Whats the best religion

whats the best religion

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Illyrian laganism


non-nihilistic atheism

From who's perspective? It'd be pretty awesome to be some evangelical cult leader with a ranch filled with sister-wives but that shit is also retarded.



Vajrayana Buddhism.

Secular humanism

just kidding, it's crusade era Catholicism

almost triggered me there

human rights is an ideology with massive conflict potential
it literally DEMANDS war everytime they get violated by some state.


>automatically makes others butthurt.

i'm not sikh, but sikhs are fucking based so i would have to say sikhism

> God tier
Sikhism, Unitarianism, Baha'i, Shinto
> Good tier
Hinduism, Reformed Christianity, Buddhism, Liberal Judaism
> Bad tier
Fundamentalist Christianity, Islam, Conservative Judaism
> Hell tier
Wahabi Islam, any alien shit


Buddhism is the only one that is halfway sane.


>Buddhism is the only one that is halfway sane.

Islam tiers

>acceptable tier

>slightly less acceptable tier

>nuclear ashes tier


One and only one

Islam is only a problem nowadays because of wahhabism, which was enabled (like many awful things in the history of our species) by br*ts. They thought it would be a cool idea to support and encourage a radical fundamentalist sect of islam to weaken the Ottoman empire during WW1. The empire fell and aforementioned cultists got themselves their own country for helping their british masters - Saudi Arabia. They renamed wahhabism into salafism to look more credible and are now pushing it everywhere with their oilbux. Because if they stop exporting this violent sect it's going to destroy them from within, since according to wahhabism every muslim sinner counts as an infidel and can be punished by death.
Video related.
Cold war also helped, when muslim radicalists were the ones most willing to fight gommunism in the middle east and central asia and got loads of dosh and guns from the west for that.


no religion is the best religion

>he fell for their propaganda



Norse Paganism

Science at least they are trying to explain what going on and teach in school. lol

Nuwaubianism for the lels

Sol Invictus. Praise the Sun!


>non-nihilistic atheism
literally an oxymoron. Atheism literally is nihilism.