>Mad Amx to Red Bull
>Kwyat to Torro Rosso
/F1/ - Formula 1 General - MAD AMX Edition
nisu desu senpai
Fuck yeah
Russian Torpedo sucks
fuck me Redbull are ruthless m8s
R O D E. S T I E R
Wait, seriously?
>want to get rid of ugly-ass russian kid
>hire the only driver of the grid who looks even more horrid
yup they did it
verstappen will overpass ric as well
>hey boyo
>what up helmut
>fuck off
I told Helmut Marko to cuck kyvat out of his career and he actually did it! ABSOLUTE MADMAN
Well, I'm excited for sure for this, but I'm not really sure if it's the best idea. Amx just HAS to perform right away, or it will just look like a mistake. Then again, it's more of a degredation for Kvyat than it is a promotion for Max. I'd like to think they already wanted to do this before Russia but were afraid Putin would murder the RB staff.
>come to /f1/ after a while
>it's real
Holy fuck, hehehe.
Fucking rekt.
Fuck Red Bull, but this decision is spot on.
kvyat btfo
Post yfw Kvyat takes out Mad Max in the first corner
>Not linking to this in old thread
This is Vettel at 17.
ButTEN already salty
I hope he can score a podium like his dad did in 1994
He's afraid of Stoffel replacing him
Mad amx bringing good digits to the thread
its not about only bad race or about Kvyat
Kvyat brings no money, no advert for RB(and muh max is overhyped by PR specialists and his father) + mad is simply very good and if RB will not choose him, then max can easily leave them and go to merc/ferr/etc, so RB tries to 'draft' him first
and the rumors of max being in RB were already in march
Tbh I think Kvyat hasn't shown all his potential yet. I'm sorry Russki friend.
>People are genuinely Max fans
Are you all also Vettel fans?
Do you like sucking the one eyed monster of Helmut the one eyed monster?
Kys Lewis
It's harsh for Kvyat, but he's not fired or anything, all four Red Bull drivers have the same contract. I believe that Toro Rosso is not longer a junior team, but has become more of a Red Bull 2. If they think you are underperforming, you can instantaniously be transfered to the other team. But you can also be promoted back if you perform well in STR. It basically becomes a 4 driver team.
He is a quick driver.
He's very young so he has goat potential.
What's not to like?
if you can't handle the Max
get off the tracks
I'm Dutch so F1 drivers are rare. Not like you Brits.
Better support the lad when we still can.
He makes alot of dumb rookie mistakes. Sainz is more consistent as well. Max's fast because he takes risks, which is good, but if the car steps out he bins it. They should have let him do the feeder series before coming to F1.
>Kvyat mad as fuck because after getting a podium he gets sacked to the B-team and will fuck off to any other team as soo as he gets an offer
>Sainz mad as fuck because they choose the meme crash driver instead of a safe consistent driver for a 1 race deal and shows even more bias towards the kid
>Ricciardo mad because he can't command Kyvat to bully Vettel now
>Mad Max mad because they don't let him pass Ricciardo and give him preference in the A team
Nice move Red Bull
>there are people who automatically hate prospects
I bet you hate all of the big teams too, right? How's force India doing this year?
that does smell fishy t-b-h
if merc is sandbagging hamilton, why? rosberg isn't the crowd favorite or the better driver. why would he deserve a championship?
>kvyat on suicide watch edition
Ham thinks he's larger than the team.
McLaren would drop you for MAD AMX too pham
>Kvyat dropped literally one race after he scores 2nd place
>Being a bandwagon glory hunter
Supported Leicester for a few years have you?
Mercedes is #blessed by proxy.
>Outscore Ricciardo in your first season at RB
>ROME (AP) - Italian police are not confirming the identity of a 22 year old man found dead at the base of the Grattacielo Italia building in Rome this morning, but have confirmed they are speaking to the deceased man's family and the Russian embassy in the city.
>Police and paramedics responded to calls from onlookers when the man apparently leapt or fell from the roof of the building at around 10:20 this morning but he was pronounced dead at the scene. According to one witness, he fell "like a torpedo." Police have advised there are no suspicious circumstances.
How is following a rookie being a bandwagoner?? Are you actually retarded?
No wonder he got dropped.
He is in Rome when he should be in Faenza
money from Bernie to save the sport from dying
the ONLY possible hint of entertainment is either a tight mercedes tussle throughout the season, or one of them trying to close a supposedly insurmountable points gap
and Rosberg isn't going to be closing any points gaps while Hamilton is in an insurmountable lead
>Franz Tost: We are more than happy to welcome Daniil back to Faenza and look forward to having a successful season with him
good luck with that.
> tfw memestappen crashes in spain
>Tag Heuer shit blows up
>no wonder he got dropped
>from a BUILDING
>and look forward to having a successful season with him
Wait, it's for the whole season not just Barcelona?
Seriously Red Bull are madmen. Sure I wouldn't have been surprised if Mad Amx Verstappen went to Red Bull in the next season but not in this very season. I'm really fucking shocked
Kvyat will be replaced by Pierre Gasly by the end of the season.
tfw Kvyat will be racing Lada cup next year
He's probably gonna bitch about Ricciardo slowing him down, then spin his shit into a wall trying to overtake.
> tfw memestappen crashes in spain
Helmut would come up with an excuse.
It's fucking bullshit.
How many races before Kvyat rage-torpedoes Mad Amx into a wall at great pace, thus sealing Amx's Senna-fate and cementing driver head protection?
R u stupid?
of course it's not one race, beacuse one race is not enough to fit the car, to connect with car and to show results
lol, if RB will swicth their pilots from race to race, they will lsoe on every field
>he does it again
>Swapping teams mid-season to get a better car
Is Amx Verstappen the next Fangio?
I've gotta say you're handling this pretty well, Dany
I never really understood why they signed Kvyat anyway. Never had an impressive drive
>b-but muh podiums
The only podiums were entirely based on luck. He was consistently slower than Ricciardo and he was essentially a place-holder for one of the STR guys
>“I told (Hamilton) to get on with it because there are 17 races left,” Ecclestone told London’s Times newspaper.
>“It is not the end of the world. He wasn’t moaning when he was winning, was he? Lewis has to learn,” the 85-year-old Briton added. “He is still going to win this world championship. I absolutely believe that.”
>He was consistently slower than Ricciardo
well he finished higher previous season
alos his car was(?) slower, as i mentioned by top-speed in qualifications
Somebody needs to shop this with Kyvat
Red Bull shows shitty attitude as a team. They should learn from Ferrari:
>Vettel in China
>Vettel crashes into his teammate at first turn destroying his race and damaging other cars
>Vettel whines on radio like a baby
>Vettel makes contact with Perez
>Vettel makes contact with Bottas
>Vettel performs crazy overtake at pit entrance under safety car
>Vettel is treated like a victim and not getting any penalties
It's unwinding, boys.
all this does is guarantee more shunts from Kvyat on Vettel
Чтo eбaть ты пpocтo чepтoвcки гoвopилa oбo мнe, мaлeнькaя cyкa? Я тeбe зкaжy, я зaкoнчил вepшинy мoeгo клacca в BДB, и я пpинимaл yчacтиe в мнoгoчиcлeнных ceкpeтных peйдoв нa Aль-Кaидoй, и y мeня ecть бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я тpeниpoвaлcя в пapижcкoм вoйны, и я cвepхy cнaйпep в цeлых poccийcких вoopyжeнных cил. Bы ничтo для мeня, нo тoлькo дpyгaя цeль. Я пpoтpитe тeбe нaхpeн c тoчнocтью, пoдoбных кoтopым никoгдa нe видeли paньшe нa этoй Зeмлe, зaпoмнитe мoи чepтoвы cлoвa. Bы дyмaeтe, чтo вы мoжeтe yйти c тoгo, чтo дepьмo для мeня чepeз Интepнeт? Пoдyмaйтe eщe paз, yблюдoк. Кaк мы гoвopим Я кoнтaктиpyю мoй ceкpeтный ceть шпиoнoв пo вceй Poccии, и вaш IP-тpaccиpyeтcя пpямo ceйчac, тaк чтo вaм лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к штopмy, кoзy. Штopм, кoтopый cтиpaeт жaлкий нeбoльшoe вeщь ты нaзывaeш твoя жизнь. Tы нaхoдишьcя чepтoвcки мepтвых, мaлыш. Я мoгy быть гдe yгoднo, в любoe вpeмя, и я мoгy yбить тeбя в бoлee ceмиcoт cпocoбaми, и этo тoлькo гoлыми pyкaми. Я нe тoлькo oбyчeн пpиeмaм pyкoпaшнoгo бoя, нo y мeня ecть дocтyп кo вceй apceнaлe Boздyшнo-дecaнтныe вoйcкa, и я бyдy иcпoльзoвaть eгo в пoлнoй мepe, чтoбы вытepeть зaдницy жaлкий c лицa кoнтинeнтa, нeбoльшoe дepьмa. Ecли бы тoлькo ты мoг знaть, чтo нeчecтивый вoзмeздиe вaш мaлeнький "yмный" кoммeнтapий был гoтoв oбpyшить тeбe, мoжeт быть, ты бы пpoвeли cвoй гpeбaный язык. Ho ты нe мoг, ты нe cдeлaл, и тeпepь ты плaтишь цeнy, ты идиoт пpoклятый. Я дepьмo яpocть вce нaд тoбoйи ты тoнyть в нeм. Tы нaхoдишьcя чepтoвcки мepтв, дeткa.
Fucking kek I don't even need to translate that.
maybe vergne had already been shown the door when vettel quit?
Same. Immediately recognizable as the gorilla warfare pasta.
>Mad Amx to Red Bull
>Kwyat to Torro Rosso
Holy shit Red Bull. That's pretty brutal.
Fuck's sake Bernie, Don't do this to me.
>The funny thing is Red Bull have punished their own driver more for misbehaviour on track than the FIA did
fucking kek.
This was solely done to make sure Max gets a Red Bull contract.
Hopefully he crashes and dies or cucks them and joins Ferrari.
>this fucker will never die
They probably used this promotion to lengthen Max's contract. They said "sign for an extra 2 years and we put you in the RB at the next race". So now they don't have to worry about him being poached.
Also, it's possible Kvyat's hit on VET was malicious and not simply a mistake. Maybe KVY was butthurt about VET chewing him out in China. That would make the harsh punishment more understandable.
hey be nice to Jordan
>tfw no Eddie to give his opinion about this whole Red Bull saga.
>Activate it
Not while there exists the blood of virgins paid as part of each race contract that Bernie drinks to sustain himself.
Damned voodoo.
>he will never pay for my blood
feels batman