Au/sp/ general

Kamau is the Australian Sterling edition


>fucking everyone is leaving Adelaide
>Eels in full JFMSU mode
>don't know what's going on in AFL, probably a drug/domestic violence/rape scandal

JayFC blooper video when

Can we actually get some posters this time?

Other urls found in this thread:

Reality cunt on aborted narrative watch


First for da bloos

aleague blooper comes out in a couple of weeks

and you used the wrong picture you stupid newcunt

It will be out in the next week and will be more than 20 min long.

Feel free to screencap.

Will indigenous round jerseys just be normal jerseys but with a child's scribble on it again this year?

>aleague blooper
LOL this vid is so funny! lmao, if this was made in any other country people would hate it, but we Aussies love to "take the piss"!!!!! XD
we are so laid back, we can poke fun at ourselves and don't take ourselves too seriously! XDXDXD aussie larrakins!!

>tfw no Big 3 trips anymore

Fuck off Matt.

kys waba

what actually happened to that cunt

Fuck off Goose

For people who like to repeatedly tell foreigners that they are laid back, chill and able to handle the bants, you're not taking this well.
It's almost as though it's not true, and you just put it on to pander to Americans and to try and make them like you.

His proxy expired

Should I go see Crows vs GWS on the 28th?

Never heard of either of these teams.
What irrelevant sport is this? Baseball?

or moved to malaysia

Put what on?

What sport? is it on Foxtel?


>these insecure wogdive 'fans'

I still don't know which sport you are talking about

Ok you got me, should I turn on the trips again?

>ctrl+f "cunt"
>17 results
pander central

How is it pandering to foreigners when it's a thread full of Australians, talking amongst themselves?

Fuck off with these social club threads WABA

Just because only Australians are in the thread doesn't mean it magically disappears from the front page every time it's posted in.

Is that how you think posting on Sup Forums works?

People come here in an attempt to garner attention from Americans and Europeans? What planet are you on, friend.

No one uses the front page anymore grandpa

He is clearly out of his mind and out of touch with Sup Forums. You must be severally mentally ill if you can't even stay in touch with Sup Forums (the only social contact you have in your "life")

You know you're talking to Zerogoose, right? He thinks everything is pandering, including this post

freshies detected

Fixed m8

You're getting BTFO in that /r9k/ thread, cunt.

fucking hell this newcunts in r9k are too easy

The only post I've made in that thread is the ironic Vegemite one. There are obviously other people who have caught on to what you losers are doing.
You know full well that if that thread wasn't labelled as an "AUS" thread, or if you were posting on Sup Forums without flags or a designated thread, you would NOT be acting the way you do. You would NOT be using "cunt", "m8", "glass" every second word in an attempt to pretend to be someone you're not. This is a fact and you know it as much as I do.

Who is the Donald Trump of au/sp/?

I would though.

How the fuck does Jesse White get a game in 2016

Friendly reminder that this man is a legend

Fatt on weight watchers

What sport?
Netball or something?

Mind if i change the station to radio hauraki?

this wasn't me, although now im mentioned i will point out I invented au/sp/

You did no such fucking thing.

you sure, freshfriend?

r9k literally poo'd the fuck out by me

it's amazing that even on fucking /r9k/ australians will try to push that pathetic "image" of themselves

it's because they have no personality or identify so they cling on to one that is manufactured, it's quite pathetic really
never forget








Is this the designated /walk/ thread?



>/afl/ willingly same thread with gay-league and nrlel

it's over, absolutely pathetic.

Nothing wrong with liking the A-League senpai.

t. stavros zacharoyannis

cricket lads

t. alessio nardiello