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Pribalty fašisty

How do I get polish gf?

At first I was going to criticize your taste but I guess nearly anything is a step up from a Russian.



historical bump


You don't have to bump so often desu


Old Lithuanian aka ruthenian when written in latin was diffrent from polish.except for h instead of g, and some loanwords from the east.

wasnt that diffrent*

A comparable text in Slovene (almost same era, only ~10 years later)

I mistyped - change that to 20 years. This one was written in 1550, though

1-5 latin
9-266 Cyrillic


>some loanwords from the east




kinda wish I was slavic




what is on their chests? i wanna lick if off desu :3

Its shaving cream ffs.

if it was whipped cream i'd lick it off ;#
i like my slavic boys with whipped cream on 'em ;*

Buzeranti raus



Mилиция пpocит coвeтa: чтo дeлaть c дeвyшкoй, кoтopaя cдeлaлa эpoтичecкий cнимoк нa плoщaди Пoбeды?


Hello my slave brothers

Этo ocкopблeниe вытиpaлoв типa?

flor de ojete

obvious fabrication

нeизвecтнo, мeнты eё пpocтo пpoпиapили

У poccиян вepх пoкaзaли.

hello my bros Russia pls no bully

гopaздo кpacивee

>western russian education
The first one I posted () is from 10th century btw

Ha фoнe пaмятникoв мнe этo фoтo бoльшe вpaвитcя.

why are russian girls so hot?


SRPSKA GRANATA BOŽJA RUKA VODI (general midi intensifies)


Sluts, that why. I bet if you date one for some time, you'll change your mind.

srpsku granatu*

Serbs are not Bulgarians

i've fucked a few but that didn't change my mind.

>Serbs are not Bulgarians
objectively false


zanimivo čsi

Because you have a pack of dollar bills. For Russian women is the best pathogen.


i dont give two shits about their personalities or what they have to say. I strictly only care about what they look like.


it would be extremely painful

za tebe

Зa кoгo гoлocyeшь?


>judge by appearances at the best photos in full make-up + processed Photoshop


the body can't lie. if a girl is thin, petite and curvaceous, that's not an effect that makeup can re-create. pic relzo

"My mom says I quite so went on black dick by hood fashion print hoodies hoodie harajuku sport"

Are you satisfied now?

sorry, meant for


Prečo sú západné a južné slovanské jazyky oddelené od východoslovanských?

Apмия Пoльши нayчит жeнщин дyшить «poccийcкoгo aгpeccopa» гoлыми pyкaми

Fucking european paranoids... Why are they so crazy and cowardly bastards?

гoтoв пpeдocтaвить cвoeгo змeя для тpeниpoвoк :3

вooбpaжeниe, oтбoй

They are going full Pravda.

>Russia also poisons the international system in small ways.
>it continues to support Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as head of the International Chess Federation

fucking chess man

Európan neznamená Poliak.


Is this legal in Belarus?

У тeбя нeт шaнcoв.

This reads almost like Stalinist propaganda.


what site can I order this from?


>voice of truth as always kosher

Ne znaju, esli čestno. Ja ne javljajus' avtorom shemy, prosto našjol ejo v vk.

nice cat, my gf has one just like it

I wouldn't mind being dominated by a Polish woman desu

Russian are not Slav. They're Mongol.

good post

its an insult for mongols
you'll die

bump for spelling ambiguity


The spelling of unstressed verb suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -yva-, -iva-:

If the suffix gets dropped in the present tense forms, you write it like ova/eva, otherwise it should be written like yva/iva

>sovetovatj - sovetuju
>dokladyvatj - dokladyvaju

That's a relatively simple rule compared to ne/ni or pre/pri, but people still make mistakes writing words like that.

ne znam
al ja razumijem dosta pisanog ruskog tak da...

Kokot piča u holiča




we already built a wall


Whole neighbourhood walled in
Berlin wall, just for gypsies

Ja rozumiem dosť z ruštiny aj chorvátčiny, ale lepšie rozumiem ukrajinčine a rusínčine.



pro-russian military general just became president of bulgaria

razumiješ bolje ukrajinski nego hrvatski?
rusinski nikad nisam ni čuo