Is there any city or province in Canada where soccer is the most popular?
the city or the province of soccer in Canada
Is there any city or province in Canada where soccer is the most popular?
the city or the province of soccer in Canada
they all like hockey best
I know that in Canada, there is a city where soccer is more popular than hockey
if you know then why are you asking us?
Of the three cities where there are MLS teams, there's a way more popular NHL team.
Hockey is literally the national religion. That's like saying there are areas of Alabama where people aren't racist.
come on.
Should there be a place in Canada where the soccer popularidas excess of hockey?
Maybe wherever they put all those Syrian refugees.
the answer is no
very much no
maximum no
as no as it can be
not even a little bit, just no
Maybe literally inside the stadium at a Toronto FC game, but even then if there was hockey on the TVs their eyes would wander.
please dont. i was at a mnt game in toronto and they did the refugees welcome banner.
Should there be somewhere in Canada where Soccer is the most popular sport?
Canada is a meme country so we only play meme sports.
No. Fuck you. This is asking if there's an area in Brazil where the popularity of basketball exceeds that of soccer. This is a troll thread.
I think so
Just find pockets of poor, uneducated, illiterate, brown immigrants who smell like shit and there's your answer.
no hay lugar en Canadá, donde el fútbol es el deporte más popular
I hate football in South America
I just like the soccer of the United States and Canada
>they continue to reply
>I just like the soccer of the United States and Canada
then watch it
you dont need it to be "the most popular"
america likes football best, and canada likes hockey best, but theres fans in both countries that like soccer too.
if you need it to be the most popular sport in order to like it, then you're never going to like it.
yo se que en Canadá hay algún lugar donde el soccer sea el deporte mas popular
What I can where to go in the United States or in Canada to find a place where soccer is the most popular sport?
si sabe que entonces por qué nos estás preguntando?
there is no place like that. it does not exist.
there are some places where soccer is kind of popular, but there is nowhere that soccer is the most popular.
porque quiero saber si ustedes tiene la respuesta
nadie tiene la respuesta. todos excepto usted sabe que no hay lugar como ese
>This is asking if there's an area in Brazil where the popularity of basketball exceeds that of soccer.
I hate Europe football, and also hate South America football
I just want soccer united states and canada
>that tiny arena
>there are less soccer fans in that area than the few basketball fans there
still a bad example though, a better example would be an area in brazil where cricket is the most popular sport.
>I just want soccer united states and canada
then watch it
there are no places in the united states and canada where soccer is the most popular
you can still watch it anyways though
I think he wants to live there
In whuch case, build wall
but I just like playing soccer in the US and Canada
not really, but in my city there still are quite a soccer fields, both indoor and outdoor that are decent, and you could find a team/league no matter what you're skill level at any age even though its probably the 6th or 7th most popular sport
>it's a Costa Rican soccer thread
Why do y'all still reply to these
America. These Americans in the thread are trolling. Almost every American city has a vibrant soccer scene with many fans. Have fun, user!
dime ¿cual es la ciudad del soccer en canada?
yeah i think there is
please tell me what is that Canadian city where soccer is the most popular sport?
i have to go, bye
I dunno bro, Toronto?
You're thinking of cricket
> poor, uneducated, illiterate
>smell like shit
reminds me a lot of rural white people
Alberta = Canada = Alberto = Portugal = Soccer
Move to Alberta if you want the real soccer experience.
lmao does scarberia count as its own city? I live here and every non-white kid watches or plays. I'm not white btw.
In certain pockets of Toronto soccer is the main sport
no it's cuckpuck city over there
More people play soccer in Canada than hockey.
This level of autism.
>costa rica banana wrangler
Woodbridge probs. That whole town is littered with wops.