so why don't they just let women into men's sports? It'll solve the equality problem that lefties cry about all the time and solve the nobody watches women sports problem at the same time!
So why don't they just let women into men's sports...
They should just so they get btfo and never bring up the subject again.
Then they will complain about having literally no girls in pro sports
Kinda wish they did. They'd lose hard and there would be definitive proof that men are genetically more athletic and lefties can stop bitching
This. A woman in anything other than MAYBE baseball would get immediately destroyed. Can you imagine a woman in the NHL? She'd be dead by the 2nd period.
>muh lefty boogeyman
Women are actually allowed in the NFL, it's just none have even gotten close to making a roster.
but it is an issue closely associated with lefty politics though
>this is what some people actually believe
How about men telling women to shut the fuck when they run their mouths out of turn and start demanding shit instead?
Western men are such submissive beta pussies.
Yes. But OP is wildly twisting the demands of lefties to make them seem crazy
If you let them into pro sports, they bring up some other boogus story about how though it is for women to get to the top of sports and how women should have beneficials so it's easier for them to make the top.
Will there ever be a girl in the nba?
But they are crazy
Stephanie Curry
It's kinda funny that the Mens 100 metres at the 2012 Olympics were all quicker than the Womens world record apart from Powell and he got a groin injury halfway through.
Womens record is 10.49 for reference
There's no rule preventing women from playing in men's sports, other than meritocracy.
Best reason I can think of is that when you abolish women's leagues and combine then with men. It means men can also enter women's leagues. This would just cause all teams to be dominated by men and women having no positions on any teams. Allowing women on men's team, would completely destroy any chances for women to become professional.
On March 28, 1931, 17-year-old Jackie Mitchell signed a contract to play baseball for the Chattanooga Lookouts, a Class AA minor league team. Five days later, on April 2, 1931, Jackie pitched against the New York Yankees in an exhibition game. In front of 4,000 fans, she struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Op here,
it was half shipost, half serious question
They let a woman play in a few preseason games as goalie for the Tampa Bay Lightning NHL team
She's kind of a milf
Not baseball maybe basketball
>Women in sports
nobody really believes in equality. that's just something that people say sometimes.
Lol only Brianna Stewart maybe could do it, and that's only if she stayed outside the arc and shot only 3s, which is not her specialty.
Of the big 4 burger sports that's the one they'll get destroyed in the quickest.
>a britcuck seriously saying this
jesus christ
Women world be given positions as a novelty and to make a point. All this world do is take away from men who deserve the position. This exact thing is happening with NASCAR right now.
Because women would be completely overshadowed by men, not to mention that if the men played seriously it would be dangerous for the women.
Bad idea overall.
Too much physicality amongst players in all other sports. Golf is really the only one because a really skilled female putter will beat a terrible male putter. But guys still have an advantage with power and obviously putting is not going to be favored by gender. Baseball there is no chance for women though. The only way I can see a woman playing baseball is as a knuckleballer for an AL team.
anyone against this idea is genuinely afraid of the power of women. That said, they will literally not unseat a single pro on any lineup in a relevant sports league due to hormonal differences. But there should obviously not be gendered barriers to entry for any job.
>power of women
>inherently weaker due to hormons/body structure
Does that mean men should be able to enter women's leagues too?
>if the men played seriously it would be dangerous for the women.
>Bad idea overall.
No, that's a good idea.
Every fucking "profession" that bitch ass men allow women in, like the cops and military, is done while protecting the bitches. In training, they always team up the bitches with each other and never pit them against a man unless it is closely guarded. So what happens is that bitches are never forced to face the physical realities of having to fight a man. Ever. Not until they have to do it for real, which leads to them getting their asses kicked 99.9% of the time. Women always have a crutch in that they can always fall back on other men picking up their slack.
If men would quit being bitches, and start treating women the same as men, which means not holding back and kicking the fucking shit out of these bitches, then they might stop trying to challenge biology and quit trying to fuck up male teams.
I just want to see them put a female or female team in the NFL and watch them get tackled and taken off the field one by one.
The reason they don't allow women in mens sport is because the rules would have to change to accommodate them.
Women in the NFL would literally get crushed and twisted all up due to the size and strength differences.
Women's development pathways need to be developed to the point of parity so that the system can be opened up and coaches won't have a reason to reject women players.
Also, half the countries in the world would break away from FIFA if they made them allow women in equal roles.
Elena Mukhina- Gymnast
"Mukhina soon realized the Thomas salto was extremely dangerous for a woman because it depended on being able to get enough height and speed to make all the flips and mid-air twists and still land in-bounds with enough room to do the forward roll, and it took near-perfect timing to avoid either under-rotation (and landing on the chin) or over-rotation (and landing on the back of the head"
"On July 3, 1980, two weeks before the Moscow Olympics, Mukhina was practicing the pass containing the Thomas salto when she under-rotated the salto and crash-landed on her chin, snapping her spine. She was instantly rendered a quadriplegic."
"After Mukhina's paralysis and several other close calls with other Olympic-eligible female gymnasts, the Thomas salto has been removed from the Code of Points as an allowed skill for women. It remains an allowed skill for men"
>*White men are such submissive beta pussies.
fixed it for you buddy.
in thailand they sometimes do male vs female muay thai fights.
there was that 1 tennis match where I think billie king beat a laz 50yr old man and to this day is the only woman to beat a man in tennis, while the guy beat both Williams sisters when he was younger and he was ranked like 200
If women took steroids would they be able to compete with men?
Maybe if the men stopped taking steroids first.
I'd love to see some Mid-major or even D2 college basketball player enter the WNBA and average 30 points, 20 steals, 20 blocks, 30 rebounds per game
Striking out Babe Ruth isn't hard.
because that wouldn't solve the problem that white patriarchy and evolution caused. to achieve equality we need to oppress men and pump women full of steroids generation after generation so they reach the men's level
i'm talking spartan regimes for women, and malnutrition for men
equity amirite
When will manginas realize sometimes you just need to tell women to shut the fuck up?
If you capitulate to their demands their demands only increase. Their sense of entitlement is literally INFINITE.
Sometimes you just have to shut it the fuck down before it gets out of control, like it clearly has at the societal level.
Feminism was a giant shit test, and modern beta as fuck men failed MISERABLY
This guy gets it.
Manginas are literally destroying fucking society with their delusional bullshit
>my old hometown is forcing the fire department to have a female quota
lol people will literally fucking burn to death over this.
people would rather prop up a complete fantasy than simply accept reality.