I'm done with only knowing 1 language

I'm done with only knowing 1 language

i want to learn Russian, how do I start?

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Start with A end with Я
It's easy

>"people" who know less than 3 languages

Кaн И cпэaк Pyccиaн нayв?

You have internets. Are not you?
Use Google force my son.

I should clarify; I meant in terms of programs. Can I learn it ok in 3 years with programs online or do I need to go to school? My brother learned japanese should I just ask him what program he used?

I'm a burger be nice

>Кэн aй cпик paшeн нay.

Ю a гyд, кип yopкинг.

The best way is live classes, if that is untenable then start with a program like duolingo for the basics, then read children's literature, watch films, and use:
It delivers news read in Russian but clearly and slowly for beginners.


Thanks leaf

Unfortunately I live in SoCal and have zero interaction with the language, will check out and use the tips you have given me.

Peплэйc И виз AЙ энд итc бьютифyл

>хe юcec тpaнcкpиптиoн
хaхa фyкинг плeб caк кoк


Taнк ю И вилл. Cтилл хapд тo кoнвepт лaтин тo киppилик, пpaктиce мaкec пepфэкт.

чypкac a нoт aллoyэд тy paйт хee
гoy эyэй

>I live in SoCal
Better learn Spanish senpai

I understand that feel, you must feel that there is something more...

Start with learning a useful and a REAL language, like french, German or Spanish

Bepи интepecтинг. Бaт yaй ю дy диc?

Кaминг фpoм цхypкa

cтyпид cлaвcкyм килл йoypceлф)0

this tbqhwyf, russia is such a shithole that its language isn't worth learning


Russian is pretty difficult desu senpai

Икc ди ди ди ди
Гooк дypкa кхaн


you are right. but now russia is owner of america so probably our country gonna be better


I have respect for Russia and recognize it as one that spits in the face of social marxism

I plan to leave california when i can, probably to Idaho. It would just be for a hobby and to not be a pleb only knowing 1 language

Why the fuck you want to learn useless language

I listen to a band named Arkona so I figured I'd learn cyrillic so I could actually know what the songs were called and remember which was which.

Recently started learning Russian, but not putting max effort into it yet because of school tbqh

So much pain.