Win the championship while sitting at home watching tv

>win the championship while sitting at home watching tv
eurocucks will defend this

Other urls found in this thread: sportz

Why are you still making these threads? Go home

dont you have friends? go out or something tonight

leicester are just that good

OP btfo

>have you ass-blasted your entire league?
>are you first place for the season?
>are your competitors complete shit?
>come to america, where you might lose anyway.

>get shot while sitting at school eating lunch
Amerilards will defend this

The only people who have a problem with how somebody wins a championship, are people who are not competitive in the least and/or never played sports in their lives.

Says the cuck loser

>only people who aren't competitive care about how a championship is won
are you retarded?


American >"Sports"

Would be comfy as fuck

Does Mexico play anything other than soccer and beisbol?

>win WW2 when USSR did all the job
>muh D-Day
>muh Japan


like what?

>national sport is sawker
>0 (zero) world cups
>0 (zero) internationally relevant players

I'm just guessing here but I think it goes like this:

1. Futbol
2. Cartel Decapitations


3. Boxing
4. Beisbol


5. Donkey Shows

We don't like to ruin the dreams of other teams. sportz

>not being a /lifelong/ couch potato


oh look its this post again

>it's an "America complains about soccer" episode from Season 9173

>it's an Aussies are the only other country to call it soccer besides BSA Ltd. episode

Based desu

>it's an "America complains about soccer and gets BTFO so hard that he can't come up with an original comeback" episode

oh look its this reply again

nah you missed the mark i don't complain about soccer, i actually like it since i played in hs and college

cute hateboner though not everything's a spat


>who is chicharito
>who is marquez in your own fucking league

doncaster 74.4 percent hahhaha, 90% of the town are skinny smack heads

>Team A wins 18 games in the season
>Team B wins 14 games in the season
>Team B becomes the champion
Americans will defend this


They didn't win the Championship. They won the Premier League.


If Team B beats Team A in the playoffs, Team B is clearly the superior team.

Now start building that wall taco eater.

I said relevant, can't you read?

>One lucky afternoon has more value than one good season

Stop posting amerifriend

>be best team all season
>earn the privledge to do that
No so hard to figure out you fat dum dum head


I know you're a typical dumb American but don't you know how Math works?

>Handegg teams doesn't compete against every other teams
>National Football '''''league'''''
>Having conferences prevent competing in playoffs against 8 teams (not having a random draw with seeds)
Nice semen slurping sport you got there

>Have 162 game season
>Still need playoffs at the end of it to determine who the best team is

Amerishoots will defend this

>win a game 2-1
>still lose

Yea, some nice maths you got there, yurop.

>making excuses

Don't you have a border to run through?

>Get the most votes
>Don't become president

Great American "democracy" right here

Why do ameridumbs make stupid posts like this without any prior research? Are they naturally that fucking stupid?

>hurr durr your system is dumb

This is coming from the only country in the modern world which doesn't uses the metric system

>get beheaded by a north african wearing g-star in north london.

britcuks will defend this

Official Sup Forums posters powerranking:

2. Honorable Nihon Posters
4. Latin Americans
---------------------------------- Line of acceptability
5. Canadian posters
6. Americans

>Went from a literal who to united's best striker in one season
>Played for real madrid
>Has been linked to major english clubs for the upcoming season

MLS is a league that not many outside the US watch I'll give you that but Marquez no doubt the red bull's best ever player, he had a good NT run in 2014 too before being robbed by robben diving

>Robben diving

It's been two years. End this meme.

>Implying anyone cares about a third worlder's opinion.

go suck more ref cock

>watching tv
That's nothing, my team won their first league title while sat on a beach in spain

Can you not see the contact Jose? Are you blind/retarded?

>Implying I'm a beaner

There is only contact with his knee when he's half way down after losing his balance because he dived

Great player but has a history of this sort of thing

>tie game goes to overtime
>flip a coin to see who goes on offence first
>team on offence scores
>game is over

There's clear foot to foot contact. You're either a biased beaner or just a not very smart/observant person.

after effect of dispossession attempt

nice try though

>Fail to dispossess the player
>As a result make contact bringing him down

Nice try

>Palace are a top 2 English team
>this is what Americans genuinely believe

>actually defending player theatrics and clear diving
I'm out m8

>being part of the problem

In fairness, they won the Championship in 2014.

wow rude.

What happens if this team fails to win the Champion's League next year?

>Team A draws team B
>Team C wins the league
>country X shitposts about it for a week
seriously, get a life

I work at a secondary school and alot of the students 'love football' but there are MAYBE five kids who seriously follow the sport. The rest are all Barca, Real Madrid, or Bayern (that's basically it) and likely couldn't tell you anything about the season any of those teams have had other than, "MSN rulez" and "Ronaldo is better than Messi." Today, these kids were yelling "Lye-Chester city is the best!" Really not surprised in the slightest.

Haha lotta butt hurt euro trash up in here.

Sounds like sp.

>not fifth world