Stars / Blues thread #2

OT happening?



Hemsky gonna score the winner.

Why is Finnish goaltending a meme?

Are refugees welcome in Finland?

nth for blues

Blues playing dirty nothing new here, fuck them and their scum fanbase and all these snow ape Canadians that hate Dallas for no apparent reason.

Vladibanko score with 4:25

Because they all suck and give up soft goals

please no OT i'm so tired



>booty blasted stors

Check em

when is the Blackhawks game??



If the Blues cant win with all the refpuck idk what to tell ya, turn your stick in you shit players

As a Blues fan I wish these canadians would hop off our dicks.

>6 men on the ice

not really

donskoi scored btw

Anybody else see this wiener dog commercial.

>Canada laughing at teams that are not in the playoffs

The damage control begins

>turn your stick in you shit players
What kind of mexican tier banter is this. That's just awkward sounding.

Only if they are black.
And made out of rubber.

Can you even watch the game over the wall.

So when does Gary call and give the stors a PP so the series gets evened up

Before OT or during OT?

Goddamn joo captcha

Feels like this might go to OT

>Mexico laughing at anyone

stfu we're finallythe good guys

Ok kid you can stop with the edgy racism, Im from Sup Forums and I have more Trump memes than you have bandwagon fans but you dont see me being an edgelord posting about race every comment on a sports board.

why are they called turnovers and not turnunders?

>Finnish goaltending

>Mexico being in a /hoc/ thread

Teach us our secrets, sensei

>dirty players starting fights
>good guys
Ha ha

Fuck off Bobby Knight

When I was younger I used to think San Jose was a mexican team.

Dallas has lost in OT, what, 4 times now to the blues?

Time to add another to the list.



who won the heat raptor game

Doesn't matter if Bloos don't try to shoot in the first place
Which they haven't

It's relevant when the grammar from Dallass fans is actually weird and meme tier.

You need to lurk other boards more often. Sup Forums isn't the only place with nationality-focused bantz.

>Elliott gets the penalty shot

Does it matter? Neither of them will make it to the ship

everyone lost

Welp, OT.

Mexican hockey fans don't even try to assimilate

Plz Trudeau no more weed

We shoot out now


final two digits are how many minutes it will take for the game winning goal. if the last two digits are odd, blues win, even, stars win.

i did, probably shouldn't have since white people still judge and my own people hate me for supporting trump

You guys suck dick

Its Sup Forums stop crying about grammar you booger eating white boi

san Jose has a black indian on their team

My god she's gonna look like utter shit once age catches up

When I was a kid San Jose didn't show up on my atlas so Iegitimately thought the team was based in the capital of Costa Rica.

fuckin gross

That dress is ill fitting.

Which kind of indian?


Im a veteran here on Sup Forums but if you guys keep being racist in every one of your edgy posts i will be forced to report you, that IS against Sup Forums board rules, final warning


>its another dallas loses a game in OT to the blues based off of a penalty episode

poo in loo

Because those titties will be a swinging, but they are great right now.

How many years until Justin Verlander divorces her?

Depends on if he was a dumbfuck and didn't prenup her ass up.

omg how comfy would a st louis Nashville wcf be?

>Im a veteran here on Sup Forums
we /hoc/ cringe thread now?

>implying this is attractive

ive never understood the appeal of this girl or jennifer lawrence

>I'm not a tits guy

>can't handle the nasty hombres

> i will be forced to report you, that IS against Sup Forums board rules

fucking piece of nigger afterbirth faggot bitch fuckboy dallass sharts sissy cocksucker chilishitting tacobending cactusnigger fucked by an earthmover cuckboi mexicoon

There's enough angry people that will vote for Trump as there is Mexicans scared of being deported.

Should be an interesting summer, maybe Hillary will do a fake Mexican accent like her token southern accent.

Let's be honest, no real man wants a bitch like Godzillary running the country even if you hate Trump.

So who gets the first refpuck in OT? Gotta think it will be the stors because the NHL wants to keep the series close.

>never understood the appeal.

Are you joking m8?

This is a good post.

I like to think of myself as an honorary mod, I scratch their backs and they scratch mine, its why they never banned Cowboys fedora posting in /nfl/ and its why I can have you banned at the snap of my fingers, plus I buy a yearly Sup Forums captcha pass, I help keep this site alive, youre just a cancer to this site.

How do you even come to that conclusion from that post?

>People talking about "dirty play"
>In hockey

Fucking newfaggot cancer shits, you fags would have had a fit in eras past

Just low test beta "men"

Pay them no mind

Jesus christ, those are some serious cannons

is.. that.. a quarter white quarter hispanic quarter asian quarter black girl.. wtf am i looking at here

Bet you're a wongs fans

Aren't ya?

r u serious

Hilary has always worn the pants, even when bill was president.
Bill being beloved is the only thing that's going to get Hillary in.

Not? I'd much prefer SJ v STL 2bh famalam

>blah blah why can't I board and slash people nonstop
ladies and gentlemen, the blues

ban me nigger

Hey I found the newfag black Blues fan, hockey be lit!! Why u whiteys be hiding hockey?!


Do yourself a favor and Google Marley Pulz my friend, you will not be disappointed

>Sup Forums works nepotically like reddit
This is brilliant bait. It's like you copy/pasted a post from r/hockey and changed a couple words.

Hahaha, your daddy works for nintendo too, rite?

ehhhhhh. Overplayed it. Fun while it lasted though.

Give me webms of that happening tonight

Utterly cringeworthy

Lets see I brought up DALLAS cowboys fedora posting in a DALLAS stars thread, why would I be a wings fan, are you retarded?

Get a load of this faggot

Phlip girl, so basically yeah.