H-hey user thanks for buying me lunch :-3
H-hey user thanks for buying me lunch :-3
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>participation awards from youth sports lining windowsill
This is the best taco salad bowl thing in the world. Its the eeeeeehuuuuge. I'm the best taco salad bowl thing eater.
Do you even have any idea how much his ex wife costs? Thats the worlds most expensive plate coaster
What is his point?
Probably eating with his future VP
oh wait
The point is "LE SILLY MAN XD t. vote for Hillary"
He's being a liberal cunt who has to point out anything seemed negative regarding Trump. This guy makes Liberals so fucking butthurt its amazing.
It's funny that Milo is such a feminine faggot. It probably blows the minds of SJWs
Damn, can't wait til Hillary wins. Will be another loss for Sup Forums. Maybe they'll finally leave their basement, seek counseling, and finally get laid.
camedy geld
Wait, I thought you were buying...
Trump is such a goofball.
vote for Hillary. Do not be a cuck voting for drumpf
She ate one to many taco bowls
>voting for shillary
>Voting for a Republican
Sorry I'm smart
Southern genes coming back to haunt her desu
still would desu
>taco belle
>on welfare
I've never in my life met a masculine white male Democrat voter
Try again, buddy. Your friendly Southernors are the ones with the highest rate of welfare use. You know, the states that go 60/40 red.
And I've never met a respectful, articulate, intelligent Republican. What's your point?
>voting for wall street
are you retarded my cuck friend?