Sticky this, mod
Sticky this, mod
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But... Why?
Enjoy your ban.
Although they won't, we know who are the maestros.
>Best food
>Best weather
>Best wine
>Best fiesta
>Best siesta
>Best beaches
>Best bitches
>Best history
>Best biodiversity/km^2
only 2 days and we have 4/4 spanish teams in cl and el finals. how mad are you premier league cucks?
plus you don't have to worry about working. so you have a lot of free time to enjoy those things
Hey you dumb dago faggot, your corruption days are over.
You danced with Russia for too long, and now America is stepping in.
Say goodbye to your fake past.
Indeed, friendo.
Spain posters are really modest for the achievements they have.
Can Spanish people explain to me how you survive without working?
I'll sticky your mum if you get what I'm implying
We eat football trophies.
Can whites even compete with Moore blood?
It makes me mad sometimes, but then i remember that in BPL match between 10th and 11th team is still watchable.
te acuerdas de eso jaja mis diez
Spain are tryhards and no one likes tryhards
Happens when your corrupted state funds your biggest teams with tax money.
Just look at the debt of Real Madrid.
siestas act like bear's hibernation period. paella spics dont have to eat for the whole winter
Can't argue with facts.
I hope Germany will fund cataolonian secession to weaken spanish football.
Stay salty nazi cunt
>>Best food
>>Best weather
>>Best wine
>>Best fiesta
>>Best siesta
>>Best beaches
>>Best bitches
>>Best history
>>Best biodiversity/km^2
they fatten the warmer months just like your mother
envy is a bad thing.guys
>World Champions in heavyweight boxing
>World Champions in tennis (Davis Cup)
>Masters Champion in golf (Danny Willett)
>Grand Slam winners in the Six Nations
>Winners of the most recent Ashes series
>Only unbeaten team in the Euro qualifiers
>Arguably the most exciting national team in Europe right now
>World Champions in F1
>World Champions in snooker (Mark Selby, just last night)
>Next season's Champions League winners (Leicester City)
Rest of the world REKT status: SHREKT
>best modesty
Lived in Spain for 4 years. Can confirm.
Also confirmed dipshits, they stay double parking every time my family tried driving anywhere.
Metro is nice though, living a station away from the Bernabeu was convenient.
>fags and hipsters everywhere
>everything is unreasonably and inexplicably expensive
>suffering from earthquakes and droughts
no thanks
just moved here for work a year ago and I'm dying to leave
not because of the actual football though
Spotted the fat Midwesterner who can't integrate into Californian society.
>it's the same poster every time
>muh tourism, muh EU benefits
Just like the other PIGS
> >Best food
> >Best weather
> >Best wine
> >Best fiesta
> >Best siesta
> >Best beaches
Northern Mozambique
> >Best bitches
To marry? France. To Fuck? Spain all the way.
> >Best history
Probably England.
> >Best biodiversity/km^2
But if you're comparing those 3, yeah you're right.
>calling anyone muslim
lmao juan
Most of that "unemployed" people arent really unemployed. If u know what i mean
A lot of those are trophy padding. Ballon D'ors are given to top teams, which are teams that win the CLs. Super Cups and CWCs are only won by teams that have only won the CL.
Honestly prefer Lisbon to any other spanish city tbqh lads
try again, it's one of these: greece, italy, france
Lisbon is based as fuck. Would kill for some real cabalhau right now.
Elementary my dear Watson
following that logic, the united states has one of the richest national histories in the world
england is a cultural wasteland, just like its superior offspring, the usa
you should put italy too. just to get in perspective.
also, tax laws, frauds and doping permitted spain to hijack football in the last decade
They're hookers/criminals? What do you mean?
>californian """""society"""""
Was always curious on the doping incident; did someone snitch? Or was it just a surprise investigation?
>sf is representative of all of california
midwestern education everybody!
>best food
>best weather
>best wine
>best fiesta
Eastern Europe
>best siesta
>best beaches
Literally anywhere that is hot
>best history
Britain, by a mile
>best football
England, they wouldn't have called it the premier league if it wasn't the best and it is.
Would literally rather watch Romanian football than Spanish
Guardiola was found using nandrolone when he played in Italy in 2002- Messi was raised on hormones and shit like this since his early teens (like Kakà and Pato did)- dr Eufemiano Fuentes was the head of sports medicine in Spain and he was a doping dealer
An Italian complaining about fraud and corruption in another country...
They paid in B, dont declare to pay taxes and that kind of shit...
Really, if those numbers of unemploiment were real, this country simply would have no future...
Spain government is corrupt but our people too.
they avoid taxes by receiving salary in a envelope
If America cared about this, how many World Cups would we have?
Imagine Lebron playing soccer.
Italy is better than you in most of those though, you're not even best latins.
sticky this mod
o shit
that guy got arrested 10 years ago though
France history is basically fighting with the eternal anglo and repeat. So England has a cool history.
>>Best food
>>Best weather
>>Best wine
>>Best fiesta
>>Best siesta
You are best at being lazy fucks, yes
>>Best beaches
>>Best bitches
>>Best history
england or italy
>>Best biodiversity/km^2
I dont even...
A bit like all la liga players
>muh sun never sets
le first meme in history of mankind
>england is a cultural wasteland
U wot?
>10 years ago
more like 5 years ago, and the judge literally let him go to keep him quiet when he threatened to talk about his big clients
italian girls are filthy. based aryan german or dutch girls are best.
>you will never fight the frogs again
you cant even open an american history book without having to read about the british
stay buttmad
Great European composers:
Great English composers:
Great European artists:
>da Vinci
>van Gogh
Great English artists:
not to mention english cuisine is easily among the worst in the world
>El 23 de mayo de 2006, en el marco de la Operación Puerto contra el dopaje, fue detenido por la Guardia Civil a la salida de la cafetería del Hotel Pío XII de Madrid, tras haberse reunido allí con Merino Batres y Manolo Saiz (director deportivo del equipo ciclista Liberty Seguros-Würth).
and he was put free because at that time doping people was not ilegal
>In a further doping scandal, in 2010, Fuentes was arrested by Spanish police as part of Operación Galgo (Operation Greyhound). In a series of simultaneous raids across five provinces on 9 December, Spanish police seized a large quantity of anabolic steroids, hormones and EPO, as well as laboratory equipment for blood transfusions. According to Público newspaper, Eufemiano Fuentes and his sister Yolanda were the leaders of the alleged plot. Also arrested were the athlete Marta Dominguez, who was released on bail after having been charged with the trafficking and distribution of doping substances, and Alberto Leon, in whose fridge anti-doping police found several bags of blood. Leon was found dead shortly after, the result of an apparent suicide.[7] In January 2013, the Operacion Puerto trial went underway, and Fuentes offered to reveal the names of all the athletes he helped doping. The judge, Julia Santamaria, told him that he was not under obligations to name any other athletes others than the cyclists implicated. Fuentes stated that he supplied athletes in other sports with drugs and said: “I could identify all the samples [of blood]. If you give me a list I could tell you who corresponds to each code on the [blood] packs.”[8]
>In April 2013, Fuentes was sentenced to one year in prison for breaking public health laws and was banned from practicing sports medicine for four years
>arbitrarily selected "important figures"
here's your (you)
the person selecting this probably had an enormous english bias
he got caught again and went to jail
I don't see any problem there
>best bitches
Only while they're under 30 though
>worst food
>worst weather
>worst "wine"
>worst fiesta
>no Siesta
>Worst Beaches
>Worst Bitches
>Worst History
Easily Germany
>Worst education
>Worst footballing
Probably England, but we are close
just fuck us desu
>>Worst Bitches
have you ever see a british girl?
>Worst History
>Easily Germany
it's maybe the worst in the top guys club which is not that bad at the end
>Worst education
our is way worse
>Worst footballing
>Probably England, but we are close
literally wc reigning champs wtf
>he thinks working=living
nice falling for the capitalist bait
we don't
>Fuentes was sentenced to one year in prison for breaking public health laws and was banned from practicing sports medicine for four years
spain has the 2018 world cup in the bag, lets start celebrating early lads.
¡España entera, se va de borrachera!
buck up kiddo, you have the best refugees!
Well, i dont know what biodiversity means, thats what i wanted to express.
And this whole "discussion" started in regards to the recent club footballing results, no?
ebin, make sure to vote Trump!
It's not Germany's fault that you're a fuckin loser.
>Worst Beaches
>Not Switzerland
>Best food
Italy,by far
>Best bitches
>Best history
pic related,forget everyone else even in a billion years this guy will be the number one evil
and it is not the muslims fault that you are uneducated
>tfw european
try harder.
it started by an user posting a copypasta bait
and the biodiversity is realted to some UNESCO stuff
Why nobody never mention the german wines? They are among the most expensive in the world...
in other words, a bunch of literally whos. are you really so delusional that you think the people you named are even close to the ones in the post you're replying to?
expensive =/= good
I really see a big gap between France, Spain, Portugal and Italy and the rest, which is obvious because of the latin heritage
Literally never heard of any of those names while I've heard of every of the European ones listed.
>>Worst Bitches
I'll have to go with england on that one, my man
>literally who: the list
I like spain but their posters are fucking terrible.
>Spain superior
top fucking kek
We British go to Spain call ourselves Expats (Not immigrants) refuse to learn dirty spanish language and refuse to assimilate with dirty with you dirty spics but instead built our own British villages and society there(Mostly in Malaga and Canary Islands), Literally Invaded Gibraltar in your faces, Trash out Ibiza and Magaluf (because we can) every year with our drunken youths
AND GUESS WHAT Spanish Media and Government still begs us to go to Spain because you guys are desperate for our British pounds. We Brits literally made you spanish cucked in your own soil.
But Pedro if you go to England Spanish people are seen as inferior and a lot of you work(and trust me A lot in London) in Subway and super market along with the Pakis and Eastern Europeans.
Tldr: You guys are literally what Mexicans are to Murica
You've not seen Irish women then
Did you write this book?
it's your problem if you expected anything of value from the average spaniard
especially in a dedicated shitposting day
Some expensive wines are made for the chinese and russians tourists, but the real expensive ones, are expensive for a good reason, and its not only their rarity.