Death penalty when?

Death penalty when?

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Sandusky is innocent.

>it's an american """sports""" drama thread


but he's already dead

If everyone that fucked kids went to prison then everyone would be in prison

macedonia pls go

>JoePa had no idea

That was the biggest Meme in pedd state history.

>This was 5 years ago

Holy fucking shit. I remember moot rythmically slapping the referee like it was yesterday.

College football is far more important than some shitty orphans getting felt up

Anybody listen to the new sandusky cd?

He gave bj to these kids

What did he abuse?

Daily reminder that Penn State students celebrated after their football ban was lifted

So waht are they complaining about?

they were never banned tho

He rhythmically slapped his bare torso against the bare buttocks and back of a young boy in the shower

>1976 huh? back then we just called it bone-stickery. AND WE LIKED IT
>people used to mind there damn business back then

Slap slap slapping

i believe he already got his death penalty, bruh

Boys who get diddled tend to end up gay drug addicts or kill themselves

Old man smell

Hilary Clinton's husband is a serial rapist. Why should I care about this?



I don't think he's a rapist but Hilary is a huge cuck for staying with him to boost her political career

his list of rape accusations isn't that different from Cosby's

But he based though

Nobody. Some kids got their dick sucked and they got upset about it for some reason

>Repeal Glass Steagall

Hope you get violently sodomized by a man 3x your size with no lube

>tfw no bearmode bf 3x my size to abuse my boipucce

>getting all mad over a little bit of boipussy

He did pound a kid from behind in a shower. I can see why he would be upset.

I expect this from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, even /r9k/, but when did this become a thing at Sup Forums?

He's a good man.

Can we all agree on a separate note that 15 year old girls can be sexy and all men know it but just don't admit it in public because you'll commit social suicide?

pls newfag you obviously were never around here when Penn State was a fresh scandal

Just like in your animes, right, faggot?

>being this mad no one wanted to abuse you

why were you such an ugly kid?

Canada, what happened to your leaf?

I only come here for the game threads. I use to come for the power rankings but fun no allowed anymore

It's a custom in peru for an old man to rape you as a child

What a dick

Gotta think Joe was fucking little boys, too. Normal people would be disgusted by the activity and turn in Sandusky, JoePa didn't care because he wanted some of the boipussy too.

When Sup Forums get flooded by SJWs? Thank for the (You)'s though

why the green

>tfw Sanducky got more sacks from children than Hackenberg

muh irish heritage

probably state patty's day

State Patty's day

ow the edge

you think its a coincidence he died right after?

he was human garbage and he had finally been exposed to the world

Disband the program
Dissolve the whole school

I spent 10 years in state prison.

I was there with murderers, drug dealers, hitmen, a made man, and we universally agreed that if you did anything to a child you were worse than fucking dirt and you were done. Fuck Sandusky. I wish he was locked up with us. And Joe Pa too. Brooms up the rectum would only be the start. You don't fuck with kids man.

speaking for non scumbags, we don't need criminals to deal out what they consider justice to other criminals

we got this, just sit there and be a leech on society without committing even more crimes you pieces of shit

Random rant but this girl doesn't know what its like to work for anything. Pretty, blonde, petite and gigantic tits. SJW fags always preach about white privilege, but nothing comes close to pretty girl with humongous tits privilege.

>them tits
>that frame
>all that beauty

I do feel bad for her back though

I miss based Ref Mod, nigger had the best bantz

I'm sure she has enough beta orbiters that would personally push her up for support all day long if she wanted. Plus, those things are probably fake.

Hi Elliott


Has anyone's reputation been completely and irreversibly BTFO this bad before? He was a god to his people, now we all see him as a child rape enabler AT BEST.

Fake tits are one hell of a high school graduation present.

but he's right, hit girls of any color (besides black) will always be happy not matter what. And then they turn 40.

>weak chin


I've never understood why women's looks fall off a cliff at around 40-45 years old. It's fairly disturbing, one day you're sleeping with a 10/10 and then the next morning the bitch is a solid 7.

I think you guys mean 25-30 for the average girl these days that pisses away their looks with constant partying.

When you live your whole life a certain way for 40 years and then you no longer get special treatment it fucks with you and you become crazy. Source: my mom.

Thanks for being mad as fucj

no longer fertile = completely useless to the species

now, if that were a proper AI, he would have punched the arshole.

The First Law of Robotics is that they mustn't harm a human being

I think he means for Penn State, as in the death penalty for the uni. Which is not gonna happen for something that occurred 40 years ago. That said, this will end the "Joe was robbed" counterattacks.

the first law of man was also not to kill thy neighbor, but here we are, year of our lord 2016

Why are you on Sup Forums if you think like this? are you undercover to find pedos and then expose and/or get them yourself?
In case you didn't notice a very large part of our culture is pedo/loli.
I mean *rape* to anyone is bad, but are you seriously saying 17 is too young to bang? 16?15? how young is broomstick worthy?

>how to spot a Sup Forums fag in 0.2 seconds

You seriously got triggered at the sight of a gorgeous woman and went on that entire pointless rant as a result.

I didn't know this level of beta actually existed.

Elliot? Don't get this meme.
Yeah? A girl from my high school got giant fake tits for her 18th birthday from her rich dad who lived in Hawaii. The surgeon even gave her a $1000 gift certificate to Victoria secret (guessing he does it for all his clients). You honestly think this isn't a common thing nowadays? Sheltered much?

>I don't think he's a rapist

lol, what's it like being a media sheep?

Just an observation. I don't think a few sentences qualifies an "an entire rant" in which I'm triggered. I think you're the triggered one little man. :^}

>sheltered much

Oh sorry, I've got better things to do with my life than live in Cosmo magazine keeping up with young sluts getting boob jobs. Projecting much?

>robot = Sup Forums
>man = mods
>box = fun

>paterno and sandusky were dping 5 year olds literally since before star wars came out

but just think about what happened to both guys since they stopped. dead and in jail for life. im not saying babyrape is a get out of jail free card and fountain of youth, but im not not saying it

Chris Benoit and maybe OJ

Robots know their place, just like you in highschool

>tfw you know deep down no other school will ever get the death penalty even if they deserve it

Chad Morris will rebuild you famalam

Regulatory cocksuckers had already been letting banks work around it though.

>his autobiography was called "touched"

He's like a cartoon villain who intentionally left clues behind.

UNC should've gotten it, what they did was way worse than you, worst shit any school's ever done that falls within the NCAA's jurisdiction. Blueblood's play by different rules though, "The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky it will probably slap another two years probation on Cleveland State."

>The final line of the book is: "I ended my career the way I wanted it to end. ... This is how I have been touched by so many people in my lifetime, and how I hope I can add a little touch to others' lives as well."

>NCAA giving the death penalty to a blueblood
good one, OP

good man

he didnt do anything

not cool

that just seems so odd for a parent to do in my opinion

Plausible. But then again it could be that he literally didn't care and just wanted to protect the program

Fuck thats even worse than the book OJ wrote

>being this new
That's an /r9k/ rant m8