What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He means he has to gear up to cuck Shillary out of the presidency.
He will be getting another hair transplant on that day.
He's not attending the fight
Can you not read famalam?
Anyone notice how rich/high intellect people watch boxing over the 20 year old frat and rednecks watching UFC?
meeting with his jewish overlords
>goes to GGG fights
>skips Canelo
>Canelo ducking GGG like a coward
The wall just got ten feet higher.
>high intellect people
This is why America is fucked.
Say what you want about Trump's ideas/personality but he's rich as fuck, he has to be at least a little smart. He even has half a nation following him like Hitler.
How's the Muslim mayor doing?
Yes, Achmed
I hope Brits enjoy getting cucked out of existence on the island their ancestors died for
t.labour cuck
He was born wealthy. It's easy to become even richer if you are already rich. Having said that, he's smart enough to get brainless sheep like and to mindless defend him on an anonymous imageboard. He certainly knows what he's doing.
>many reports
>He certainly knows what he's doing.
So you agree he's intelligent.
He is much smarter than he looks. This highschool jock character he has created attracts the sheeple, the votes that count. In reality, he is not going to build a wall, invade countries left and right or force the US dollar on China. Basically, he is going to do nothing that makes him less rich.
Take 100 richest people from 2000 and compare it to 100 richest from 2015, see lot of same names? Yeah, its not that easy even tho it may look like it to some plebs
Who are you hypnotized by? Don't be shy. Share with us your controllers. Follow the puppet strings. Who owns you?
It would really help Trump shed the "Trump is a racist bigot" notion of he attended a fight between a Mexican and a Muslim
Trump turned $1 million into $4 billion, let me see you turn $1 thousand into $4 million
>he is not going to build a wall
that's the one promise he HAS to keep. It's the entire basis of his campaign
>he's rich as fuck, he has to be at least a little smart
>inheriting is smart
>he is not going to build a wall
I think he actually will do this. The cost would be a drop in the bucket in our budget, it would keep the voters happy, and it would be a useful public works program so he could trumpet to the heavens about all the jobs he created.
>invade countries left or right
true, but I don't think he said he would ever do that
>or force the US dollar on China
when did he ever say he would do that?
I want the wall
Lmao it's a philosophical metaphor. A rallying cry for people with similar ideologies.
The desire for wall is important and unifying. WALL. It will be beautiful. BUILD. Mexicans will build it.
It's not a linear scale. Someone with £1M has much more options than someone with only £1K, especially in real estate. Not to mention that property was a lot cheaper back when Trump was young.
>start out with an inheritance of 40 million
>now has a net worth of 4 billion
He certainly couldn't have done it without inheriting first, but it's still fairly impressive imo
>like Hitler
Bernout pls go and stay go
he's making a porno with his daughter to show the world that having small hands isn't a problem for him
>all the bern faggots itt
He's called Drumpf, he should be proud of his heritage!
People who believe the Trump is dumb meme are dumber than Trump voters
He profited with campaign contributions for tax reliefs from the very same financial and political system he wants to fight now. He is a fraud.
>when you're going all out, but you don't know how to spell your favourite buzzwords
better than cunt merkel doing everything in her power to ruin germany
>expecting a GDR politician to not try to ruin the FRG
can't wait for trump farage le pen and that bitch from adf fucks all you ahmeds out of existence
He's going to build a wall
His foreign policy is isolationist outside of Isis
We will not be China's bank anymore
>advice from Spain about how to run a country
Oh I am laffin
Sup Forums is a liberal shit hole, everything makes sense now!
The quadriga of hope. Europe's last chance.
its hilarious that the SJW bernfags dont even realize trump is the most socially liberal candidate out of all 3 of the shit candidates that look like they are front runners
Aschually, Sup Forums is moderate on the politics scale
Many liberals and many conservatives
How the fuck is a mysoginist ,anti Latino , islamaphobe socially liberal?
great contribution, good point
i am convinced now thanks
He is dumb. If he was smart, he'd be conning smart people. Instead he's conning dumb poor people with Trump University. Rich, smart people con other rich people.
lmao, you sound like you actually believe those to be bad traits, fucken cuntslave
>if you don't suck Trump's cock then you must be a liberal
Typical underage memelord mentality. Trump's persona is a character meant to pander to the brainless masses (i.e. people like you). Remember that Trump has a background in reality TV, he knows all about how to make himself appealing to the typical American.
That's not to say that Trump is a bad candidate. If he does become president, he won't actually do half the shit he claims he wants to do (mainly because the president alone doesn't actually have that much power in the grand scheme of things).
>anti abortion
>anti drug legalisation
>anti immigration
>socially liberal
>another trump thread
>mysoginist ,anti Latino , islamaphobe
>implying there's anything wrong with that
However the executive office is paramount want to comes to the climate of our foreign-policy agenda
His America first rally cry and his critics of our allies not upholding promises is something even I can agree with
At least he isn't planning on intentionally destroying the country like your dear leader
Fucking kill yourself. Actually someone else probably will before long
Honestly reading up on USFL made me ditch Trump.
How the fuck are you gonna join a competing football league and be stupid enough to stop playing in Spring and try to compete with NFL's schedule? Are you that dense?
>all these Rasheeds itt
Disappointing tbqh
Basically a bunch of losers.
Cause trump's an idiot and terrible business man.
People that are tired of freaks and useless subhumans screeching at the top of their lungs.
time for all the human waste to be discarded to the gutter where it belongs
>terrible business man
Too busy preparing to be the next President of the United States of America.
Doesn't work that way. If you start with a lot of money and connections it's easier to leverage up and expand more rapidly
I can't stand the lgbt swarm but if you idiots genuinely think that retard is the answer then I refer you back to the article
I can't believe it's going to be either that cunt Hillary or that retard who is the next president
I'm very glad that the moral police ultra religious right is dead with Ted Cruz though
>mysoginist [sic]
he loves women
>anti latino
hey, héctor, all he wants is beaners to stop flooding us with drugs, violence and illegal immigrants
because being scared of a genocidal religion is bad?
she is in compliance with the transatlantic policies which rule germany since WW2
you better ask yourselves why obongo is encouraging her and the plans of his sponsors
I dont think hes even close to the answer, but if my choices really are between fucking Trump and Clinton Im going with Trump.
I would rather have the flu than AIDS
Then just vote third party. I know a lot of people like the idea of Johnson but no one takes libertarians seriously, but if you vote for him he may get federal funding.
Do you really expect anything to change for the better in our shitty two party system?
It's still unbelievable to me how Merkel's opinion in Germany has changed so much since your last election
I remember some critics calling her too nationalistic and peeps defending her
How a politician can change so much in months is amazing
Trump supporters genuinely believe the ocean of memes he's ran on. Guarantee you nothing will done about illegals and people who think he's going to bring jobs here need to stop huffing oven cleaner
>just throw your vote in the garbage can
>Do you really expect anything to change for the better in our shitty two party system?
Nope, but someone like Trump could be the disaster needed to break the chains. Hilary is just more of the same
>white men
Vote based on logic.
>women, black and latino men
Vote based on emotion.
Trump is going to go at Hillary hard because the demographics he needs to flip don't care whatsoever about sound policy. All they care about is muh pc feelings.
>i dont understand finance or economics: the post
Because libertarian party is even more meme than trump
Isn't john mcafee one of there party candidate for Petes sake
Her masters told her to switch gears.
Fair enough, I just like the idea of a third parrty finding it's way to the rest of the pack. But honestly, if you want a fuck up to break the chains, I'd bank on Hillary getting indicted. Rumor is if she gets indicted post-nomination, Biden will be the new nominee. That shit could KILL the Democratic party.
No one's taking him seriously, to be fair.
You don't know what you're on about, if anything whites are the most degenerate group and spics are faaaaaaar more conservative, only issue is immigration
Aren't the Democrats getting 70%+ of Hispanic votes every election?
Latinos for the past couple of decades have gone on the Democrat side, every election. The closest was GWB vs Kerry, Bush got 40% of the vote.
Democrats get all the minority votes
Its immigration, Latinos hate and are far less accepting of the lgbt shit. That are not a PC people
It fluctuates
--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21
--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24
--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39
--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36
--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51
--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27
--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18
--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36
--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44
Exactly. says the only issue hispanics differ from Republicans is immigration, yet they vote over 70% against every election because they want their family and friends to have special privileges. That's called voting with emotion. That's what women do.
But they are poor immigrants and people vote with their wallet more than there social values
Trump has unironically been getting a lot of Latino votes and it's probably because of all the tranny shit and because they don't think women should be president
Technically, if you're a Latino who's there legally then Trump's policies will not affect you at all.
The president has the power to deport illegals, build the wall, keep muslims out, and threaten other countries with tarrifs.
Nigel Cuckrage is a paki enabler.
He only hates European immigrants and is very much for non-white immigration to the UK.
Also, Le Pen is a Russian puppet.
Petry, Wilders and Akesson are the best right-wing hopes in the EU.
Hillary has a bad opinion among men
Trump has a bad opinion among women
We'll see how this election goes
It still affects their family members, though.
I'd know, someone here in my family overstayed their visa but is trying to stay here anyway, plans to be a doctor and already graduated from med school.
you'll be the first one catapulted over The Wall
wigger faggot
Trumpfags are way worse than trump. Sup Forumstards and edgy redditors latched onto him and completely skewed my image of him
>can't stump the trump xD
>build wall xD
>muh muslim hysteria
>muh bathroom bill
Yet whenever trump says something that's vaguely liberal, these same people go "SEE? TRUMP CARES ABOUT MINORITIES. HE'S A GOOD GUY HE'S NOT RACIST" and then go back to their racist shitposting
Honestly baffling
So whites voting for tranny rights are not voting with emotion?
Americans whites are easily the most degenerate group. Matter of fact, If you fap to trannys and post on Sup Forums you should be shot
Securing borders and keeping terrorists out of the country isn't racist. You couldn't name one racist thing Trump has ever said.
tbf you have to be pretty smart to play all the angry rubes as well as trump has
That's what I mean. Trump isn't actually that bad but his followers are literally stormfront
Biden versus Trump debate would be huge
It's going to be a close therefore Trump wins in a close one.