
begitu pula dengan indonesia yang udah ngerasain pasar bebas kapitalis
masyarakat dapet informasi indah kehidupan orang kaya
bisa beli ini itu
terus kemudian di stop dan berubah jadi komunis ya nggak bakalan bisa
udah telat ribuan taun

Yes, sure
as long as
>no child exploit

>to drink you under the table?
last time someone said that to me, he threw up all his dinner on the sofa

i drink plain water only sometimes iced tea

>baru sekedar definisi teoritis
i know, but is it wrong to even consider it, it fits our people mentality better than so called prosperous capitalism.
see our tendency to blame the successful ones.

>berhenti bukan berarti lu bisa menghapus semua state yang udah lu jalani
>apalagi paradigma berpikir lu yang udah terbentuk
>kalo udah kebiasaan makan nasi sama garem ya rasanya enak-enak aja
>tapi begitu lu tau ada makanan yang namanya ayam goreng atau bahkan udah pernah ngerasain ayam goreng maka nasi sama garem nggak bakalan sama lagi buat lu
>begitu pula dengan indonesia yang udah ngerasain pasar bebas kapitalis
>masyarakat dapet informasi indah kehidupan orang kaya
>bisa beli ini itu
>terus kemudian di stop dan berubah jadi komunis ya nggak bakalan bisa
>udah telat ribuan taun
again, thats why i said its sad.
yes that's because i don't see the possibility of going back either.
islam and western media poisoned the people for good, we claimed to be non-block but its not secret that the US proxies did their job excellently

Of course I fucking won't.

Also, why do you people let yourself get cucked by old, fat white men? They literally come to your country and steal away your women.

Indonesia had chosen to let your old and busted ideology to die. Get over it lol.

Alcohol is Haram in Islam, and the short brown Buddhists who occupy the rest of ASEAN live in primitive pre-agricultural societies where alcohol wasn't a thing. Their Shamans eat hallucinogen mushrooms and pee it out, and the rest of the tribe drinks it to get fuzzy and communicate with spirits.

>i know, but is it wrong to even consider it, it fits our people mentality better than so called prosperous capitalism.
>see our tendency to blame the successful ones.

dan teori tidak akan pernah bisa diimplementasikan dengan ideal dalam prakteknya
begitupun juga dengan komunisme yang lu banggain
prakteknya gatot semua bre
bahkan emak bapaknya komunis aja runtuh
tinggal anaknya, si korut, yang idup kayak gelandangan
>again, thats why i said its sad.
>yes that's because i don't see the possibility of going back either.
>islam and western media poisoned the people for good, we claimed to be non-block but its not secret that the US proxies did their job excellently

yaelah bre
sad sed sad sed mulu dari tadi
sed apanya sih?
mungkin elu yang keracunan karena kebanyakan konspirasi-konspirasian


its sickening to see joahok and muslims trying to push their agenda.
whoever win we lost our identity

>Alcohol wasn't a thing
Try google tuak.

in my def
i just want to play it with my KL friends desu

Do you lads know how easy it is for an average white dude to get a job in SEA?

I have over 4 years of experience in the hotel industry.

>cucked by white men
In my country, I afraid that's not a common sight, unless you are talking about my fellow neighbours..
They have this idea of
>get fair skinned babies -> rare specimen -> up to one level in society -> secure future
>white old men -> pension money -> rich
>white old men -> short life -> inherited by son/daughter ->secured future
>white young men -> no money -> might leave as soon as baby is born -> not responsible

>mungkin elu yang keracunan karena kebanyakan konspirasi-konspirasian
its not even theory anymore when they're not afraid to show their true color.
the sight of our abroad student trying to show their brainwashed view is sickening.

>All this Commies arguments.
Damn it Indon. Which one of you who resurrected Malaka with Javan magic?

i heard that in malaysia it was really easy if you were white

just be a hotel fuck boi

>KL friends -> glamour
Is it?

just sick of this racist this and racist that.
yes we're racist, and we should be racist

aduh bre
banyak baca lagi bre
cemungudh ea

what i meant is my friends who live in KL that i know in real life and we are best friends.

If it is about hotel, you might apply for international hotel such as Hilton, Marriott, Pullman etc. Better chance over there. If you are aiming for local resorts, a Malay/Chinese language certification are required.

kek, this tbqhfam
imo the only language that doesnt sound shit in asean is tagalag, sounds like nigger japanese

4 seasons will be expanding their operations in Langkawi island and I heard the Thai junta had to sell them land due to money shortage so they might be expanding there as well.
Might worth checking out.

pinoy sounds like nasal aborigin, monkey shriek with cock shoved in the throat tbqfhwy.

>literally more fluid and uses more vowels than filipino
megakek at your post

It's Tagalog, but most people would prefer it as Filipino. And yes, I'd have to agree with your opinion, it's the best ;^)

But I don't think it's generally nigger Japanese, I mean there are lots of other awesome languages in the Philippines that people barely give light to.

pinoy pride world wide